From the spoiler I heard that ML is Ryu but honestly I don't want him to be the ML. He act...

Haru July 4, 2024 2:37 pm

From the spoiler I heard that ML is Ryu but honestly I don't want him to be the ML. He act like a brat, doesn't want to understand what he did wrong.
Yu is much better. I know he killed her in the previous life but he had his own circumstances and didn't grow up right. But at least he doesn't act like a bitch.

    TMYFIICTRWIEGTMYA July 4, 2024 5:40 pm

    I mean they’re technically children and only Yeonie went back in time with her memories still with her so she acts mature from time to time and Ryu grew up sheltered so it’s to be expected he’s gonna act like a brat cuz that’s how children are supposed to act when you have everything in front of you served on a silver platter and for Yayul I think he’s just grateful for Yeonie cuz she gave her a reason to live and that’s probably Yeonie herself and I think calling a child a bitch isn’t it tbh

    Haru July 4, 2024 7:14 pm
    I mean they’re technically children and only Yeonie went back in time with her memories still with her so she acts mature from time to time and Ryu grew up sheltered so it’s to be expected he’s gonna act ... TMYFIICTRWIEGTMYA

    Lol, embarrassing and downgrading someone doesn't justify just because you are a child and sheltered.
    So what he is sheltered, the other girl tried to friends with him, MC was nice to him. There is no reason to act like this when the other party is not harming you.

    TMYFIICTRWIEGTMYA July 4, 2024 9:44 pm
    Lol, embarrassing and downgrading someone doesn't justify just because you are a child and sheltered. So what he is sheltered, the other girl tried to friends with him, MC was nice to him. There is no reason to... Haru

    That’s…that’s literally how children act I’ve said before he acts like that cuz he knows he’s better than her and yeah sure Yeonie tried to befriend Ryu but don’t forget that Ryu quite literally turned down any friendly remarks thrown at him even from the OG FL (the red hair) cuz he doesn’t want to mingle with weaklings, they may have not harmed him physically but for him, a child who came from a family of power, it’s to be expected of him that he shouldn’t make friends with anyone who can’t match his pace cuz that will hurt his ego and pride, something all people have including children.

    Haru July 4, 2024 10:02 pm
    That’s…that’s literally how children act I’ve said before he acts like that cuz he knows he’s better than her and yeah sure Yeonie tried to befriend Ryu but don’t forget that Ryu quite lit... TMYFIICTRWIEGTMYA

    Wow!!! If this is normal behaviour in reality thn its a BIG problem. I never saw this kind behaviour or train of thoughts from children from my surrounding and we are taught to never look down on our peers. Can't say about others. But that is concerning.

    Alex July 5, 2024 4:35 am
    Wow!!! If this is normal behaviour in reality thn its a BIG problem. I never saw this kind behaviour or train of thoughts from children from my surrounding and we are taught to never look down on our peers. Can... Haru

    The fact that you 'never saw this kind of behavior from your surrounding' just proved that your mind is still too narrow to be capable of understanding others' perspective. You easily interpreted someone's opinion as "downgrading" because you are thinking that he/she believes that it is normal to be brat when you're a kid? I suggest you do a little reading and find out what she/he's really pointing out. Your mindset that "IT IS NOT okay to be a brat even you're still a kid just because you have almost everything, but IT IS okay to kill someone because he 'didn't grow up right and had his own circumstances'", is actually more concerning. I'm a fan of Ya Yul too, but I'm fine with Ryu being the ML. Not because he is not a murderer unlike Ya Yul, but because Ryu is STILL A CHILD and is still capable of having a character development and I respect the author's choice as well. You also seem to be forgetting that the past adult Ryu was kind to the FL and the recent chapter the fl explains that the current Ryu doesn't have anything that he cherished the most, probably one of the reason why he doesn't care of anything other than himself, because he doesn't have anything to lose. You should start understanding all the characters' pov and not just plainly do the reading for the sake of finishing what you started to read. Your opinion just screams 'bias', dude.

    Haru July 5, 2024 5:20 am
    The fact that you 'never saw this kind of behavior from your surrounding' just proved that your mind is still too narrow to be capable of understanding others' perspective. You easily interpreted someone's opin... Alex

    LOL, I never said it is ok to kill someone just because he didn't grow up right.

    Haru July 5, 2024 5:35 am
    The fact that you 'never saw this kind of behavior from your surrounding' just proved that your mind is still too narrow to be capable of understanding others' perspective. You easily interpreted someone's opin... Alex

    Everyone won't like every character they read. And it is normal. Just because of that you can't say I am being biased here.
    Just because you are skilled that doesn’t give you a free ticket to look down on someone, you don’t need to have certain condition to be nice.
    And I don't like this kind of setting. First being rude then something happen and you magically become obsessed with MC. Why? Is it bad to be nice from the start and not being annoying?

