I seriously don't get how there are people want him to end up with brother. i thought it's...

question February 27, 2017 9:46 am

I seriously don't get how there are people want him to end up with brother. i thought it's black and white. is it enjoyment out of someone's pain? I know this is fiction. But this is honest question to ones who wants the brother-route.
I feel stabbing pain every time i see that disgusting brat. Why do you want him? any reason?

    Anonymous February 27, 2017 9:55 am

    It blows my mind too. He is literally miserable. Dying inside...and some ppl.. just don't care? Maybe we're soft. Idk. Even if it's fiction I can't help but feel bad for him. He is so unhappy.

    Anonymous February 27, 2017 9:55 am

    Ok I am a neutral party but even I know why, cuz senpai is a fucking dick. Try reversing the roles. If the bro had been told that Haruki was raped, do u think he would just kick him out of the room and say "that's disgusting"?! Hell no! The bro would most likely believe haruki, become enraged, go yandere on that rapist, and then return to another haruki in twisted affection. I'm not saying he wouldn't still be crazy when in senpais situation but at least he'd freaken do something. Even when senpai finally put the pieces together, he still tries to think of other possibilities like haruki was lying!! My god...

    Anonymous February 27, 2017 9:57 am
    Ok I am a neutral party but even I know why, cuz senpai is a fucking dick. Try reversing the roles. If the bro had been told that Haruki was raped, do u think he would just kick him out of the room and say "tha... @Anonymous

    *return to haruki and smother him in twisted affection

    Anonymous February 27, 2017 10:03 am
    Ok I am a neutral party but even I know why, cuz senpai is a fucking dick. Try reversing the roles. If the bro had been told that Haruki was raped, do u think he would just kick him out of the room and say "tha... @Anonymous

    I mean I get not liking the senpai. I can understand that. But the brother is a rapist. It wouldn't matter if he would believe him and go yandere on the guy when he does the same thing himself. Would just make him a hypocrite because he does the same thing.

    purplehairr February 27, 2017 12:18 pm

    Because the story seems to be biased on Hikaru. I don't know, maybe that's just me who thinks so. Before this, I was like normal people would root for Senpai until I saw chap 11 and I doubt it. Now I just don't care. I just wanna know how this manga will end.

    nema February 27, 2017 1:06 pm
    Ok I am a neutral party but even I know why, cuz senpai is a fucking dick. Try reversing the roles. If the bro had been told that Haruki was raped, do u think he would just kick him out of the room and say "tha... @Anonymous

    ugh he is an asshole and a rapist . who have not only raped once but again and agian knowing how hurt and tormented haruki is even if the situtaion were reversed i think after knowing haruki is raped hikaru would rape him again for being raped thats the kind of asshole hikaru is.yes senpai did not undersatnd the situation at that time but atleast he is realizing that what he had done is wrong and he should have helped him. he was trying to think of the possibilties because he was shocked and was hoping what he is thinking is not true about his brother does not mean he don't believe it he said let it be my imagination not its just my imagination haruki is probably lying . but hikarru he feels guilty for one minute that what hendoing is wrong and after that he do the same and rape him .

    nema February 27, 2017 1:10 pm

    ikr it makes me want to punch him till he drop dead he has passed the point of forgiveness everytime he go and apologize then he will rape him again which makes me more sick just go psychiatrist and leave your brother alone you raped you brother who was trying to help you he made him nothin but a broken shell and it just make me sad and makes me want to chop that mf dick really slowly in pieces so that he can never rape hikaru again just thinking about him makes my blood boil (︶︿︶)=凸

    nema February 27, 2017 1:16 pm
    ikr it makes me want to punch him till he drop dead he has passed the point of forgiveness everytime he go and apologize then he will rape him again which makes me more sick just go psychiatrist and leave your... nema

    haruki again*

    manganiME February 27, 2017 1:28 pm

    I don't get it either. I stopped reading some torture porn manhwa when I got more sick over the fan reactions than the sick dark stuff in the story--fans were rooting for a serial torturer-kidnapper-murderer cause he's "hot" and want the mc to be with this sick piece of crap. I'm like, people,people, please people. I feel the same here. Hikaru is a toxin. Haruki needs an antidote. Not more toxin.

    Anonymous February 27, 2017 1:36 pm
    I don't get it either. I stopped reading some torture porn manhwa when I got more sick over the fan reactions than the sick dark stuff in the story--fans were rooting for a serial torturer-kidnapper-murderer c... manganiME

    Well, as long as the rapist is hot the fujoshis don't mind. But when a middle aged fat hairy man came along, almost unanimously they said gross. Look at the Mob-san NPC manga.

    manganiME February 27, 2017 1:44 pm
    Well, as long as the rapist is hot the fujoshis don't mind. But when a middle aged fat hairy man came along, almost unanimously they said gross. Look at the Mob-san NPC manga. @Anonymous

    A mild rapish thing where no kinda means sorta yes, that's forgivable.
    A real rapist, real killer, real psycho, real torturer.....hell no. That is NOT sexy. That's a helluva deviation from sexy. I do not associate butchering someone with time for a hard-on.

    manganiME February 27, 2017 1:45 pm
    Well, as long as the rapist is hot the fujoshis don't mind. But when a middle aged fat hairy man came along, almost unanimously they said gross. Look at the Mob-san NPC manga. @Anonymous

    I wonder how many would be writing serial killers in prison--cuz sexy. :::blergh:::

    Jaz February 27, 2017 2:49 pm

    Logic of some fujoshi penis + penis = OTP no matter the circumstances. The more 2 penises come in contact the more compatible they are and since Haruki and Hikaru's have come in contact so much the 2 penises are meant to be together. Note, the seme must be good looking and the uke must be somewhat pleasant to the eye for this logical process.

