I checked the other works of the author and none of them reached 9 ratings. I feel bad for...

Queevie July 4, 2024 3:12 am

I checked the other works of the author and none of them reached 9 ratings. I feel bad for them! I hope they can find or create a good story soon! I know its gonna be difficult but please dont give up! Their artwork is good, its just that the story is bad or have shitty plot. All the best, author-nim

    Neru July 5, 2024 4:43 pm

    Le culot des gens, faut vrm aller se faire foutre un moment

    Queevie July 6, 2024 11:44 am
    Le culot des gens, faut vrm aller se faire foutre un moment Neru

    That's just my opinion! If you have problem with it, you can keep your opinion to yourself because Im not asking for it. I dont want to be notified about your shitty comment and attitude so please go you create another 'comment or post' and not a reply from here.

    Mind your own godamn business

    Queevie July 6, 2024 11:46 am
    That's just my opinion! If you have problem with it, you can keep your opinion to yourself because Im not asking for it. I dont want to be notified about your shitty comment and attitude so please go you create... Queevie

    Oh and this wasnt showed for some reason but here you go

    (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

    Queevie July 6, 2024 11:50 am
    Le culot des gens, faut vrm aller se faire foutre un moment Neru

    Pugutamang iginama mogo

    Neru July 6, 2024 2:20 pm
    Pugutamang iginama mogo Queevie

    This is not an opinion this is being mean to the author WHO DIDN'T ASK FOR YOUR OPINION EITHER. While I won't comment on your AUDACITY to actually say things like that when u don't even pay for their chapter bcs I'm not your mother THIS IS IMMENSELY DISRESPECTFULL to say such shity things just to rent about READING SOMETHING YOU DON'T EVEN LIKE. And go fuck yourself again bcs you're an asshole

    Queevie July 6, 2024 4:02 pm

    My comment might come off insensitive to others, and to them, Im sorry. But I really did not have the intention to do that or to discourage the author of their works. I dont have the intention to criticize them to the point of destruction. If thats how I come off to to the author and to others, then I deeply apologize. I know now that at some angle Im (sounded) wrong, and I regret that.

    But for you, go to fucking hell! If someone here is an asshole, its gonna be you you fucking asshole. You can tell me nicely I offended you or something and Im gonna respect that. But no, you use your native tongue and commented something TOTALLY OFFENSIVE as well! I didnt even use profanities in my comment, but you did to me? So whos the asshole now between the two of us? Learn some manners first before I give one to you (︶︿︶)=凸

    And second, you are also reading here, thus, you are not paying their chapters as well. I wont justify my actions of reading here because Im broke, but Im not gonna let you come at me shitting me for something I said when I didnt even have the intention to be mean or disrespectful to the author. All Im wishing them is to find a good plot to their next or current story because I want them to be well known like the other author nim out there. I want them to shine at some point of their career! Who wouldnt want that?!

    Third, those ratings from their other stories didnt come from me alone. Those are ratings from other readers here, too. I havent even read some of them

    Fourth, even if I dont like how the plot is going, I am still reading them and supporting it. I know this story has red flags, they are walking redflags themselves and I entered here knowing that. If I dont like it, I will stop, but I am still hear you fucker!

    Now if you cant fucking understand such simple english, please do me a favor and go fuck yourself instead (︶︿︶)=凸

    Neru July 6, 2024 4:31 pm
    My comment might come off insensitive to others, and to them, Im sorry. But I really did not have the intention to do that or to discourage the author of their works. I dont have the intention to criticize them... Queevie

    I'm an asshole, I never said the contrary and I'm good w u know since u regret your comment so I'll apologize to u too for being rude (there is obv no excuse to that). Im quite happy too that u saw how rude you were to the author in the first comment it means that I didn't lose my time by replying to you.

    As of about paying the author my point was about leaving negativ review to something u didn't pay but it's true that not paying is bad enough on its own obv (I'm broke too fuck capitalism)

    About the rating it doesn't mean shit on this site bcs ppl bomb review all the work w sensitive content so u can write the greatest shit of all time u won't have a good rating if u trigger the babies here.

    About supporting by giving mean/bad comment I don't think it's of any help much rather the contrary to see such thing without any advices (and if they even want advices) author mostly write for themselves and I'm happy they are willing to share it so I'm easily angry when I see ppl putting them down for their own taste.

    I won't tell u to go fuck urself this time since u regret even if I kinda want to bcs I'm still a bad person and it's kinda fun to mess w u on this.

    Now I'll finish this damn long ass reply by telling u to have a good day and yes I'm going to hell I'm on this site pls it's obv

    Queevie July 6, 2024 4:52 pm

    I actually didnt know that Im being rude with what I said, but please believe that I didnt mean to do any of that. I just hope you pointed them out to me more nicely cause I was really offended. Lols Im being sensitive af

    Im sorry too for all the swears, I was hurt and already having a bad day so I just exploded and replied to you without thinking twice.

    As for the authors freedom of writing however they want, Im all in for that too! Their happiness gives us back happiness. If they enjoyed what they rewriting, we will too (still, I hate the uncle. He disgust me )

    Im glad you wont tell me the f word anymore , sorry about that again. And please, dont mess with me anymore hahah! Im not someone who enjoys figthing even on net. I have a bad side too but my conscience wont let me sleep (especially with our heated discussion here wondering why Im being suddenly attacked lols)

    Lets read more, enjoy, cry, any emotions we can have! Have a great day! And please be nice hahha cause I will too lols ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ.

    Neru July 6, 2024 5:10 pm
    I actually didnt know that Im being rude with what I said, but please believe that I didnt mean to do any of that. I just hope you pointed them out to me more nicely cause I was really offended. Lols Im being s... Queevie

    No problem cutie i won't mess w u anymore don't worry (just be more aware next time and I'm sure everything will be alright for u)