this is so stupid bye

meow July 6, 2024 6:44 am

i'm sorry what??? this is so fast paced

like you're telling me her whole family got killed in a single chapter?? like no foreshadowing or any build up at all, like what??????

i wished we could've atleast seen more chapters on how she lived with the ferdinands because again everything was shoved in a few chapters?? like atleast build up something before the ml just swoops and gets her after a single chapter??

like both katarina and benjamin's characters are so flat. couldn't they have shown why katarina hates her guts so much?? like she's such a shitty villain. and for benjamin, couldn't they have shown them together, so we could actually give a damn about his romantic interest toward her? they could've of shown him saving her from the uncle or something, but nooo the uncle does his shit and disappears into the void

plus benjamin just randomly dropping that oh yeah i killed the empress for u
