Angela July 3, 2024 1:28 pm

yall keep saying Jaekyung raped Dan but Dan agreed to this whole thing yes he didn't enjoy it but Jaekyung had Dan's consent to do it Dan is also getting crazy money from all this so yeah (plz don't come for me TT)

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me July 3, 2024 1:40 pm

    If you pay attention to the majority of the ones saying it is rape, they are haters of this stories. Some of them have not even read this story.
    There are some that says it is rape and only read a few chapters. If they read more and analyze more of the facts they will know it is not rape.

    There are a few more reasons you can add. The legal definition of rape doesn’t apply to this story. It is sexual assault.

    Kittie July 3, 2024 7:42 pm

    That’s what I’ve been telling people and it’s annoying bc they keep saying that JK grapes KD when it’s not.

    ReverseHaremJutsu July 3, 2024 10:17 pm

    (conversation abt grape trigger warning)
    I meeaaan rape isn’t just no consent before sex, at any moment when Dan says no or stop and Jaekyung continues that is quite literally rape cuz someone is violating another person when they don’t have full noncoerced consent. even if Dan is getting payed, Jaekyung’s way of thinking is that Dan should accept to everything he wants regardless of his free will just because Jaekyung is paying him. y’all be forgetting Jaekyung ripped him open one timeand I’ve read all the chapters and I’m not a hater to the entire story (when Dan drank the whole jug of alcohol just to spite Jaekyung for calling him delicate I giggled cuz it was a cute exchange), I read a lot of toxic BLs and I kno a lot of people refuse to read anything that romanticizes toxic relationship which is completely valid. to me the problem comes down to authors projecting rape romanticism onto MLs where the MC finds no fault in the MLs actions and we get a happily ever after even tho the MC is living w their rapist. even in stories of down right 100% rape in all the sex scenes (I’m looking at you placebo) we as readers just need to understand we are looking at smut and that any illegal shit is illegal irl. I’m glad the author vilifies Jaekyung’s non consensual actions to some extent in the readers perspective so this definitely in the toxic male lead redemption area and I’m not completely mad at that. but I wouldn’t deem all the sex scenes as 100% consensual (which they should always be for a healthy relationship with no rape or coercion) but that’s the point, this ain’t a healthy relationship and I can’t wait to see if Jaekyung actually has character growth cuz he hot and broody and I’ll always eat up an “I can change him” story but never in real life I’m running as fast as I can from that shit.

    but say it with me y’all!! consent can be withdrawn at anytime!!! even after saying yes at first? consent has been withdrawn!

    Jaekyung told Dan “you do whatever I ask,” he could have tied Dan up and force him to be watched un consensually, wait a second… he did that too y’alland Dan still don’t kno abt it and I just remembered it at the end wowwww this man is trash

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me July 3, 2024 11:23 pm
    (conversation abt grape trigger warning)I meeaaan rape isn’t just no consent before sex, at any moment when Dan says no or stop and Jaekyung continues that is quite literally rape cuz someone is violating ano... ReverseHaremJutsu

    To claim that 'any moment when Dan says no or stop and Jaekyung continues, it is quite literally rape' oversimplifies the situation. Consent is complex and can be given and withdrawn multiple times. In this story, Dan's initial 'no' can evolve, and consent can be re-established. That is shown in the story many times.

    It’s important to analyze the full context and the entire storyline before making such conclusions. The narrative reveals details gradually, and understanding the nuances takes time. Therefore, labeling this as rape without considering the whole story and the characters is inaccurate.
    This story is non-consensual. There is a difference between sex and rape. Jaekyung wants sex. No one said this was 100% consensual or a healthy relationship. Saying it is not rape doesn’t make it so.

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me July 3, 2024 11:31 pm

    I think this claim that 'any moment when Dan says no or stop and Jaekyung continues, it is quite literally rape' is many way people jump to conclusions and overlooks the complexity of consent and the story.

    Consent can be given and withdrawn multiple times, and not all 'no's' mean an absolute end. Many people may label it as rape without considering the full context of the story. The mindset of 'no means no' simplifies a situation that is often nuanced and complex. Sex and consent are messy, and it's important to understand the entire narrative before making judgments."

