Kinda funny you are caring about accuracy on a omegaverse where people have 4 ears and can turn into animals lol. That aside, for the calming of your mind and comfort while reading: As the term rat includes 56 different species, including the Nesokia indica, that has a shorter tail than the rats more commonly found on houses, there are some species that resemble Sachio, although stylized by the artist’s preference. As the author didn’t specify what rat species Sachio is, then it cannot be considered an inaccurate depiction of a rat.
Lolol thank you I can definitely see it, the 4 ears thing also bugged me but not as much as their animal form (crying how I didn’t think to search up other sub species) when the author said “mouse” I just assumed it was just a regular house rat that you can find either in the attic or hidden in the kitchen lmao thank you tho for the clearance
The only thing that I don’t like about this is the inaccuracy of Sachio’s “mouse” form, he honestly looks more like a hamster than a rat. In that form he’s a bit too chubby, his tail is WAY too small and his ears too! From what I read/searched up mice have larger tails that are represented in the manga (tail is about 5~10cm whether as their bodies are around 5.5~10cm) and we don’t see it well. He just looks like a dumb chubby hamster :(