    TMYFIICTRWIEGTMYA July 5, 2024 5:38 am
    Wow!!! If this is normal behaviour in reality thn its a BIG problem. I never saw this kind behaviour or train of thoughts from children from my surrounding and we are taught to never look down on our peers. Can... Haru

    I’m gonna hit you with Yeonie’s line “Not everyone is as fortunate as you” meaning not everyone grew up the same as your peers that got taught on how to treat others right maybe because they didn’t have parents to do that or their parents just don’t care. You may have not noticed that behavior but it’s pretty prevalent at schools so yeah this behavior does exist. Good cannot exist without bad and that’s why there are things called rules for a reason also I’m pretty sure Ryu will get a character development plot remembering Yeonie’s past life that he had a gentle demeanor Ryu didn’t become like that Yeonie’s father molded him to be like that cuz he was his teacher before.

    Haru July 5, 2024 5:47 am
    I’m gonna hit you with Yeonie’s line “Not everyone is as fortunate as you” meaning not everyone grew up the same as your peers that got taught on how to treat others right maybe because they didn’t ha... TMYFIICTRWIEGTMYA

    Do you even hear yourself? His parents is trying hard to teach him what he did wrong but he doesn't even want to listen.
    And I know he will have character development as I can see from MC's memory. But I just don't like the settings where he need to be rude. I saw this kind of trope to much that it makes me angry.

    TMYFIICTRWIEGTMYA July 5, 2024 6:08 am
    Do you even hear yourself? His parents is trying hard to teach him what he did wrong but he doesn't even want to listen.And I know he will have character development as I can see from MC's memory. But I just do... Haru

    He’s a spoiled brat. Do you understand what a spoiled brat is? Let me tell you, they don’t listen even if they’re wrong they will always try to make it their win at every argument, they don’t acknowledge their wrongs because they will always come up with an excuse for their actions, they are rude, they are ignorant of anything that will not benefit them, you wanna know why they’re rude and ignorant? Because they are children, a child unaware of their behavior because they refuse to acknowledge their wrongs. Ryu is literally an example of a spoiled brat and yelling at your child when they are in the wrong? You call that teaching from his father? It will only encourage the behavior and put a wall against you and your child (trust me it always happens even in real life). Ryu needs to be rude because that’s how the author needs him to act. If you aren’t satisfied with how the story is progressing then maybe try reading something else that would match your taste.

    Haru July 5, 2024 6:23 am
    He’s a spoiled brat. Do you understand what a spoiled brat is? Let me tell you, they don’t listen even if they’re wrong they will always try to make it their win at every argument, they don’t acknowledg... TMYFIICTRWIEGTMYA

    He is spoiled brat and I know that. And, I don't like his character settings in this stage. Everyone won't like every character in a story.
    I like the story that is why I am reading. And I didn't know that you have to like every character to read a story.
    And why you want me to like a spoiled brat? I gave an opinion why wouldn't I want him to be the ML and don't like the character settings he have now.
    I don’t know why you are soo adamant about me liking his character.

    TMYFIICTRWIEGTMYA July 5, 2024 6:39 am
    He is spoiled brat and I know that. And, I don't like his character settings in this stage. Everyone won't like every character in a story.I like the story that is why I am reading. And I didn't know that you h... Haru

    Lmaoooo?? Are you even reading everything I’ve replied to you? When have I ever shoved Ryu at your throat and me telling you “You should like him cuz he’s this and he’s that! But he’s also like this and that so that’s why you should like him!!” I’m literally just explaining why Ryu acts like that and why would you assume I like Ryu? Just because I’m defending a child’s behavior does not mean I find him likable and wow props to you for choosing someone who LITERALLY killed FL in the past to be the ML gotta be the cherry on top of this discourse

    Alex July 5, 2024 8:18 am
    He is spoiled brat and I know that. And, I don't like his character settings in this stage. Everyone won't like every character in a story.I like the story that is why I am reading. And I didn't know that you h... Haru

    First, I didn't say that you have to like all the characters, what I said is TO UNDERSTAND THE CHARACTERS. There's a big difference there.

    Second, AGAIN! He is a KID. Even adults still do immature things so who are you to judge? Stop using that 'privileged kid' card on the ML. Even what we're doing now, arguing in these comment section, is childish.

    Third, while I can see why you dislike the scenario in which the main character must be impolite at first, did it not occur to you that, in reality, you have no say in the matter if that is the author's intention? All you can do is either read it or locate another book with a plot you truly like better. We're not insisting you to like Ryu here, you are simply too ignorant to grasp what we are trying to say.