    ReverseHaremJutsu July 3, 2024 11:56 pm
    To claim that 'any moment when Dan says no or stop and Jaekyung continues, it is quite literally rape' oversimplifies the situation. Consent is complex and can be given and withdrawn multiple times. In this sto... I love Morning Diamonds aka me

    Sexual activity without consent is rape or sexual assault.

    umm that's not oversimplifying it. if someone says no or stop or wait during sex there is no "what's the context?" unless a different safe word has been discussed. and sure Dan consents to some sex scenes, but there are so many moments where Dan literally has no free will cuz mans is literally just overpowering him most of the time. also rape and sexual assault kind of apply in all contexts when sex is penetrative and without consent. rape is a form of sexual assault that we use when talking abt penetrative sex of any kind. even if someone is like oh I'll pay off all your debt and give you a million dollars if we sleep together and that person is giving their consent the entire time then sure that's consensual. but is the person paying in the middle of sex is like oh I'm not gonna use my condom any more, person getting payed says no so person paying shoves their head into the pillow and continues that is forcing a penetrative sexual activity and therefore rape. anytime Jaekyung is forcing a penetrative sexual activity after Dan says no wait or stop he is sexually assaulting him but also raping him. the condom scenario doesn't apply in Jinx but plenty others do like saying no because one isn't prepped enough, is in public, is in pain or just cuz Dan isn't feeling it. Jaekyung is free to continue, he just needs to not force himself onto Dan. when Dan was scared he was going to rip, he could have taken that extra time to prep him, but he didn't and continued forcibly shoving Dan into the pillow so that's rape. the man in my scenario who didn't take that extra time to put on a condom and forcibly continued is also committing rape

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me July 4, 2024 12:17 am
    Sexual activity without consent is rape or sexual assault.umm that's not oversimplifying it. if someone says no or stop or wait during sex there is no "what's the context?" unless a different safe word has been... ReverseHaremJutsu

    It is oversimplifying it.
    Your first question is they talk about it. They ask questions.

    While you used details some where misinformation and pseudo narrative. I have read Jinx and I will not be fooled.

    I understand that the topic of consent and sexual activity is sensitive and important. It's crucial to use terms like "rape" and "sexual assault" accurately. Here are some clarifications based on the story in question:

    1. **Context and Consent**: Consent is a fundamental aspect of any sexual activity. If a person says "no," "stop," or "wait," it should be respected immediately. However, context matters, especially in fictional narratives where characters' actions and motivations might be complex. This is not a healthy relationship fluffy story and it should not be treated like that or compared. It needs to be looked at as is.

    2. **Accurate Terminology**: Forcibly shoving a head into a pillow, while coercive and aggressive, does not meet the legal definition of rape. Rape involves non-consensual penetrative sex. In the story, while some actions might be morally questionable or coercive, labeling them as rape requires careful consideration of the specific actions and consent involved. There is no rape in Jinx.

    3. **Analyzing Fiction**: When discussing fictional stories, it's essential to differentiate between the narrative context and real-life definitions of assault and rape. Characters in stories can exhibit behaviors that provoke strong reactions, but interpreting these actions requires careful analysis rather than quick labeling.

    4. **Clarifications on the Story**: In the story, there are moments where consent might appear ambiguous. However, it's important to look at the overall context and character dynamics. While some actions may seem forceful, they do not necessarily constitute rape by definition. For example, if a character does not stop when asked but the narrative context suggests a complex interaction, it might not meet the legal criteria for rape.

    Let's continue discussing this topic with sensitivity and a focus on accurate representation. Misunderstandings can arise, and it's beneficial to clarify these aspects thoughtfully.

    My friends and I read to understand and not meanlessly reading a story.
    One of my friends is a rape crisis counselor. I can start posting his material and why this is not rape and can’t be rape.
    We can start by defining what rape is and not. And please no more pseudo narrative. It stands out like “Jaekyung is a woman”.
    That is not Jinx. I know the difference between fake details and the real story details.

    ReverseHaremJutsu July 4, 2024 1:07 am
    It is oversimplifying it. Your first question is they talk about it. They ask questions. While you used details some where misinformation and pseudo narrative. I have read Jinx and I will not be fooled. I under... I love Morning Diamonds aka me

    yea shoving a person's head into a pillow isn't rape. it's just what Jaekyung did before continuing penetrative sex without consent which is rape. I rlly don't see the context in consent point, like yes you can sign a contract like the one in Jinx and I don't think Jaekyung coerces Dan in signing the contract, Dan did that on his own that he will sleep with Jaekyung at whatever time. But I don't think that takes away his right to consent in the moment, I don't think Dan even needs a reason like that Jaekyung didn't prep him enough because a contract doesn't take Dan's right to consent in the moment. if he consented to everything even if he was nervous then that's not rape. There are a lot of moments where Dan is unsure and nervous but when Jaekyung jumps to something involving penetration that Dan hasn't consented to and he continues it's rape. Jaekyung can get consent from Dan, he could even be a dick abt it being like "ok imma stop so our contract is void now?" giving Dan time to decide whether he would do what Jaekyung wants so his grandma's hospital bills get payed. in the moment where Jaekyung doesn't give Dan time to get prepped or consent to the next penetrative activity Jaekyung is raping him. sure there's context Jaekyung isn't kidnapping him or anything, but consent exists in the moment and context doesn't take it away. also idk what the pseudo narrative you were talking abt but all ppl can wear condoms on different parts of the body during penetrative sex with all people, and if either person removes it and continues penetrative sex without consent that is rape. condoms are not only for STDS and pregnancy prevention but sanitation if ppl want to for sex toys and objects.

