heonjae is a crazy psychopathic bitch, but I'd still peg him idgaf. he's a cutie patootie ...

ps5junior July 3, 2024 2:07 pm

heonjae is a crazy psychopathic bitch, but I'd still peg him idgaf. he's a cutie patootie even though he's deranged <3

anyways I didn't expect jingi to have an eating disorder and suicide attempts. i think the surprise comes from the fact that he's been trying so hard to get out of prison, so how could he have also been trying so hard to die? even if he was just trying to make the workers' jobs harder, he still had to gamble his own life away, which can't have been an easy choice. in one way or another, he's still suicidal. which at the first chapter, i would've never guessed from him to struggle with
