Idk, I kinda like Godo 😭😭 at first, I rly liked him when he was just calling MC and ...

Sapphire July 6, 2024 9:10 pm

Idk, I kinda like Godo at first, I rly liked him when he was just calling MC and being all silly, and then it took a nosedive when he appeared in-person and ruined all the cadets’ relationships, but after the climax of their hatred and whatnot, it kinda seemed like he was testing the strength of the cadets’ bonds, which is why he criticized them for easily antagonizing and fighting one another later on.

Ofc, his hatred of serpents isn’t pleasant, but it makes sense when MC explains that his hatred of servants reached an all-time high with MC losing his wing at the same time that the war ended…it’s still unfair how he straight up mistreated the serpents, but at the same time, that was probably one of the only ways he could do it since he’s an avian (an avian general targeting avian students wouldn’t test the bonds between avian and serpent cadets). Doesn’t excuse his blatant discrimination, but it makes him a more defined character instead of just a mindless cannon fodder-type character and I like that.

It also seems like his relationship with MC is more like an older brother and he feels responsible for MC’s health and happiness, especially bc of how he nearly directly impended on it, but he knew to let him go when ML showed his affection for MC was genuine too, so I kinda like him.

My opinion of him went down a little more again when he separated our main couple for a month and a half… but he’s meant to be a controversial character ig
