pleaee help me find this particular shounen ai manga

Furanchezuka desu yo February 26, 2017 3:30 pm

Pls help me to look for this shounen ai manga: It's the story of siblings where the younger brother kinda hates his older because something happened. At chapter one there was an incident (idk, maybe an earthquake or something) that caused them to be closer to each again like they used to be. This younger brother possess a power that the enemies want to have and the older brother protects his younger brother. In the younger one's body, there are two souls that made the scientists curious and took an experiment on the younger brother. And in one science (experiment scene) the researchers tried to kill this younger brother by locking him up in a room alone with a fox (idk what animal is that) and the other soul on his body saved him.

Please help me. I really want to ready it agai o badly. My memories from it is vague so I'm not really sure on every single detail, that's th best I can remember. Please help......
