Hyunwoon is mentally ill for a reason

Bakugo Bitch July 6, 2024 5:52 am

I know there's a reason why he did all that but still can't deny the fact that he's annoying. Dragging somone innocent into his love life just bc he's jealous, telling someone to "ask ri in" when he himself can't do the same with skylar, always pressing Hanneul trigger button on purpose bc he wants Hanneul to tell more about his past, despite "gettiing the gist" of middle school Hanneul's life and how he clearly said don't want to make their relationship obvious Hyunwoon always crossing his boundaries, and now doing all of this just bc he can't have a proper jealousy moment like .... He's doing this mental game to the greenest character in this series.

Just be patient, your relationship with Skylar is basically NEW! be patient baek hyunwoon, you can't force people to spill their trauma in just two or three month being closer to them, somebody bring cirrus to therapy pls

    Bakugo Bitch July 6, 2024 6:00 am

    Like i love this crazy guy cirrus but let's not sugarcoat his wrongdoings just bc he has trauma, he should be focusing on bonding with Skylar and go on a multiple date until Skylar is comfortable enough to tell him his story.

    But well, paskim wrote him like the way he is for a reasn. His unstable self is consistent since chapter 1, not really surprising he took this route to chan il. I'm ngl, if i were chan il i would feel betrayed a bit, it's a good thing that chan il is a good boy

    no way lol July 9, 2024 7:06 am

    they're booing you but you're right!

    Bakugo Bitch July 10, 2024 11:25 pm
    they're booing you but you're right! no way lol

    Cirrus normal fans will admit that he's crazy, cirrus fanatics will use his trauma to baby him as innocent and "this is how he cope uwu"

    HRAensn July 11, 2024 1:23 am

    I think being jealous after being told this is pretty normal, but Skylar really shouldn’t have said that to someone with mentally ill brain ngl:

    “You’re a second choice”, and being told that your partner still loves the crush.

    Before anyone comes at me, I do enjoy explaining a lot especially when it comes to mental health. I guess one can say I’m a normal Cirrus fan(?) but I do love both characters. I just explain more when it comes to the complex. Cirrus is a complex character and while I enjoy certain types, I will and would never condone what they do or did. Same for the rest of the characters of course.

    I don’t think Cirrus is forcing anyone especially Skylar to open up about his trauma, I doubt he even knows about him having trauma. But I do believe the day Skylar opens up, it’ll help solve some of the misunderstandings; Cirrus thinking their relationship is being hidden because he isn’t truly loved, etc.

    And yeah, you summed up what mental health can do to people. Not that I will ever justify any of his actions, he’s been manipulative and insecure in the past. While he has apologized to Skylar for everything he did in the past, I don’t think his insecurities will go away.

    I don’t see them lasting to be honest, I mean if it was reality. But since this is fiction, I want to see them progress and not be fighting with each other and arguing. I shouldn’t expect a lot from teens with mental problems, but it does get to me. And every reader’s reaction is valid.

    Cirrus could’ve told Chan-il, he didn’t have to say everything that he and his girlfriend discussed, but he could’ve at the very least said something like: “I have an emergency, I’m in a rush right now. I will talk with you later?” OR “Something happened at home, I’ll speak with you later.”

    But then again, Cirrus has been avoiding him. And he knows he can’t blame Chan-il, only himself. I don’t think Cirrus is planning or scheming stuff, but drama is being created with the miscommunication and assumptions.

    Cirrus knows he can’t blame Chan and he knows Chan is perfect in his perspective, so he’s like: “Figure it out yourself.” As you said, sort of a mental game.

    HRAensn July 11, 2024 1:26 am
    Cirrus normal fans will admit that he's crazy, cirrus fanatics will use his trauma to baby him as innocent and "this is how he cope uwu" Bakugo Bitch

    Unfortunately, yes this is how some mentally ill teens will cope. BUT that doesn’t mean it’s healthy. I’m surprised he hasn’t killed his father, maybe I’ve watched too many crime documentaries of shitty parents being murdered by mentally ill kids haha.

    Anyone who justifies his unhealthy behavior is probably unhealthy themselves. Both Skylar and Cirrus has unhealthy behavior, but I do think Cirrus is more complex and makes the story more depressing.

    Chan-il is a green celery. And he’s also human, he will be mad. I’m sure he’s not really that mad at seeing his girlfriend and Cirrus together, he’s been mad since Cirrus avoided him and shut him off despite being FRIENDS.

    Bakugo Bitch July 11, 2024 1:40 am
    Unfortunately, yes this is how some mentally ill teens will cope. BUT that doesn’t mean it’s healthy. I’m surprised he hasn’t killed his father, maybe I’ve watched too many crime documentaries of shit... HRAensn

    I don't like the way cirrus fans always want to make skylar in the same level of "unhealthy" as him .... Skylar literally just being silent and live, he's got mad bc cirrus keeps pushing his trigger button and that's only one time with cirrus always the one intentionally provoking him.