    BaileyBot July 4, 2024 1:30 am
    yea shoving a person's head into a pillow isn't rape. it's just what Jaekyung did before continuing penetrative sex without consent which is rape. I rlly don't see the context in consent point, like yes you can... ReverseHaremJutsu

    You'd have better luck talking to a wall. Morning Diamonds refuses to accept that he's wrong in any capacity. He wants you to bow down at his feet and call him smarter and more knowledgeable than everyone else. He's a narcissist and a disgusting perv.

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me July 4, 2024 1:42 am

    Baileybot is a sock puppet of the cyberstalkers.
    The real morning diamonds has not responded in a few days. MD posts the truth and facts. Baileybot is projecting. None of that describes Baileybot’s targets.
    That is why they have to embarrass themselves with a debunked lie over and over. They can’t admit they are wrong and trying to humiliate others to force them to leave. They even stolen the identities of others for this stupid argument when they could admit the truth. They were wrong.
    Opinions don’t change facts or the truth.

    It is sad Baileybot is out for blood when I am not their target.

    It's necessary to clarify that the accusations against the real Morning Diamonds are false. The claim about asking a minor for a picture is based on a debunked lie and was made by a cyberstalker impersonating the target and using a sock puppet account (baileybot). The real one was not involved.

    This cyberstalker has a history of impersonation and harassment, and they have admitted to "trolling" us. Their behavior is immature and harmful, aimed at spreading misinformation and causing distress.

    We urge everyone to be cautious and critical of the information they come across. Spreading false accusations not only damages reputations but also contributes to a toxic and harmful environment. Let's focus on creating a community where respect and truth prevail, and where we can engage in constructive and honest dialogue.

    If you see these kinds of posts, please report them to the platform’s moderators or administrators. Together, we can stand against harassment and false information.

    The sock puppet albums have been destroyed with real evidence and their own claims.

    BaileyBot July 4, 2024 1:48 am

    Hahahaha you don't have a single shred of evidence to backup the dumb claim that I am a sockpuppet of your trolls. But I have multiple screencaps proving that you have multiple alts that you use to bully and harass users you don't like.

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me July 4, 2024 1:52 am
    yea shoving a person's head into a pillow isn't rape. it's just what Jaekyung did before continuing penetrative sex without consent which is rape. I rlly don't see the context in consent point, like yes you can... ReverseHaremJutsu

    There is no rape in Jinx if you read it correctly. You are taking one moment and making it something it is not. The contract is not binding. There is a line the real MD uses. “ that no one is ever required to have sex with someone”. Dan agrees to having sex at any time but that contract does not stand and Dan can say no anytime.
    I hope we can have a conversation and not let a sock puppet stop conversations with lies. It seems you are talking more about theories than the story. If Dan says this and if Jaekyung did this. There is no rape in Jinx.
    Do you want to talk about Jinx? Or talk about theories in how you think this action or that action is rape? Or do you want me to explain what pseudo narrative I was talking about?

    And why did you end that with talking about condoms?

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me July 4, 2024 1:59 am

    Please don’t engage with sock puppet BaileyBot. Notice I am not responding to them. They are not the worth the effort or time.
    Only the cyberstalkers call themselves “trolls”.
    They gaslight like crazy and know they have been throughly defeated by themselves here and real evidence. Also, BaileyBot is not describing her targets but themselves instead.

