isaac isn't really giving any male lead vibe

キ ⋮ mira July 5, 2024 3:15 pm

after reading all of the chapters so far in one sitting, this is one of the manhwa's I think would've been okay without romance, I like the guys in this manhwa but their not giving any male lead aura or something like that, truthfully speaking Isaac isn't really giving that male lead vibe u get when reading a manhwa, the only quality that he actually has of being a male lead is the usual buff body, being taller than every guy in the manhwa and having a powerful position but other than that, no aura's, tho he is pretty cool but their development is kinda meh it would've been nicer if they met in like a different way or in a more interesting way, I personally like Dominick better. I felt like he has a better connection with Mel but obviously it's more of a sibling kind of thing but I felt like Dominick should be given more credit than he received, so far Mel doesn't even value Dominick as much as she values Isaac now or maybe I just love Dominick that I lowkey want my bby to be appreciated and to show up more lol
