I feel the most sorry for taejun, homophobic dad beat him to the point he got did, had to ...

gojorider July 6, 2024 9:09 pm

I feel the most sorry for taejun, homophobic dad beat him to the point he got did, had to share his body with someone he don’t like for YEARS then his boyfriend begs him to keep having mental torture to the point he even starts nose bleeding so that his innocent boyfriend could keep having a “caring relationship” with taejun ,,, OH whom he also fucked btw so that’s basically cheating since he wasnt dating taeho and had no prior “talk” with taejun,,,oh how bloody cute! the uke knew how much strain and mentally exhausting it was for taejun to share HIS body with someone else to the point he nose bleed and faint ,,yet he still cried for taejun to give up the chance to finally be able to find peace with himself because of his selfishness and taehos manipulation,,, ah ADORABLE ,,, the uke clearly doesn’t love him (not as much as taeho) and taejun stupidass gonna thirdwheel forever lmao shoot himself in the foot I’m mad but god is this hilarious