    ReverseHaremJutsu July 4, 2024 2:47 am
    There is no rape in Jinx if you read it correctly. You are taking one moment and making it something it is not. The contract is not binding. There is a line the real MD uses. “ that no one is ever required to... I love Morning Diamonds aka me

    the thing is it's not one moment, their entire relationship is Jaekyung not giving Dan time to consent or forcing Dan into continuing, I brought up condoms cuz the hypothetical rape scenario I talked abt with the person taking off the condom was supposed to represent Jaekyung doing something Dan wasn't okay with, like not prepping him or overpowering him. I think you said "It stands out like 'Jaekyung is a woman'." so I wanted to clarify that that act of taking off a condom and then committing rape in any scenario can happen with or by any person and that it's similar to Jaekyung doing something that Dan has said no to involving penetration

    I don't think we gonna agree but my main concern in this whole thing is that there are young ppl (probably too young) on this site looking at stories like this and in the comments and I want to stress that no matter the context, if you withdraw consent, a person who continues is committing rape. Using correct terminology is important, that I agree with you abt, but I think rape is the correct terminology in this scenario. I like this story but I think people having concerns with it is completely valid since some people could read it and think Jaekyung can do no wrong. Rape is a serious issue and I can understand why a character that ppl like and have grown attached to committing non-consensual penetrative sex is upsetting, but that's why Dan matters to a lot of us because Jaekyung was someone he also loved and mans raped him (in my opinion but also not cuz to me it's a fact) in a lot of scenes. I just feel for Dan a lot because there are probably so many people in relationships who felt attached to someone who was/is violating them. also I'm angry at Jaekyung, Dan's been sexually assaulted by people with more power than him and even the person he fell in love with was doing the same thing to him.

    It's just fiction thank god but I think we can still enjoy feeling the angst from the story while asking if, considering rape is un-consensual penetrative sex, and there's lots of scenes where Jaekyung, a professional mma fighter, is overpowering Dan after he says no stop wait or is in pain, whether he is raping Dan. I get some ppl don't think it's rape, but if you look at the definition of rape then at what Jaekyung is doing, even if it's not rape (which I believe it to be) it's definitely not far from it. So seeing what Dan is going through then seeing comments saying it's not rape kinda feels like we aren't collectively feeling for Dan. I don't think everyone HAS to feel for Dan, but I don't think discussing that it's definitely not rape fits what season 1 has been. Even rereading this whole thing, I was reminded all of Dan's flashbacks of getting SAed that I forgot abt after reading it the first time and mans was having flashbacks while sleeping with Jaekyung. but yea rock on

    Safety Sentinel July 4, 2024 2:48 am
    Please don’t engage with sock puppet BaileyBot. Notice I am not responding to them. They are not the worth the effort or time. Only the cyberstalkers call themselves “trolls”. They gaslight like crazy an... I love Morning Diamonds aka me

    Why can't they just let things be and let people talk? Why do they have to lie and falsely accuse others when they know it is a lie and they are talking about their selves?

    Why make it a hostile environment when no one can have a different opinion from their own? They are trying to stop communication and that is wrong. They are creating a negative space. This is saying more about them as they spread those lies than their targets.
    It seems they can't let people talk and engage in civil conversations without trying to disrupt it with negativity and falsehoods.

    The purpose of this was to silence others and prevent constructive dialogue. This behavior is immature and harmful. These actions are a reflection of their issues and insecurities.

    This should be a respectful place. Where we can have civil conversations.
    What Baileybot and they rest of them have been doing is wrong but it shows how insecure they are to lie and trying to divide and harm with false accusations.

    BaileyBot July 4, 2024 3:22 am

    Civil conversations with the disgusting pedo who asked me for pics? No thanks. Rot in hell perv.

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me July 4, 2024 3:33 am
    Civil conversations with the disgusting pedo who asked me for pics? No thanks. Rot in hell perv. (︶︿︶)=凸 BaileyBot

    Why did he pull out safety sentinel for you I want to be just as threatening to him as you are. He's also too scared to directly talk to you but still ends up doing so bahahah

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me July 4, 2024 3:40 am
    the thing is it's not one moment, their entire relationship is Jaekyung not giving Dan time to consent or forcing Dan into continuing, I brought up condoms cuz the hypothetical rape scenario I talked abt with t... ReverseHaremJutsu

    I literally shared the precise panels where dan was raped and exposed to heesung without neither of their consent, and that's where Morning diamonds suddenly decided he no longer wanted to talk about it. After a long ass continuous back and forth, he coincidentally didn't feel like talking anymore after he couldn't deny literal proof drawn by mingwa. As if just having a brain and reading jinx wasn't enough to see dan's been raped by jae, your well explained points will never get through to him. you can see in his own comments he'd be contradicting himself. Basically saying ''Yes he's been raped but from this nonexistent context that I created because I understand Jinx better than you, it's not rape and end of story''

    BaileyBot July 4, 2024 4:23 am
    Why did he pull out safety sentinel for you I want to be just as threatening to him as you are. He's also too scared to directly talk to you but still ends up doing so bahahah I love Morning Diamonds aka me

    I laughed so hard when I saw my stalker-clone, Safety Sentinel. This old pedo makes it so obvious that they're all the same person.

