This isn't tragedy. This is a psycho raping and abusing the woman who raised her, who in this situation is practically her mother.
Is it fucked up? Yes. Is it a tragedy? No. And I'm pretty sure this isn't invoking sadness in most readers, it's mainly invoking disgust and confusing as to why anyone would write something so awful. Main girl growing up an obsessive psycho and raping her mother because of abandonment issue is definitely not writing well. It's just some weird as rape and power fantasy
This isn't tragedy. This is a psycho raping and abusing the woman who raised her, who in this situation is practically her mother.
Is it fucked up? Yes. Is it a tragedy? No. And I'm pretty sure this isn't invoking sadness in most readers, it's mainly invoking disgust and confusing as to why anyone would write something so awful. Main girl growing up an obsessive psycho and raping her mother because of abandonment issue is definitely not writing well. It's just some weird rape and power fantasy thing.
i agree to everything that you said and that's how the characters are made. why base it on author fetish. think of the manga called my joy too it was sad on the end cuz of the sudden infidelity, i cried for almost 6 months cause i wasn't expecting it and still it was one of my faves cause if left a huge impact to myself that i started hating cheaters sm
i just love fckd up n this honestly kinda realistic at least the aunt never groomed her and actually hated everything, well written!!