People yapping about rape in a MLM comic written by a Korean straight woman, don't expect ...

n1dohyeokdeffender July 5, 2024 4:49 am

People yapping about rape in a MLM comic written by a Korean straight woman, don't expect much

    HRAensn July 5, 2024 6:39 pm
    Where are you getting this?! Hate/demand? I don't even use those words but you are twisting my words to feed your narrative and taking it personally. Gosh lol assuming things on my behalf and clear knowing with... Mangalover1

    1. You’re judging me for judging others.
    2. I’m not forcing anyone.

    Mangalover1 July 5, 2024 6:41 pm
    Are you still counting? It’s not that serious like you tell yourself. HRAensn

    I do because you are taking it personally and starting to get snorky with me. Small and personal attacks

    HRAensn July 5, 2024 6:44 pm
    I do because you are taking it personally and starting to get snorky with me. Small and personal attacks Mangalover1

    You say I’m being too serious, and that I’m taking it personally and that is because I’m judging you for judging others and. I took the word “demanding” and placed it against you, because you’re the one who called me demanding.

    Unlike you, I don’t have an issue when talking with someone despite arguments, and I don’t tell them “it’s not that deep”, it’s an insensitive comment, nor do I say “you’re being too serious.”

    So what if someone is serious? That’s just who they are. Why do you care so much is the question..

    Mangalover1 July 5, 2024 6:45 pm
    1. You’re judging me for judging others. 2. I’m not forcing anyone. HRAensn

    1.I just said other people have different thoughts than you and this triggered you(i assume), and you went on whole rant with me 2.You do forcing because you still trying convince your patern of thoughts on me...

    HRAensn July 5, 2024 6:50 pm
    1.I just said other people have different thoughts than you and this triggered you(i assume), and you went on whole rant with me 2.You do forcing because you still trying convince your patern of thoughts on me.... Mangalover1

    1. It wasn’t the “other people have different thoughts”. I clearly stated that the issue I have is with huge hypocrisy. You just proved you have an issue with me judging others, oh I’m so wrong for discussing with someone else about their hypocrisy! First you tell me it’s not wrong to defend rapists, and I told you okay yes that’s not really my issue though as much as you think.

    2. Whole rant with you. That is how you see it.

    3. I’m not forcing any pattern of thoughts with you. I haven’t even shared my thoughts of the story. I’m sorry you see it that way.

    Mangalover1 July 5, 2024 6:59 pm
    You say I’m being too serious, and that I’m taking it personally and that is because I’m judging you for judging others and. I took the word “demanding” and placed it against you, because you’re the... HRAensn

    You are taking it too personal and now you are comparing me with yourself... "unlike you,..."
    You are going in circles and circles about YOU. The whole conversation is about YOU( in any shape or form), where it never was to begin with. It was abstract conversation in the beginning where take others options with grain of salt but then as soon as conversation didn't went to your negative(point of view), you got triggered and started to spiral why I should think/feel/view same as you. And if I didn't back down you started to attack and acuse me personally. Even do assumptions on my behalf and use words that I never used

    HRAensn July 5, 2024 7:02 pm
    You are taking it too personal and now you are comparing me with yourself... "unlike you,..." You are going in circles and circles about YOU. The whole conversation is about YOU( in any shape or form), where it... Mangalover1

    As if you didn’t say “compare to you”. If you have an issue with me saying “unlike you”, why can you say that?

    Abstract conversation

    Mangalover1 July 5, 2024 7:08 pm
    1. It wasn’t the “other people have different thoughts”. I clearly stated that the issue I have is with huge hypocrisy. You just proved you have an issue with me judging others, oh I’m so wrong for disc... HRAensn

    Now you have issue lol but you were telling me that you didn't?!
    I didn't know that I was in competition "should I prove you wrong" - did you assumed this on my behalf again and took it(conversation) personally?! Mmm interesting
    You have no interest in sharing your thoughts on a story, you just want to share YOUR and only your disagreement. Why?! Because the first comment I left under, you were started talking about other people comments. Where I just provided information about authors korean background

    HRAensn July 5, 2024 7:13 pm
    Now you have issue lol but you were telling me that you didn't?! I didn't know that I was in competition "should I prove you wrong" - did you assumed this on my behalf again and took it(conversation) personally... Mangalover1

    I literally told you I have an issue with hypocritical people. And I just added onto the information you gave, stating that yeah it’s not right (in my opinion) but that what you said is a right explanation, I agreed with you and then you got passive aggressive.

