How can anyone like this MC? All he thinks about is having sex ALL THE TIME it's not even ...

Kia(na) July 4, 2024 10:31 am

How can anyone like this MC? All he thinks about is having sex ALL THE TIME it's not even funny... I tried so hard to like this because the art was good but when the main character is so insufferable I genuinely can't...
Not being mean to anyone who enjoys reading this, I've just been quite curious for a while, do you guys actually like the MC or are there other reasons you're reading this story?? I mean I love this artist's style but by god are the characters unlikeable

    rendang daging makan daging July 4, 2024 10:42 am

    SAME he literally see those people sufferings and all he could think of is SEGS! WHAY????

    TheRealBabyKia!!1! July 4, 2024 10:53 am

    I mean he’s going through character development. Before all he cared about was sex but now he genuinely cares for his people as if he he’s their real god, and that’s his top priority

    Kkkkk July 4, 2024 11:11 am

    Yes I agree, there where a couple of moments that I thought maybe he finally turning a new leaf and decided to be more proactive with the kindom but he's back to his usual self and in ch.87 (SPOILER)" he thought about the weird style the God of sun ran his kindom and realizes he's the same but didn't want to dwell on it because it's such a headache". Like man I don't feel any sympathy for him because everything happened to him he brought it upon himself

    Moan_bitch July 4, 2024 11:21 am

    The MC isn't an actual god, he can't create miracles. There's nothing for him to do and the people seem to be doing well due to the king. All really he can do is do nothing tbh, but maybe with visiting a different place he gets ideas on what he could do other than but fucking around or living lavish.

    Yo Jihyoo July 4, 2024 11:39 am

    True that but im only reading it because its hilarious plus the smut scenes are incredible, who can refuse that?

    TerraCeles July 4, 2024 11:44 am

    I actually enjoy super flawed characters because they're very interesting to read about. Its also really satisfying when they go through character development

    han July 4, 2024 11:52 am

    To be fair, that is the main point of the story. About him being sex-crazed. How did you get this far?

    ninamarie July 4, 2024 1:15 pm

    He suffers from hypersexuality and sex addiction bc of his past

    Hooble July 4, 2024 1:53 pm
    The MC isn't an actual god, he can't create miracles. There's nothing for him to do and the people seem to be doing well due to the king. All really he can do is do nothing tbh, but maybe with visiting a differ... Moan_bitch

    I mean he did get the water clean so like I like that he's capable there,but you're right that there's not much for him to do. My guess is that'll change after this arc

    Kia(na) July 4, 2024 3:13 pm
    To be fair, that is the main point of the story. About him being sex-crazed. How did you get this far? han

    Thing is I didn't even get far I read till chapter 16 then went to the latest chapter to see if anything's changed but NAH he's still a sex maniac bastard

    Kia(na) July 4, 2024 3:14 pm
    He suffers from hypersexuality and sex addiction bc of his past ninamarie

    "suffers"??? I didn't know there was such an awful illness lol people naming anything nowadays

    Kia(na) July 4, 2024 3:39 pm
    The MC isn't an actual god, he can't create miracles. There's nothing for him to do and the people seem to be doing well due to the king. All really he can do is do nothing tbh, but maybe with visiting a differ... Moan_bitch

    Nah my problem wasn't that he's not doing anything. I mean I didn't expect him to... but there are a LOT of things you can do when you have nothing to do besides sex Like... he's not even morally grey he's fckn black, doesn't give af who it is as long as there's some D in him. and I felt like that red head guy ACTUALLY liked him but here he is whoring around... also that blonde guy in the beginning, it literally felt like grooming I KNOW HE'S OF AGE but the way he was trying to convince him it was honestly hard to read... so yeah I can't really bring myself to like him at all but kudos to yall who do. We're not what we read so it's okay

    Kia(na) July 4, 2024 3:40 pm
    True that but im only reading it because its hilarious plus the smut scenes are incredible, who can refuse that? Yo Jihyoo

    I appreciate the honesty

    Hooble July 4, 2024 3:42 pm
    "suffers"??? I didn't know there was such an awful illness lol people naming anything nowadays Kia(na)

    Lol hypersexuality and sex addiction are actual things. Sometimes stemming from assault for instance

    Kia(na) July 4, 2024 3:45 pm
    Lol hypersexuality and sex addiction are actual things. Sometimes stemming from assault for instance Hooble

    I've heard about it before but It's hard for me to grasp... you've been assaulted so now you want to have sex all the goddamn time?? I don't get the logic behind it and I don't believe these people are actually "suffering"
    but yeah it's a thing I guess

    TheRealBabyKia!!1! July 4, 2024 4:16 pm
    I've heard about it before but It's hard for me to grasp... you've been assaulted so now you want to have sex all the goddamn time?? I don't get the logic behind it and I don't believe these people are actually... Kia(na)

    Nobody said you gotta understand but the least you can do is respect it

    Kia(na) July 4, 2024 4:27 pm
    Nobody said you gotta understand but the least you can do is respect it TheRealBabyKia!!1!

    Why I gotta respect something that doesn't even make sense? I'd rather be fully convinced before respecting something. The fact that some people want to mask their lust/lack of control this way is just not respectful imo

    TheRealBabyKia!!1! July 4, 2024 5:28 pm
    Why I gotta respect something that doesn't even make sense? I'd rather be fully convinced before respecting something. The fact that some people want to mask their lust/lack of control this way is just not resp... Kia(na)

    It does make sense you’re just ignorant and you’re not hiding that very well. The excuse you’re making is no different from the excuse homophobes/transphobes make to justify their bigotry, and that point stands for all prejudice views. I’ll say it again, just because you don’t understand it and clearly have no desire to want to understand it, you can respect it. It’s not hard to show respect

    Kia(na) July 4, 2024 6:07 pm
    It does make sense you’re just ignorant and you’re not hiding that very well. The excuse you’re making is no different from the excuse homophobes/transphobes make to justify their bigotry, and that point ... TheRealBabyKia!!1!

    I'd advise you to fix your grammer first because that last sentense was a challenge fr and I don't get why you're involving unrelated topics I didn't say anything about trans/LGBTQ people I'm quite fine with that, but I don't understand why having such a traumatising experience would make someone want to go through it again and again?? it's almost like such people just found an excuse to finally let go... anyways, my point is, MC is not likable not just because he can't think of anything other than D but also because he's playing with everyone around him and sees no wrong in it, which still stands.

    Moan_bitch July 4, 2024 6:23 pm
    I'd advise you to fix your grammer first because that last sentense was a challenge fr and I don't get why you're involving unrelated topics I didn't say anything about trans/LGBTQ people I'm quite fine with th... Kia(na)

    Let's just end it here it's obvious you only watched the smut and read absolutely no shit. If you read it it's explained it why he's obsessed being fucked and not loving people romantically. He doesn't see himself as a victim or an actual god or someone good, he says it himself. Also it's obvious your ignorant ASF. Yes what do you think about prostitutes? Most want to escape but due to traumatic events they feel like that's all they are as a person. It can't be fixed right away, it needs professional help and years worth help