Am I the only one who still hate that b*tch ass pink hair? Sorry but even if your BESTFRIEND(Let's not forget that they are BESFRIENDS!!!) broke up with someone, does not fucking mean it's okay to date that person. Hello??? She's so selfish, I'm only at chapter 6, and I can already tell the author is just gonna make it as if that nothing happened and then fl just forgives her because "UwU, sHe'S jUsT sTuPiD, iT wAsN't A bIg DeAl EhE", like yes it is?? Does this author even know girl code?? I can't even fathom dating my classmate's ex, let alone my OWN bestfriend???
Lmao just saw a picture, and the fl does forgive that btch. I can't, they r painting it as if its okay since that pink hair thought they broke up. As if that's gonna make anything better.
This is just a reminder for anyone who reads my comment, NEVER ever forgive your friend who dates your ex. They r not a friend. Especially IF its your bestfriend. Blurgh, its disturbing how this manhwa normalizes it since she's a "cute girl who's clumsy and dumb".
Am I the only one who still hate that b*tch ass pink hair? Sorry but even if your BESTFRIEND(Let's not forget that they are BESFRIENDS!!!) broke up with someone, does not fucking mean it's okay to date that person. Hello??? She's so selfish, I'm only at chapter 6, and I can already tell the author is just gonna make it as if that nothing happened and then fl just forgives her because "UwU, sHe'S jUsT sTuPiD, iT wAsN't A bIg DeAl EhE", like yes it is?? Does this author even know girl code?? I can't even fathom dating my classmate's ex, let alone my OWN bestfriend???