BLcrazy16 July 6, 2024 10:02 am

Alright so yall just let me rant a little alright?

So at this point IDRC ABOUT WHAT EXCUSE THE AUTHOR IS GOING TO COME UP WITH FOR WHY THE ML IS BATSHIT CRAZY. BC AINT NO WAY IM GOING TO FORGIVE THEM AFTER THEY Murdered a whole race, assult the MC, chain him up (idc if it was just for a few days like wtf) AND GO FUCKING HUNGER GAMES ON THE MC TWICE! LIKE WHY? WHATS THE REASON? YOU GOTTA BE OUT YOUR MIND IF YOU THINK IM GOING TO FEEL EVEN A LITTLE BIT SORRY FOR THE ML. IDC IF HE WAS IN A SILLY GOOFY MOOD WHEN MURDERING, TORTURING OR ABUSING THE MC ITS NOT AN EXCUSE. on to my next rant, I don't freaking care about his backstory anymore at this point, like no excuse for what he did even if he was poisoned by the brother, traumatized or abused. If any of those are the reason for why he doing this the least I can do is pity him but remember those are reasons for why he might have done that NOT EXCUSES. HE CAN DROP DEAD IN THE NEXT 30 CHAPTERS AND I STILL WONT BAT AN EYE LIKE HE DESERVES TO DIE AND BURN, AND I HATE HOW THE MC FORGETS ABOUT SHIT SO FAST LIKE JUST BC HE DO 1 NICE THING AFTER DOING 5 BAD THINGS IT DOESNT EVEN SHIT OUT. ofc I feel bad for the mc and what he's going through to get revenge for his mother (even tho idk if the ml is the culprit for that one). AHEM..Also I'm not saying the brother is bad but yk yall can sus someone out, if he did murder the mc's mom ima be SICK rereading and seeing how close he was to the MC. But at this point I hate the ml permanently idc if yall agree or not but HE HAS TO GOOOO . HE SHOULD BE TREATED AND PROPERLY MEDICATED , ALSO WE NEED TO TREAT HIM FOR HOW HE ACTED IN THE PRESENT NOT HOW HE WAS TREATED IN THE PAST! YOU CANNOT MURDER A WHOLE RACE AND EXPECT ME TO FORGET THAT AFTER YOU TELL YOUR SOB STORY.
YOU ARE FUCKED UP (Also be by the ml's side if you want but just know he's gonna have a special place in hell made for shitty mls. Who's know tho, I don't know if ima change my mind even of ik what happened to him or what's going to happen to him but i dont think so since that still wont make the fact that he did horrible and disgusting things to the people around him. ALSO hate the mc too not just this mc tho like any mc that forgive the ml so fucking soon without them even apologizing properly, like they do one nice shit after doing the most disgusting things and suddenly everything's okay and "I can change him" infest their mind. This is just a rant over something pointless but just wanted to call out all those mangas (etc) where the mc is too forgiving and gives in so freaking much to a ml that doesn't care about them or isn't even aware of their feelings. Like bro WHAT DO I GOTTA DO FOR YOU TO REALIZE YOU AINT HIM)

REMEMBER WHATEVER REASON THE AUTHOR GIVES US FOR WHY ML IS FUCKED IT IS A REASON NOT AND EXCUSE TO HIS ACTIONS. IF YOU FEEL YOURSELF FORGIVING HIM A NEXT SEASON I NEED YALL TO REREAD AND THINK AGAIN IF HE REALLY DESERVES TO BE FORGIVEN . Also mc is doing something I could never do, yk sleep with my mothers killer, enjoy the nasty, and forgive them for breaking my fingers ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~
(Thx for whoever even read my dumb rant just needed to get something out)
