recs similar to this

farcille July 5, 2024 10:58 am

has been on my shelf for a while im so glad i finally read it and now i can’t get enough wish there were more side stories with the main couple im obsessed w their dynamic can someone please recommend stuff with a similar premise like psychological/thriller bls?

    Farscapewho747 July 13, 2024 12:11 am

    Well the author's other work Mad Dog is really good. It also has a pretty much psychotic sene though that one is a gangster who has killed people so a bit more than this one. Let's off the top of my head there is Holding Room, Trigger, Criminal Interview, Red Candy, Wolves Behind Bars. If you want more recs just ask. If I were to pick whichbfrom these you should read first I'd go with Wolves Behind Bars oh that one has another name The Time Between Dog and Wolf if WBB doesn't come up, that one or Holding Room.

    farcille July 13, 2024 2:25 am
    Well the author's other work Mad Dog is really good. It also has a pretty much psychotic sene though that one is a gangster who has killed people so a bit more than this one. Let's off the top of my head there ... Farscapewho747

    mad dog side stories (sa) made me change my mind about reading it does the stuff you mentioned had a sa between the couple? thank you very much!!!

    Farscapewho747 July 13, 2024 3:32 am
    mad dog side stories (sa) made me change my mind about reading it does the stuff you mentioned had a sa between the couple? thank you very much!!! farcille

    Oh sorry about that, OK so Trigger does sort of, the seme has 2 personalities and one assaults the uke but the other is green flag so maybe skip that one. Wolves, Holding, Red, and Criminal do not have sa between the couples. Though in Wolves there is a second person who attempts assault but not the seme.

    farcille July 13, 2024 3:34 am
    Oh sorry about that, OK so Trigger does sort of, the seme has 2 personalities and one assaults the uke but the other is green flag so maybe skip that one. Wolves, Holding, Red, and Criminal do not have sa betwe... Farscapewho747

    the first one reminded me of double trap dhdhdhd thank you very much ill check them out <3

    Farscapewho747 July 15, 2024 12:03 am
    the first one reminded me of double trap dhdhdhd thank you very much ill check them out <3 farcille

    I've heard of double trap but haven't read it and yeah I think Trigger is similar. Anyway I thought of another good one Hyangheon Text. So just so you know there is no sa with the couple but someone else briefly attempts to sa the uke in both a flashback and present day but he gets away both times. and there is another part where someone is thinking about assaulting actually has one of my favorite semes who is gangster green flag, and the uke is smart and resourceful and can read minds as text floating near a person, hence the title. So the uke helps the police with a case, it's really a good one like I reread it once a year.

    farcille July 15, 2024 12:53 am
    I've heard of double trap but haven't read it and yeah I think Trigger is similar. Anyway I thought of another good one Hyangheon Text. So just so you know there is no sa with the couple but someone else briefl... Farscapewho747

    aw thank you very much u r such a helper dhdhhdd ! ive heard about this manhwa but now will probably add it to my tbr i like the art style v much

    farcille July 15, 2024 12:58 am
    I've heard of double trap but haven't read it and yeah I think Trigger is similar. Anyway I thought of another good one Hyangheon Text. So just so you know there is no sa with the couple but someone else briefl... Farscapewho747

    sorry for bothering u like this it’s unrelated to the og question but while we’re at the recs topic do u know any bl where ml is just as good (or close to) as dooshik from pearl boy dhdhdhd

    Farscapewho747 July 15, 2024 11:47 am
    sorry for bothering u like this it’s unrelated to the og question but while we’re at the recs topic do u know any bl where ml is just as good (or close to) as dooshik from pearl boy dhdhdhd farcille

    It's no problem, I have read of bl manga and novels so I like to give recommendations to people of ones I'd think they would like which is why I made the list of completed bl on Vy. Here is the link if you want to post questions it would be easier there. There are over 600 ones and have either current ongoing side stories or soon to be released, and finished all together.

    Farscapewho747 July 15, 2024 11:52 am
    sorry for bothering u like this it’s unrelated to the og question but while we’re at the recs topic do u know any bl where ml is just as good (or close to) as dooshik from pearl boy dhdhdhd farcille

    Oops sorry I just noticed your second post, I mean Hyangheon, Red, and Holding Room have great semes. The others have semes you don't know what's up with them. But I'll try to think of some others when I get the chance. Oh right one more thing, you know that link I sent ypu? Don't read the bl there, keep reading here it has a better format, I just use that other site for the list building

    farcille July 15, 2024 6:34 pm
    Oops sorry I just noticed your second post, I mean Hyangheon, Red, and Holding Room have great semes. The others have semes you don't know what's up with them. But I'll try to think of some others when I get th... Farscapewho747