No Hate To Artist

Jiminbooty July 3, 2024 10:31 pm

How come when the top is young and short they get this random growth spurt? Like I don't mind he handsome as f$ck now but like idk?

    Jaxx July 4, 2024 4:27 am

    bc they are still growing on like the fully grown adult - the younger still has time to grow , and therefore will grow past the older one

    TanyaDegurechaff July 6, 2024 8:42 am

    i have two brothers i assure you they grow up so fast in the blink of an eye they exceed your height and strength. Just 2 years ago i could keep up with my brother when we fight ( not actually fight but more like wrestling ) now i dont dare. Not bcz he is a bad person or anything he is actually very kind ( i was the one always started the wrestling since im the oldest i just wanted to play that was our love language ) and he will surely not hurt me willingly but i remember 3 months ago he swing that punch at my hand ( i opened my hands and he was swinging slow punches ) i told him well increase the speed. The next thing i heard a crunch sound found myself crying. Well it didnt broke or anything i just sprained my wrist. ( I was always the strongest big sister for him so he thought i could handle) But he was crying with me too saying sorry sorry. Well i was the one at fault. But i got my lessons. He also learned now he is stronger and shouldnt use this strength even as a joke. ( we have 6 years age gap btw ). Im a short person just 2 years ago he was still shorter than me and couldnt get something from the shelves i would get for him now im the one who cannot reach the shelves and he is. So what im telling just 2 years changed so much things i think in 7 years heeso getting that grow spurt isnt weird.

    Jiminbooty July 6, 2024 6:08 pm
    i have two brothers i assure you they grow up so fast in the blink of an eye they exceed your height and strength. Just 2 years ago i could keep up with my brother when we fight ( not actually fight but more li... TanyaDegurechaff

    Oh it's been 7 years? I guess not. I just remember this other story that I read where the top had grown like 7 inches taller and his d%ck had grown like 3 inches! All of this happened in 2 months!

    Jiminbooty July 6, 2024 6:09 pm
    Oh it's been 7 years? I guess not. I just remember this other story that I read where the top had grown like 7 inches taller and his d%ck had grown like 3 inches! All of this happened in 2 months! Jiminbooty

    "I guess not" was related to how u said its not unbelievable to how much he grew

    TanyaDegurechaff July 6, 2024 7:30 pm
    Oh it's been 7 years? I guess not. I just remember this other story that I read where the top had grown like 7 inches taller and his d%ck had grown like 3 inches! All of this happened in 2 months! Jiminbooty

    Oh yeah some of those grow spurts are really weird but yeah in this story its been 7 years so it is understandable he grow up a lot.

    Jiminbooty July 6, 2024 11:57 pm
    Oh yeah some of those grow spurts are really weird but yeah in this story its been 7 years so it is understandable he grow up a lot. TanyaDegurechaff

    It really is understandable. Thank you for explaining! I should reread it again.