Don't get me wrong okayy, there are many goood novels written in 1st person pov, I just don't really like it because I just can't connect with the character especially when describing something like "I held the power to control time so I can bla bla", I much prefer third person so I can understand what's happening better.

It's been years since I read this part on the novel the manhwa is currently in, so it's kinda hard to list them, but the novel is more serious and have way more gore(which some leave really bad scars), it's more intense (my anxiety hit the roof). Like when Art fell down the crypt on xyrus arc, he was REALLY BAD injury he almost die, while in manhwa he didn't seem much hurt. There's other parts that he was more hurt in novel then manhwa which sounds he struggles less, but in reality it was very difficult so he overcame it with strategy.
Manhwa seems like more comedy and light, the war and the other things don't seem that bad in manhwa. There's others different things that change, manhwa is more like a resume of the novel. For exemplo the fight Art have with his parents were way heavily on novel, they really fight that I was thinking that anytime they will punch which other. Other change that it's not much of a change but it realy bothered me is the robot Toby which he never exist in novel and anything like that, that technology doesn't exist, so it's a element that will be lost or it will change the history and I don't think how it will work well.
I can't recall much too much of what happened that see again the early part of this history feel so distant haha, but as a reader novel the manhwa is kind boring, I only came here is to see how they adapted and see the drawings. The novel is well more interesting for me. It's kind worried me for some events that have a big impact on novel if will have the same impact here.
I read this manhwa last 2021 the last chapter back then is 105 I think and I let it sit so I can binge read it till the end but it's 2024 now and I think it's still far from ending when do you guys think this manhwa will finish??