Ok skipped the side couple

CuriousGumWad July 7, 2024 11:50 am

It felt very fast paced and rushed and I half-thought the story was a non fantasy and that the guy wasn't a vampire but just the delinquent being very dumb and when the vampire turned into a wolf I legit thought he was just a werewolf and was going to correct the delinquent. T hey rush the romance and have it be they fell in love because "sex" which is normal for yaoi and it starts off kinda maybe-rapey-normal yaoi slop. I'll give it points for having a taller, buffer uke with hairy legs that acts like a brute for most of the story and a confident collected quiet sleek seme. But most of the extra side stuff is just the vampire getting horny while the uke acts like a himbo and it feels like the uke is into the seme one sidedly while the seme is only in it for the sex from what has been shown as they don't really "date" persay just get horny over each other.

The side couple chapter was so jarring and out of place I damn near thought the uke was a pretty woman and was somewhat disappointed because yaoi typically ignores heterosexual pairings and yuri pairings and it would've been a nice change of pace to the norm but alas I shouldn't critique it for not going against the grain. I was very offput by the side couple because they had nothing to do with the main couple not relatives, not classmates and not even the bare minimum of having one of them be a vampire (I skimmed the thing they were childhood friends so likely not a vampire)

    jo ^^ July 26, 2024 2:38 pm

    hmm a lot of yaoi manga have sides with random couples in them tho?

    CuriousGumWad July 26, 2024 3:06 pm
    hmm a lot of yaoi manga have sides with random couples in them tho? jo ^^

    The ones I've read usually have the side couple introduced in the main story as side characters in the form of relatives, enemies or friends.

    jo ^^ July 26, 2024 3:11 pm
    The ones I've read usually have the side couple introduced in the main story as side characters in the form of relatives, enemies or friends. CuriousGumWad

    yea there r those like that but ive read a lot of manga with a side couple completely unrelated to the main so i didnt think it was weird at all