Kinda understand all of them, but their behavior remains unacceptable. My guy was treate...

notme July 4, 2024 12:54 pm

Kinda understand all of them, but their behavior remains unacceptable.

My guy was treated horribly all his life and the only time he was mostly happy was with her, those 2 years, so it's logic that he'd want to keep her as safe as possible or at least near him. His mother had her own thing, the servants were just for the money, from what I saw he rarely even got out of the house his first 17 years, that archmage said bullsh't to him all the time, it's a miracle he even retained that little sanity he had left, and the father is the single person I can't stand. Only because his son resembled his old man he had THE AUDACITY to beat him up almost every night for stupid reasons, work him like a slave, postpone for as long as he could the succession for absolutely no reason and then have the nerve and surprise to see the hatred his son bore for him later on, saying nonsensical stuff like "oh, he IS like my father". It made my blood boil.

BRO didn't YOU make him this way??????????? How STUPID can you be? I'd sucker punch that sorry excuse of a man like there'd be no tomorrow, make his head have a meeting with a wall and then send him to therapy.

So I only have pity and sadness for Luci. I get where he's coming from, even tho it's wrong.

I'm also a little annoyed at the fact that they sent letters for each other for SEVEN YEARS and his father's wrong doing was just brushed off like it was nothing. Barely 3 panels if even to express their shock and then they acted like they knew all there was to know.

7 years, especially in teenage years, is A LOT and after all that it's a high chance for the person to change, become a stranger. Plus, they DID send those letters, but they hadn't actually READ them, so it's like they ghosted each other and at the reunion they acted like they didn't see for a week or smth.
