Y'all the story is set this way. The author made Jiho do this for character development. He thinks he has to make up with his father even after all the things his father has done cause they're fAmIlY.
I personally think he'll learn that you don't have to forgive a person just cause they're family.
As for Inwoo, I personally think the author will introduce a valid reason for his mother leaving and I don't think they'll keep in touch but I do think that some kind of reconciliation will take place.
Cannot wait for Chungi and Boram interaction though
Is Chungi the green hair? He's having funny feeling to that innocent assistant. With him behave to Jiho like that, I don't want he just jump to another opportunity and ain the innocent guy. He need to fix himself first.
Is Chungi the green hair?He's having funny feeling to that innocent assistant. With him behave to Jiho like that, I don't want he just jump to another opportunity and ain the innocent guy. He need to fix himsel... Call Me by Your Name
Y'all the story is set this way. The author made Jiho do this for character development.
He thinks he has to make up with his father even after all the things his father has done cause they're fAmIlY.
I personally think he'll learn that you don't have to forgive a person just cause they're family.
As for Inwoo, I personally think the author will introduce a valid reason for his mother leaving and I don't think they'll keep in touch but I do think that some kind of reconciliation will take place.
Cannot wait for Chungi and Boram interaction though