Hyunwoon is mentally ill for a reason

Bakugo Bitch July 6, 2024 5:52 am

I know there's a reason why he did all that but still can't deny the fact that he's annoying. Dragging somone innocent into his love life just bc he's jealous, telling someone to "ask ri in" when he himself can't do the same with skylar, always pressing Hanneul trigger button on purpose bc he wants Hanneul to tell more about his past, despite "gettiing the gist" of middle school Hanneul's life and how he clearly said don't want to make their relationship obvious Hyunwoon always crossing his boundaries, and now doing all of this just bc he can't have a proper jealousy moment like .... He's doing this mental game to the greenest character in this series.

Just be patient, your relationship with Skylar is basically NEW! be patient baek hyunwoon, you can't force people to spill their trauma in just two or three month being closer to them, somebody bring cirrus to therapy pls

    Bakugo Bitch July 6, 2024 6:00 am

    Like i love this crazy guy cirrus but let's not sugarcoat his wrongdoings just bc he has trauma, he should be focusing on bonding with Skylar and go on a multiple date until Skylar is comfortable enough to tell him his story.

    But well, paskim wrote him like the way he is for a reasn. His unstable self is consistent since chapter 1, not really surprising he took this route to chan il. I'm ngl, if i were chan il i would feel betrayed a bit, it's a good thing that chan il is a good boy

    no way lol July 9, 2024 7:06 am

    they're booing you but you're right!