    I don't think most people actual want the pair for that reason (I hope not anyways). A couple of reasons I've seen are:
    1. They want to continue seeing Haruki in pain or don't care
    2. They want a happy ending for everyone
    3. Hanabusa left Haruki but Hikaru is there (despite the fact that he's the source of his problems)
    4. They want them together because everyone else wants the opposite.
    5. "It's fiction so I can pair whoever the hell I want"
    I've yet to see a good reason for wanting the two to end up together.

    sangrientaluna February 27, 2017 4:38 pm
    Ok I am a neutral party but even I know why, cuz senpai is a fucking dick. Try reversing the roles. If the bro had been told that Haruki was raped, do u think he would just kick him out of the room and say "tha... @Anonymous

    this me the poster of the comment *forgot to log in then* i understand the senpai being a total a**hole. but still would you just turn to the rapist when you're turned down by your lover? wouldn't you first try survive? if a person rapes him so easily without considering this thoughts, he can actually kill him with the same psychology. But i like that psychiatry doctor, whom told those things to senpai's face. he needed to be reminded of his egoism

    sangrientaluna February 27, 2017 4:42 pm
    Because the story seems to be biased on Hikaru. I don't know, maybe that's just me who thinks so. Before this, I was like normal people would root for Senpai until I saw chap 11 and I doubt it. Now I just don't... purplehairr

    (commenter here) hmm. yeah he feels totally empty. THere are a lot of spaces to fill in. But i'd understand him fixing his problems, but nothing would come right about him if he gets together with haruki. For the rest. i totally feel like that as well. It kinda become pain to read.. but curiosity

    sangrientaluna February 27, 2017 4:46 pm
    ikr it makes me want to punch him till he drop dead he has passed the point of forgiveness everytime he go and apologize then he will rape him again which makes me more sick just go psychiatrist and leave your... nema

    (original commenter here) i totally feel you here. I wonder if it's similar to taking up on bad habits. You keep telling yourself to stop lying, smoking, drinking or whatever.. But when you try to fix it yourself.. everything falls down. and nothing actually gets fixed. and you keep telling yourself either you're fine with that and live with that mistake or believe you can fix it whenever it was necessary, but you can't see it is already necessary. For me, it is procrastination. But this level of habit is kind of crazy. It's not just bother to others, it affects another person's life

    sangrientaluna February 27, 2017 4:48 pm
    I don't get it either. I stopped reading some torture porn manhwa when I got more sick over the fan reactions than the sick dark stuff in the story--fans were rooting for a serial torturer-kidnapper-murderer c... manganiME

    (original commenter here) that's what i felt whenever i saw those comments.

    sangrientaluna February 27, 2017 4:53 pm
    Logic of some fujoshi penis + penis = OTP no matter the circumstances. The more 2 penises come in contact the more compatible they are and since Haruki and Hikaru's have come in contact so much the 2 penises ar... Jaz

    (original commenter here) lol this was the most expressive explanation here! Some people are really scary behind the screen. :|
    i don't think the happy ending for anyone would hikaru x haruki. Not even hikaru even if haruki is always smiling and head over heels, because he still doesn't acknowledge that it was wrong of him doing. And there is nothing healthy about someone loving you back after all this pain and agony.

    manganiME February 27, 2017 5:01 pm
    Logic of some fujoshi penis + penis = OTP no matter the circumstances. The more 2 penises come in contact the more compatible they are and since Haruki and Hikaru's have come in contact so much the 2 penises ar... Jaz

    Great analysis and summation.
    I do not want to reward Hikari. He needs to go get intensive therapy and stay awy from the person he pushed over the edge into a breakdown. He knew he was blackmailing and hurting him. HE KNEW . It wasn't just a spur of the moment, realizes, stops. No, it was a total controlling, using, not caring about damage or even if he might drive him to suicide.

    I cannot wish those two together. That's like wishing a molested child ends up with a molester (who wouldn't want a grown-up, probably, anyway). Are you effing kidding me? No! I do not want a torturer to go off on a lovely honeymoon with the person they tormented in the dungeon.

    Yeah, naw. It's fine if people have all their torture fantasies. That's their business. And yet...it's not romantic. Romance and love aren't torture, even if deviant sex does have rape and torture. It's effed up.

    Jaz February 27, 2017 5:48 pm
    Great analysis and summation.I do not want to reward Hikari. He needs to go get intensive therapy and stay awy from the person he pushed over the edge into a breakdown. He knew he was blackmailing and hurting h... manganiME

    Yeah I agree no rewards for Hikaru. I might have felt bad for Hikaru at the very beginning but once he decided to rape Haruki all sympathy was lost. A traumatic past does not excuse his choice to inflict pain on someone else even if it was out of "love". I doubt he'll get therapy, mostly because that rarely ever happens in manga, and right now I really don't care what happens to him as long as the ending is not happy for him. It'd be nice if he genuinely acknowledged that what he did was wrong but based on chapter 1 I have low hopes of that happening either ( ̄へ ̄)