    Mangalover1 July 5, 2024 7:14 pm
    As if you didn’t say “compare to you”. If you have an issue with me saying “unlike you”, why can you say that?Abstract conversation HRAensn

    Personal snorky attacks again lol "why can you say that..." - it's a form of demanding and trying to convince me, to think the same as you. As "why don't you agreeing with me"... so we are getting back to forcing, demanding other people to think/view/feel/like and etc to your moral compass

    HRAensn July 5, 2024 7:16 pm
    Personal snorky attacks again lol "why can you say that..." - it's a form of demanding and trying to convince me, to think the same as you. As "why don't you agreeing with me"... so we are getting back to forci... Mangalover1

    But it’s true, why can you judge others but I cannot? You can comment but I cannot. You say I care too much but you aren’t? I’m sorry but it is the truth.

    I even asked you why is it wrong if someone is being serious about it? I never said, why don’t you agree?

    Mangalover1 July 5, 2024 7:18 pm
    I literally told you I have an issue with hypocritical people. And I just added onto the information you gave, stating that yeah it’s not right (in my opinion) but that what you said is a right explanation, I... HRAensn

    I agreed with you by saying that no one is questioning whether rape/abuse is the right or wrong thing... but then you went on a rant

    Mangalover1 July 5, 2024 7:25 pm
    But it’s true, why can you judge others but I cannot? You can comment but I cannot. You say I care too much but you aren’t? I’m sorry but it is the truth. I even asked you why is it wrong if someone is be... HRAensn

    Where are you getting that?! For real, why are you assuming that I can judge or you aren't. Where I said you can't comment?! Like wtf again assuming on my behalf?! The way you are framing it - you are taking the whole conversation personal attack on you.

    HRAensn July 5, 2024 7:28 pm
    I agreed with you by saying that no one is questioning whether rape/abuse is the right or wrong thing... but then you went on a rant Mangalover1

    You’re acting like I’m the only one playing into this “rant” you keep bringing up.

    You said: “?????? no one is questioning whether rape is right or wrong”

    Which is false and I told you that there are people questioning that. The comment section is literally the evidence. That’s all I said.

    HRAensn July 5, 2024 7:29 pm
    Where are you getting that?! For real, why are you assuming that I can judge or you aren't. Where I said you can't comment?! Like wtf again assuming on my behalf?! The way you are framing it - you are taking th... Mangalover1

    It’s called implying. You get upset at me for commenting, saying that “oh look you care, you’re commenting”. Look on page 2 or early 3.

    Why are you upset because I’m replying? That doesn’t mean I can’t care.

    HRAensn July 5, 2024 7:30 pm
    Where are you getting that?! For real, why are you assuming that I can judge or you aren't. Where I said you can't comment?! Like wtf again assuming on my behalf?! The way you are framing it - you are taking th... Mangalover1

    This is your comment:
    “1. You do care, because you are keep going and going... and now we have 2 pages of text
    2. People have preference and likes in character(s) and they can defend them as much as they want.
    3. I don't tell you to stop at all. I'm just replying to you and your thoughts and sharing my view.”

    You complain about me replying back and how long the text is getting. I don’t see the issue even if I do.

    Mangalover1 July 5, 2024 7:41 pm
    It’s called implying. You get upset at me for commenting, saying that “oh look you care, you’re commenting”. Look on page 2 or early 3. Why are you upset because I’m replying? That doesn’t mean I ca... HRAensn

    You can comment as much as you like. But please know the difference between comments and forcing only your opinion.

    HRAensn July 5, 2024 7:44 pm
    You can comment as much as you like. But please know the difference between comments and forcing only your opinion. Mangalover1

    Continuing to accuse me of forcing my opinion. Did it say you have to think like me? Yikes. It’s an opinion, if you feel forced by my opinion, that’s a you problem.

    You shared your views with me, did I say you’re forcing it on me? No.

    Mangalover1 July 5, 2024 7:45 pm
    This is your comment:“1. You do care, because you are keep going and going... and now we have 2 pages of text2. People have preference and likes in character(s) and they can defend them as much as they want.3... HRAensn

    You aren't just replying back... you are making statements on my behalf!!! Know the difference. You are keep bringing this conversation about YOU! where to begin with, it's was about author and Korean background. Now for some reason "I don't allow you to comment" you need to learn how to be natural in conversation...

    HRAensn July 5, 2024 7:49 pm
    You aren't just replying back... you are making statements on my behalf!!! Know the difference. You are keep bringing this conversation about YOU! where to begin with, it's was about author and Korean backgroun... Mangalover1

    YOU asked me what comment you made. And I simply replied back with what you said. It’s on page 2 I believe.

    I didn’t say you don’t allow me to comment, I said you act as if me commenting is wrong. There’s a difference sir/maam/whoever.

    To begin with, I replied to you normally and you’re the one who started it off with “I think you are taking this waaaaay too serious...”. It’s an insensitive reply to be honest, not sure why felt the need to say that.

    I only told you that I replied simply, and then you said that ^.

    If you can’t handle the conversation, don’t reply as you say. You care too much (as you told me).