7lorya July 6, 2024 5:17 am

guys pls i won't survive i needa know what happeend to pereshawty but i dont think shes fonna die atelats i hope suuwhwhahhshwhwhuwhahwhhwhqhwhhwhwusushw HEEKLELPEP im dying I NEEDA KNOW and im so scared I HOPE NOTHING HAPPENS BETWEEN PERESHAWTY AND THEO!! BUT I HAVE A FEELOMH THAT THE PRINCESS WILL THREATEN THEO BY SAYMH THAT SHES GONNA KILL PERESHAWTY IF HE DIESNT DIVORCE PERESHAWTY AND MARRY HER IMSTEAD... sorry havung gacha flashbacks erm. ( ̄へ ̄)

    Yukalena July 7, 2024 12:05 pm

    I was feeling upset about the b*tch princess until I read your "pereshawty" and had a good laugh for a minute