Please don't lash at me for my opinion but, this kind of plot like "the top taking advanta...

Rika_Denzy July 4, 2024 4:08 am

Please don't lash at me for my opinion but, this kind of plot like "the top taking advantage of the uke by telling him to practice with him so he could get used to girls" but in all honesty the bot was the one being a girl and if he did end up with a girl it makes me imagine like " is he going to ask a girl to finger him? " " Who's the girl in the relationship? " If they could just stop this cycle (uke not used to girls - top taking advantage of his weakness - uke gets naive and thinks he is helping - ends up hooking up to each other - uke realizes his feelings - uke feels guilty for having feelings - telling top to stop this "practice" - top gets all confused, tries to soothe the uke - miscommunications blah blah blah - ends up telling each others feelings - gets together - end. Somehow it gets tiring reading the same plot over and over again. I don't know anymore. Please, I'm not disliking the author for making this, I hold no hate towards them. I'm just saying the plots the same for other stories. Overall it's still okay, that's all.

    Sirhamsalot July 4, 2024 8:40 am

    I understand what you mean about the plot cliche about tops taking advantage with "practice" in mind. It tends to be a lackluster way for a author to make and move a plot forward. I think the biggest problem with it is it tend to venture into the area of dubious consent do to pressuring, the top not giving a full picture to the bottom about the topic of having sex, and whats on and off limits/too far. But I also think it is incorrect to think that taking it up the ass makes you a "girl". As a gay man I can't say much to the position of straight men that take it up the ass but it's not as uncommon as you'd think some women enjoy pegging men.- Also this is not meant to be an attack if anything just informative and to start conversation.

    Indoor bf leviathan July 4, 2024 8:47 am
    I understand what you mean about the plot cliche about tops taking advantage with "practice" in mind. It tends to be a lackluster way for a author to make and move a plot forward. I think the biggest problem w... Sirhamsalot

    real take i agree

    bi-lateral_general July 4, 2024 12:35 pm

    First, bottoming doesn’t make you a girl and this mindset is harmful for both MLM and straight men. Many, many women like shy men actually. And I know many women that would not mind fingering or pegging their boyfriends. It’s pleasure and as long as both parties are into it, it’s totally fine. Of course this comic never has any intention of showing Kota get a girlfriend but it also didn’t pull the stupid “I can’t come unless I touch my butt” thing either. So who knows how Kota would feel if he just penetrated either.
    And while I agree the plot is contrived, at the very least it didn’t make Azu out to be a supreme asshole playboy that Kota would continue to drool and cry over. At the very least we get a reasonably caring top, which is pretty fresh for this very overdone plot device. Nothing to reinvent the wheel of course, but I’m so glad to not see toxic asshole tops in these stories.

    Ichigo July 24, 2024 1:35 am
    First, bottoming doesn’t make you a girl and this mindset is harmful for both MLM and straight men. Many, many women like shy men actually. And I know many women that would not mind fingering or pegging their... bi-lateral_general

    I was just about to say this! Azu was actually a pretty good guy. He did initially want to help Kota but they just happened to start liking each other instead lol and everything happened consensually. For an overused cliche trope like this, I'm glad Azu wasn't an asshole like they usually are