
Bagel99 July 7, 2024 1:55 am

while what Jihyun did was obviously unforgivable, it really bothered me how they treated that so seriously but never Kyujin CONSTANTLY and REPEATEDLY crossing Chiwoo's boundaries, even after he was told multiple times to stop. It was annoying enough to read, but given what happened to Chiwoo, it seriously bothered me that it was treated as cute and endearing.

While Jihyun deserved the consequences, it felt strange to do that but then not acknowledge the double standards for Kyujin.
I know Kyujin did not end up literally SA'ing Chiwoo like Jihyun did, they still started doing the same things, crossing Chiwoo's boundaries and forcing their affection. I actually found Kyujin more grating because Chiwoo very clearly found him to be a nuisance and annoying for a GOOD while. It felt less like a natural affection build up and more like wearing Chiwoo down which to me is just...ugh.

Idk. I got to the end really disappointed he ended up Kyujin because tbh I don't think either of them deserved him. Nobody respected his boundaries.
Why were the same actions of two people treated so differently? Kyujin is treated like a puppy when he violated Chiwoo's boundaries almost as much as Jihyun did. it just gave me the ick so much.

I think Chiwoo shouldn't have ended up with either of them. It felt like rewarding Kyujin for being an incessant, boundary violating, self centered creep just because he didn't go the step further Jihyun did and SA him. Like congratulations of doing the bare minimum, ur still a creep that violates boundaries and forces unwanted affection onto ppl.

honestly I wish it was like some other BL we're they're so divorced from reality of relationships that u can kind of just ignore it.
This series told me to hate Jihyun because of what he did, but not what Kyujin did. It feels so mixed. Do you care about consent or not? at least pick ONE.

    Purky September 21, 2024 12:06 am

    They both need a healthy dose of "no mean no" frfr

    Seke October 3, 2024 12:53 am

    agreed!! I dislike Kyujin, he is pushy and Manipulative in his own way. He never listened.. pushed his affection onto Chiwoo despite Chiwoo telling him no repeatedly. He practically became stalkerish and forcing himself in Chiwoos life even when told to stay out. Im not saying Jihyun was all that great of guy.. and i dont think him and chiwoo would have ended well even if he was the love interest that was chosen. But i do not understand how Kyujin got a pass and made it to be the boyfriend. chiwoo should have sent him packing in the hospital right after he told Jihyun. Kyujin was just as possesive and he wasnt even in a relationship yet... he had no problems fighting over chiwoo claiming he knew what was best and what not. when clearly he had no clue about anything when it came to chiwoo..