
This absolutely. Also I believe that the healing power was given to her to relieve the plague that hit the country in the previous life. But when Hestia went to the church to get help she learned from the priest's that Diana was only tending to the nobles (she may have already been losing/lost her powers. Idk for sure). Now in the new timeline Hes was like fuck it I'll do it myself and made the soap business to help people and Diana's powers are unneeded now and therefore fading. She was selfish then and now.
I praaaaaaaaaayed for my immense greed... Why won't god do what I say?!?!”
“I'm the Crown Princess AND the Saintess! I was chosen BY GOD to uphold health and equality amongst each class. You DARE lump me in with every day elites? I'm the most elite elite and YOUR WIFE! I'm waaaaaaaaaay more important than those shabby rich folks!”
“What do you mean I'm losing my powers?”
Good god I hate this woman. How is she so incredibly blind to her own powers and what is expected of her. She seems to think she can keep supernatural power regardless of how she uses them, despite them having been given to her by an entity who would have had to have been watching her in the first place to see if she was worthy of such power. I want to say that it's unrealistic for someone with that much power given to them to do nothing but good, kind acts (you can't hurt people with healing alone, you need to use the fact that you have the power for greed. I hope that makes sense...
Ie: the power of healing can do one thing: heal. Having the power to heal can allow corruption only by using the power for personal gain be it things like demanding exorbitant payment to heal someone, forcing people to do things for you in exchange for healing their lives ones, or things like healing someone, then demanding compensation of some kind after the fact; but healing someone, in and of itself, is a pure, and kind gesture, one that cannot be corrupted within a void. But as soon as you add a human element, such power can be easily explored. It would be unrealistic for a god, intent on giving out such a kind power, to let such a thing stay attached to a being capable of using it in such a way.
(Sorry for any spelling/grammar issues in this. M half asleep.