jk I love it

Kerrrr February 27, 2017 12:13 am

I hate to be *that* guy but those tattoos are
A. Fucking horrible. 90's cheese galore.
B. Impossible. Light colors won't show if they're done over an already existing dark tattoo.

    Anonymous June 8, 2017 10:54 pm

    u need to check ur eyes , they r not overlapping.

    Anonymous June 8, 2017 10:56 pm

    oh and i forgot , tattoos are as old as mankind. so shhhhh. i love tattoos , even tose "old" maori and yakuza styls

    Kerrrr June 9, 2017 4:57 am

    Yyyyes they are. I checked both my eyes and the tattoos. The snake's body in black haired dude was placed way after the big ass almost solid colored cross.
    But yeah I love tattoos too! I can't really tell how a christian cross and a snake with no shading or background are maori OR traditional japanese tho??? Also, I do know tattoos weren't invented in the 90s LOL. I meant to say these particular designs look like those temporary tattoo stickers that were so popular in the early 90s. I mean, if a mangaka is going to draw 2 tattoos for like 3 freaking panels and use them as a conclusion for the whoooole story SHE COULD DO A LOT BETTER.