Mentions of su***de
- i initially thought that he's just power tripping with some sex kinks. but the records really stumped me.
- the things he did somehow shows antisocial personality tendencies too, with all that violation of other's rights.
- then a pica eating tendencies, with all that non nutritive items he keeps eating. then a sudden self-harm tendencies with that cutter scene. this third bullet could also mean suicidal ideations/attempts.

Since it's only Myeonggi's back story (kind of) is all we know, it's kinda hard to actually justify these tendency claims i am making as there is a possibility that their actions (especially jinggi's) have different motives (with all that letter thing going on). it could be a rebellion against someone who put them there or idk. there's not much of a story yet, so everything's still a mystery.
It's me again lololol
Disclaimer !!
Again, this is for educational purposes only. I AM NOT DIAGNOSING THEM, just describing their tendencies. You can skip reading, thank you!