Sakuraruu July 4, 2024 9:48 am

This story is so great, the main character and his sodekick is so cool!
The arts, creatures and world building is so beautiful and perfect!
I wish this manga can collab with Genshin Impact.
They can made a limited event, limited map, and limited banner.

During the event, there will be missions to complete.
At 50% of completion, Player will get 1 free copies of 4 stars Geo element which is our best girl Jilet!!!
The story goes that when both of them arrived at Teyvat a Geo Vision appeared in front of Jilet.
Meanwhile, Ral's Wind elemental power (ANEMO) was strengthened (he don't need Vision)


- Her burst cost 80% of the Energy will to create a small Geo dome around her that trap small build mobs inside and decrease all their resistance by a certain percent and attack speed increased for a certain seconds. Any element attack released inside the dome will reflect inside until the dome disappear. The reflected attack deal a certain percentage of the original attack damages.

- Her skill is to envelop her fists and feets in Geo element and hitting enemy continuesly with the last hit will send enemy flying and enveloped them in Geo element. Each landed hit will gain 1 energy particle.
Have very short CD.
Total hit combo is 4 which is 2 punches and 2 kicks.

- Her solo play combo is to use skill first to fill up Burst, then use Burst to trap the enemies, and spam skill.

- Pairing with other character, she just need full ER build to spam Burst.

- Her passive buff at level 60 is to decrease stamina cost on active character.


- Honestly, I am not so sure how to make his kit...
I'm thinking of a mixture of ANEMO Keqing and Kazuha Swirl... so that if he is paired with Jilet burst, his lasers reflections amount is increased.