    What cirrus fans will bring is always skylar past and this one time argument with cirrus. Meanwhile I can list so many manipulative shits cirrus did to anyone near him

    Bakugo Bitch July 11, 2024 1:43 am
    Unfortunately, yes this is how some mentally ill teens will cope. BUT that doesn’t mean it’s healthy. I’m surprised he hasn’t killed his father, maybe I’ve watched too many crime documentaries of shit... HRAensn

    Being a mess doesn't mean complex sometimes, i saw Cirrus character is like a manchild throwing tantrum for attention. he's just mentally ill with attachments issue. I dont see any complexity unfortunately, just a 18 y.o having trama and haven't yet go to therapy. Skylar went to therapy, maybe he should too

    HRAensn July 11, 2024 1:48 am
    I don't like the way cirrus fans always want to make skylar in the same level of "unhealthy" as him .... Skylar literally just being silent and live, he's got mad bc cirrus keeps pushing his trigger button and ... Bakugo Bitch

    That’s why I’m saying the day Skylar opens up about his trauma, I’m sure that’ll make Cirrus feel very apologetic. Both of them pushed each others buttons. It may just be me, but I think it was needed.

    For the story anyways. The drama. The angst. We all hate it, but that’s part of the story. Man I still can’t forget their first emotional and physical combined fight and argument, I think all fans equally hate that scene (ch 97 or 101? I forgot)

    I’ve seen many bring up Skylar’s past and others bringing up Cirrus’s past despite the apology (Some comments here and on bato). I think if someone apologized and another brings it up to hurt them and gaslight, that’s not any better than the person who’s manipulated.

    From Cirrus’s perspective, he doesn’t feel loved and feels that Skylar is being distant despite Skylar asking him out. From Skylar’s perspective, Cirrus is too clingy (I don’t think he dislikes that iirc) and possessive. And I think Cirrus knows what he’s doing is wrong, he knows Chan isn’t the one who’s bad here.

    While I think Skylar went too far with the beating, I enjoyed that scene, it shows Cirrus seeing his father /trauma trigger. And Cirrus triggering Skylar. This is a roller coaster.

    This is a very complex situation. I don’t think I’ll ever understand anyone who hates a character here, I personally enjoy angst but this is kinda being dragged on but I don’t hate it either.

    HRAensn July 11, 2024 1:51 am
    Being a mess doesn't mean complex sometimes, i saw Cirrus character is like a manchild throwing tantrum for attention. he's just mentally ill with attachments issue. I dont see any complexity unfortunately, jus... Bakugo Bitch

    He is complex, complex as in difficult to understand for some. He is not a man either, they’re teens at this point. Both of them are not men (age wise, 19 is adult age in Korea).

    Yes, he is mentally ill and has emotional attachment/abandonment issues. Skylar went to therapy, but I don’t think it’s helping much. If they’re going to be together, they’re gonna have to communicate somehow.

    But honestly, I don’t see them lasting. One has abandonment issues and abused by parent, and the other has anxiety disorder due to him being outed and attempt suicide. It’s toxic.

    HRAensn July 11, 2024 1:54 am
    Being a mess doesn't mean complex sometimes, i saw Cirrus character is like a manchild throwing tantrum for attention. he's just mentally ill with attachments issue. I dont see any complexity unfortunately, jus... Bakugo Bitch

    And lol sorry for all the dislikes you got. Your perspective is valid, and it’s your opinion too. I’m just someone who enjoys analyzing sometimes and explaining based off what I read and observe. That’s why I say Cirrus is complex, he’s kinda difficult to understand and unravel or label him down to one vague word. As for Skylar, he’s not as fucked up as Cirrus but he has his own issues of course. They’re all human beings, no one’s gonna be perfectly sane.

    Bakugo Bitch July 14, 2024 1:25 pm
    He is complex, complex as in difficult to understand for some. He is not a man either, they’re teens at this point. Both of them are not men (age wise, 19 is adult age in Korea).Yes, he is mentally ill and ha... HRAensn

    The dislike is probably from cirrus fans who baby him and use his trauma as a shield to his wrongdoings.

    I don't see the complexity, yet, maybe next after he got his lesson and consequences for all the mind game he did.

    Their relationship CAN work, Skylar is not that negative, Skylar would overthink but i trust him could make logical decision, in their relationship from what i see based on reading this, the one who's more patient and mature is Skylar (excluding his anger issue, ofc he's a bit violent, but if we can see it from MEN point of view (somehow readers often forget that they're teenage BOYS) fighting while using fist is common with boys between boys, doesn't mean it's right, is the same like when girls doing school fight and they somehow always aiming for your hair or throwing heels lol)

    Cirrus just need a lesson and development arc for all his impulsivity. I have a theory after this he realized that not everything need a calculation, sometimes you just need to relax and wait the flow. He should realized that their relationship is still new. And I think Skylar will remind him.

    Don't forget the time in the beginning, even all the shits minwoo done to him, skylar still somehow hoping that maybe he could fix their relationship, though in the end he realized that it's no use and he moved away. People really should pick up this manhwa again and re read this, the amount of ppl that misinterpreting Skylar's character is insane