https://booktoki344.com/novel/6835211?book=%EC%99%84%EA%B2%B0%EC%86%8C%EC%84%A4 Chapter 20 is where the manwha left off if you want to skip the parts we already know,

Yes and no. Basically, Garon did actually die from MC's poison. The MC was crying on his knees in front of him desperately trying to give Garon the antidote even as Garon tells him not to do anything stupid and holds the MC's arms down so that he can't do it. The poison's antidote is actually one of the MC's horns, which Garon knew but wouldn't let the MC crush up and feed to him because that could permanently harm or even kill the MC. So Garon stops him. But when Garon's heart stops beating and he fades away the MC quickly rips off a horn, crushes it up, and feeds it to Garon with his mouth. But the pain and the trauma of what he's just done makes him pass out before he ever finds out if the antidote worked or not. For a month the MC lives in a tiny village with Raon (who was there with the MC and Garon when Garon died). But there are whispers from the village's people that Garon is alive. MC starts sleepwalking. Raon fights with MC because the MC seems like he's still trying to run away back to Garon. Raon asks if MC wants him to throw him away (let him go) and the MC sobs and begs Raon to throw him away. He gets a name. All alone, he moves into his old home he shared with his mom outside the Imae village. Garon finds out he's there and meets him. Long arc where Garon is making it up to the MC, asks the MC to change him, etc. etc. They do end up living together after that, but they're not blindly happy—they chose each other despite the ways they've hurt each other and they acknowledge that and still make each other happy anyway. The MC does love him, but he doesn't forgive Garon. He's waiting for the day that he's changed Garon enough that Garon will really mean it when he bows down in front of MC's mother's grave and begs for forgiveness from her spirit—which, in one of the later chapters Garon does ask the MC if he wants to go visit his mother's grave, so I do think he was going to but we didn't get to read it in any of the special chapters.

I honestly think you're just trying to make the second ML look bad because you like the king, I mean in these manhwas what if he likes him when he's 16 as long as he hadn't done anything to him it's fine, the king literally r@ped mc but you still like their relationship "Stockholm syndrome" or whatever it's spilled so it isn't your place to criticism the second ML

Notice how I prefaced the sentence with “personally” because it’s my personal grievance with the character. But I’m also not trying to make Raon look bad, I’m simply stating what his worst actions are in the novel because there are comments saying he’s probably secretly evil and the real killer of the MC’s mom. So, for people who want spoilers, I explained that he’s not secretly MC’s mom’s killer and what his worst actions are so they know the limit of what he does. But also… fiction is meant to be analyzed and engaged with—criticisms are part of engaging with stories and I can actually do whatever I want lol.
Just finished reading the web novel for this. It's actually a very long story that took a day and a half to read and was very well written. Spoilers ahead.
I can't believe how well the author managed to make me like MC and Garon (ML) being together by the end despite how awful Garon had been for most of the story. He doesn't entirely redeem himself necessarily, but you feel his utter devotion to the MC. He would rather die himself than do something that would harm the MC by the middle/end of the novel. He’s crazy about the MC in a way that is almost scary… he would feed the MC his flesh if the MC asked him to—this isn’t me exaggerating, he literally tries to. The MC feels guilt and anguishes about his mother’s death and the circumstances of how he knows Garon, but… I can’t explain it. You just like them together by the end. It’s a helpless kind of love, even after separation they’re the only ones for each other. Garon wants MC to change him and MC really is. He thinks endlessly about the name he wants to give MC. He finds an old painting the MC’s late father painted despite how unpopular the MC‘s father’s paintings actually were and gifts it to the MC without ever making a big deal about it—the painting is just there one day. He wears down the cheap pipe the MC gives him by using it everyday and taking it everywhere. He gives his life up just to be with the MC.
About Raon (second ML)… I’ll say, yes, he does force himself on the MC (never going all the way—though I think he would have if it weren’t for his knowledge of the poison) and actually has a covetous, perverted way of thinking and speaking, but really that’s not the worst thing about him. Personally, the fact that he knew the MC when he was 16 and was attracted to him is the creepiest part. He didn’t kill the MC’s mom, which I know some people thought he did.
Raon does get his time with the MC, so for people who like him you’ll get to see them in sexual situations (but they never go far since the MC can’t get hard with him and Raon knows about the poison) as well as living together for a month or so.
It’s very obvious before MC and Garon separate, though, that Garon is the one who loves MC more. Garon would let his love for the MC destroy him, but Raon wouldn’t. That’s what my main takeaway was from their different dynamics.
MC’s painter friend, Naro, lives by the end, btw. Garon brings him to MC long after MC thought he might be dead. Garon’s three guards all become more important in the special chapters since they look after the MC and make sure he’s okay (as well as one of them having a crush on Naro…).
I can answer any other questions anyone has :)