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me July 4, 2024 7:03 am
    the thing is it's not one moment, their entire relationship is Jaekyung not giving Dan time to consent or forcing Dan into continuing, I brought up condoms cuz the hypothetical rape scenario I talked abt with t... ReverseHaremJutsu

    Now the cyberstalker that stolen MD’s identity is here. We don’t talk or interact with them. We just warn people about them and their childlish behavior. They can only gaslight and lie.

    This is going to get confusing for you. That is their goal.

    I am looking at the whole picture. Let’s do this. Have you watched Remember the Titans? One of the players kissed the other player. The story is clear he was messing with him. You know he is messing with him. However, you encounter someone saying that kiss made them both homosexual. You know that is not true and they are confusing something. It is not us that is disagreeing. The story and legal term of rape don’t correlate. The way you are framing it could equal to rape but the story is a little different from how you are describing it.
    While there are some sexual coercion, he does not flat out force him.
    When I asked about the condoms that should had let you know you drew the wrong conclusion. Taking off the condom without the person consent is rape. But not preparing him or over powering him might not equate to rape
    Some of the details you mentioned stands out just as Jaekyung is a woman and not about the condom scenario and I do believe that scenario is unrelated.

    I don’t want to take a moment and overlook other things to label a story a specific way because I hated the story or characters. It is like I read your message and since you used the condom scenario to saying you are obsessed with rape scenarios involving the condom. In my last comment I made it clear it was not about the scenario and you kept that idea after. There is nothing there in your statements but an assumption in that scenario and that is what “Jinx is rape” is (mislabeled and misinterpreted on a few actions). I don’t want to live my life mislabeling or misinterpretation information. If you don’t get this. I don’t believe you are obsessed with rape scenarios. I am showing you what you are doing.

    Again, “It stands out like 'Jaekyung is a woman' ≠ to your scenario (act of taking off a condom and then committing rape).

    “if you withdraw consent, a person who continues is committing rape.” This statement is about rape but it is not what happens in Jinx.

    “Using correct terminology is important, that I agree with you abt, but I think rape is the correct terminology in this scenario. “
    The correct terminology is not rape. The legal definition does not fit. You said you are think. This is your opinion. This is not your opinion vs my opinion. While you can believe it is rape, this is your opinion vs facts, the story, and definitions.
    It is not me who you are disagreeing with.

    You do realize some of your comments follow the haters narrative, right?
    “I think people having concerns with it is completely valid since some people could read it and think Jaekyung can do no wrong.”
    How does that relate? Saying it is not rape does not make the sexual assault or sexual coercion go away. Jinx is sexual assault and sexual coercion but not rape. Saying it is not rape ≠ Jeakyung could do no wrong. BTW, that is a haters argument. They don’t take time to understand. Jaekyung is fake and jinx is a fantasy and not real.
    It is important to distinguish between fantasy and real life. You are relating this to a real life crime.

    “Rape is a serious issue”. No. Rape is a serious crime. Rape is a crime. Rape is not in Jinx.

    Just because someone is saying there is no rape doesn’t mean they are ignoring the rape you have led yourself to see or don’t know what rape is. It also doesn’t mean they see nothing else or overlooks the actions that led you to think it is rape.
    When you get more chapters and as a whole rape is the wrong conclusion.
    Why do you want Jaekyung to rape Dan? It is your opinion it is rape. Are you sure your anger for Jaekyung has caused you to be over critical? I am just asking questions.
    You do know since you are Dan center. Dan does not consider Jaekyung the same as the ones that sexual assault him. Dan wanted to have sex to. Sex not be sexual assaulted.

    What is happening in Jinx is far from rape.

    “. So seeing what Dan is going through then seeing comments saying it's not rape kinda feels like we aren't collectively feeling for Dan.”

    That is an emotional manipulation to guilty trip people to see the story your way. Mislabeling events in the story and using guilt to try to persuade others is not constructive. You shouldn’t do that because people can have a different perspective from you.
    This people saying it is not rape.
    They see the truth and using the terms correctly. Saying something isn’t something does not equate to not feeling it for Dan. That is a non-logical statement. It is like you thinking he murder Dan’s family and then telling someone that since you don’t think he murder his family feels like we are not collectively feeling for Dan. You must know rape is the wrong conclusion by resorting to that manipulative behavior.
    Dan is a victim but not as much as the victim you have created him to be.

    If you think it is rape, you are mislabeling it and you are missing many important facts about the story.