Ch 88

BigBanana July 7, 2024 1:20 am

Bro I love this so much.

Baphomet & Reaper are so frickin adorable together.

I really hope she finds out that he has also never been in a relationship and is probably less experienced than her, one date (if you can even consider it that), never kissed, never done any lovey dovey or intimate stuff, I wanna see that interaction when she realizes she was his first kiss and second ever date and first ever relationship.

I also hope the doctor finds out what actually happened at Nebula guild. It'll be so hilarious.

Furthermore, I am assuming Reaper is going to freak tf out and nearly murder/murder mr.manyeyedude, or something else shall happen and she shall be protected by Baphomet minions? They're following them right? Idk, but anyway, I am so verh excited for the next chapter.