    Fourth, you claimed not to have suggested that killing someone is OK. Return to your initial statement 'I know he killed her in the previous life BUT'. You literally dismissed the idea that he killed someone and provided arguments to support your position . I love Yul than Ryu and I just can't stand it having to gradually explain bit by bit Yul's wrongdoing too because it seems like you are only seeing Ryu's error.

    Lastly, no one is forcing you to like Ryu or any of the characters, what we're pointing out here is, you don't have to hate the other character just because you like the other one. And while we have no right to dictate you who you want to like or dislike, that doesn't give you a free pass to spread hate on the ML. I probably won't mind your comment but after reading some of your replies, it's just disrespectful. We both like Yul, but you can't seem to accept that we can also like Ryu? You hate him because he's a brat, we get it. You can just leave it like that, but rather, you're giving nonsense reasons such as there's no kid that behave like that in you surrounding, etc. That's just bullshit. It is just you talking about your lack of experience of observing human behaviors. I suggest it's better to improve your reading comprehension first before you continue reading this manhwa.

    Haru July 5, 2024 8:46 am
    First, I didn't say that you have to like all the characters, what I said is TO UNDERSTAND THE CHARACTERS. There's a big difference there.Second, AGAIN! He is a KID. Even adults still do immature things so who ... Alex

    You guys never heard of the term called "Opinion". I never said that you shouldn't like Ryu, I said I don't like this kind repeated settings where ML need to be a brat to have character development.
    You guys are dismissing my " opinion" and shoving your train of thoughts.
    Everyone will not have same opinions as you guys and you have to accept it. And when a person doesn’t like something, they have right to share their thoughts. It is not a crime.
    But you guys acting like I did something wrong. I wasn't being disrespectful at first but seeing you two dismissing what my thoughts are about Ryu's character setting made me have some poor choice of words. SORRY for that actually.

    Haru July 5, 2024 8:52 am
    Lmaoooo?? Are you even reading everything I’ve replied to you? When have I ever shoved Ryu at your throat and me telling you “You should like him cuz he’s this and he’s that! But he’s also like this a... TMYFIICTRWIEGTMYA

    And I am not saying Yu should be the ML. He has better character than ML. And we don't know what made him killed the MC. Also, that old man said even if he doesn't want he will kill unconsciously to survive because of his condition. Still we don't know what circumstances he had to kill MC. At least he will not kill her in this life or nor harbor any evil thoughts.
    Bottom line, currently I like his character better than the ML

    TMYFIICTRWIEGTMYA July 5, 2024 9:33 am
    And I am not saying Yu should be the ML. He has better character than ML. And we don't know what made him killed the MC. Also, that old man said even if he doesn't want he will kill unconsciously to survive bec... Haru

    This is exactly why you should wait for the story to progress before jumping on Ryu’s behavior that’s all I’m asking for and as for Ya yul yes he had his reasons but that doesn’t change the fact that he has evil tendencies (even now) even if he’s changed in the current lifetime.

    TMYFIICTRWIEGTMYA July 5, 2024 9:36 am
    You guys never heard of the term called "Opinion". I never said that you shouldn't like Ryu, I said I don't like this kind repeated settings where ML need to be a brat to have character development. You guys ar... Haru

    You literally just called Ryu a bitch while him still being a child I am not defending Ryu as a person but him as a child those are two topics like if that doesn’t sound disrespectful to you then I don’t know what is. Calling a child a bitch is wrong tho

    Haru July 5, 2024 9:49 am
    You literally just called Ryu a bitch while him still being a child I am not defending Ryu as a person but him as a child those are two topics like if that doesn’t sound disrespectful to you then I don’t kn... TMYFIICTRWIEGTMYA

    Wait a minute. I didn't know they are real people. I thought they are characters. OH GODDD!!! WHAT GONNA HAPPEN TO ME?
    Though I really don't care about it if someone is old or a kid. If they are annoying, they are annoying. I don’t give a SHIT about there age.
    And please don't come to me with morals and what not shit.

    TMYFIICTRWIEGTMYA July 5, 2024 11:31 am
    Wait a minute. I didn't know they are real people. I thought they are characters. OH GODDD!!! WHAT GONNA HAPPEN TO ME?Though I really don't care about it if someone is old or a kid. If they are annoying, they a... Haru

    Not only are you ignorant, you are also insufferable. No wonder why it felt like I was talking to a wall. I’m not even gonna argue with you anymore this is getting tiring and nowhere

    lilikaslana July 8, 2024 7:31 pm

    at the end of the day it doesn't matter what you want because the novel is completed and Ryu is the ml lmao