i'm not the novel reader, this is based on the manhwa version

aqua July 4, 2024 6:17 am

hope i'm not the only one who doesn't like arok's cousin (the omega who resembles him, and kloff chose him just because he's the omega), if i remember, he did once laugh at arok (i took it as mocking the mc) when arok undirectly/accidently(?) confess his feelings/desires (alphaxalpha) at the maze or something (my memory is kinda blur), since then i don't like him.. he didn't deserve the assault and died like that but the mocking is also unnecessary.. alphaxalpha is like being gay in reality no?

and what's with the jealousy sir wolf? just snatch that omega from kloff (grow some balls, pursue him and begone together) (╬ ̄皿 ̄), the art is kinda off, (for me), and kloff i would like to say, don't be an idiot and (also) grow some balls, decided just f*ck off (but he's needed for arok's financial security ( ̄∇ ̄").. i just want arok to be real, truly genuinely happy.. far from those complicated and toxic people.. (he's remorseful and has paid enough..╥﹏╥), cause i don't remember if arok has some sort of trusted friend/person, or someone who loyal to him, like actually "alone".. (though we know that his first born more or less condemn kloff for lying to him about his "mother" and left, unfortunately long after he's gone)

dang it, this is frustrated me┗( T﹏T )┛ (love and hate this one)

    Queevie July 4, 2024 8:04 am

    Ohhh hes not the one who laughed at Areok. Its a different omega, a red haired

    Hes cousin, Rapiel, is actually genuine and kind. You will love him soon

    aqua July 4, 2024 8:46 am
    Ohhh hes not the one who laughed at Areok. Its a different omega, a red haired Hes cousin, Rapiel, is actually genuine and kind. You will love him soon Queevie

    oh i apologize for my mistake (i'm sorry little cousin), though i do still don't like him for unknown reason, there's something.. odd? but it's not quite right, i can't find the word to describe it (pardon my limited vocab), or is it simply the only one i care about is arok? i don't know ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍ there's just something.. (this is why, an on going manhwa is torture)

    Queevie July 4, 2024 3:51 pm

    Hahha no worries! Maybe on of those reason is because Rapiel is not too expressive? Almost like secretive? Thinking back, his giving that kind of vibes hahah just maybe. Anyways, I hope you find your reasons as the story progresses

    As for me, I am reading the novel, and so far, I dont feel anything odd with Rapiel

    aqua July 4, 2024 10:37 pm

    maybee, guess the only thing i could do is waiting.. for now.. i hope for it too (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    where did you all get to read the novel ver of those manhwas? (i just came back from reunion, and i need one novel reader spill me some spoiler for it), though i'm sure i don't have the patient for reading this one in novel ver. (still on process to calm myself everytime i remember of what happen to arok here).. but there's a lot of manhwa were based on novel and maybe i could quench this thirst of waiting some of hiatus manhwas to come back for good..

    Queevie July 5, 2024 12:12 am

    I usually just search them and look for a better version. Usually I type "manhua name novel". You may also check Novel Updates about this to check if english translation is available and where you can read them.

    Hahah I agree, sometimes the novel they were based on is so freaking long lols. It is also difficult to find a good translation that wont explode your brain out