I'm confused

Rin July 3, 2024 11:20 pm

Wtf is happening here ok so a little breakdown from ch.1-14

Mc swallowed this thing that'll help him pretend to be omega and he hates it
Mc is captured mc tries to runaway mc uses the second prince as a threat mc fails because they were going to shoot him mc takes the second prince and runs after running the crown prince decided to unleash the forbidden air freshener mc and second prince smells the air freshener and second prince go heat because he's omega and mc is not heat because he's alpha mc lost control of himself and did the hoo-ha with the second prince and marked him so crown prince finds them and he treated the second prince then the king or whatever came in and said to the second prince go make baby rn then he left then mc is angry and doesn't want to be with the second prince and the second prince is like "no I also don't like this situation" but tbh I side with the mc when he said why would you say just smile when my whole entire family got killed by your fuckass people then bla bla second prince goes heat mc saves him prince and the doctor got something going on then the second prince heat again then this time they fucked then crown prince got angry then second price said he wants to paint so he paint and mc sat in the garden while planning to escape he fell asleep then suddenly fuckass crown prince saw them and he said "hell naw" so now he suddenly operated the removal of the MC's mark on the second prince then the second prince go "we don't have a relationship anymore after this" he cries the surgery go wrong and I'm to lazy to get into details
