people actually like dohyeok?

hisu July 3, 2024 9:03 am

just got back because i didnt want to read the story while it’s on going since i didn’t want to be left cliffhanged. but after finishing the side story 1, are people actually sympathizing with dohyeok? are we forgetting what he did to suha? wasn’t his little arc with suha also shown in the side story 1? i need to remind you all that consent out of fear IS NOT CONSENT. dohyeok deserved what he got and the author did a great job on writing it. when he was gang raped we could clearly see his “friend” not bothered by it because it’s in their nature, what they did to him is what dohyeok normally does before he became a bottom. siwoo had every right to reject him because he has his morals. are we forgetting that he clearly saw that suha’s uncomfortable and didn’t want to top someone while being watched yet he insisted and threatened on breaking up? THAT IS CONSENT OUT OF FEAR AND NOT CONSENT. just because he had karma biting his ass back doesn’t erase what he did in the past, you may think that he didn’t deserved it all but remember all the times when suha had to do go through that EVERYDAY. and did y’all collectively closed your eyes while reading the part where he treated siwoo like shit? threatening his family and holding his workers hostages for gang rape which he HIMSELF went through? read the last author’s note during the end of the main story, you’ll see that it is not the author’s intention to have people sympathizing with that menstrual blood.

    HRAensn July 4, 2024 12:36 am

    If we are gonna talk about consent, let’s not forget all the main characters are rapists, there are no good ones here. We just hate Dohyeok a bit more cause he has a shitty personality but we overlook the fact that Suha put his partner’s penis in his ass while his partner was asleep, and his partner…we already know. And revenge rape isn’t it man, I felt disgusted seeing that.

    He deserves beating and jail if anything.
    Him treating Siwoo like shit doesn’t warrant him to be raped. Siwoo had no business raping someone while having a friend who’s a rape victim. Suha wouldn’t even want that.

    All are rapists, but Dohyeok is more shitty in terms of personality.

    If they can all end up together, I want Dohyeok to change somehow and end up with Siwoo.

    Overall this story and the characters within are very toxic.

    HRAensn July 4, 2024 12:39 am

    I personally don’t sympathize but I just can’t stand rape. It’s disgusting and inhumane. If anything, the rape or whatever punishment should’ve been done by the victim. Not the irrelevant people.

    hisu July 4, 2024 2:25 am
    If we are gonna talk about consent, let’s not forget all the main characters are rapists, there are no good ones here. We just hate Dohyeok a bit more cause he has a shitty personality but we overlook the fac... HRAensn

    you have a great argument here i have to agree, it is true that rape is not the answer to everything. but i think you should remember that there is a difference between consensual-non-consensual (though i know that jiwoon never consented but let me finish first) and coercing someone to consent, the psychological impact on both the victims had from these “rapes”. jiwoon never minded it and was even more turned on upon finding it out and not to mention suha being aware that he had just assaulted his partner, jiwoon never consented but again, he never minded it therefore it can be classified as consensual-non-consensual. whereas we have dohyeok whom we know who loves to force suha into everything that only HE is into and we know how that affected suha. i agree that both are rape, but in my opinion the victim’s perspective is the most important issue here hence to why in real life people file cases (ik that it’s not the case for everyone since some victims are silenced.) rape is not the answer to everything, but in dohyeok’s case he just basically got the taste of his own medicine. we need to remember that he could not be easily changed and siwoo is aware of that that is to why he could never bring himself to admit that he liked the guy. AGAIN, even though he went through rape himself, he is still willing to put other people in danger by making them go through what HE went through. that’s why I in MY opinion, dohyeok deserves what he got and that is AS WHOLE not just the being raped part.

    hisu July 4, 2024 2:32 am
    I personally don’t sympathize but I just can’t stand rape. It’s disgusting and inhumane. If anything, the rape or whatever punishment should’ve been done by the victim. Not the irrelevant people. HRAensn

    and if i’m being honest, i actually felt bad and sympathized for him during his panic attack episodes after the incident. but just one mention of suha’s name, all of it disappeared because what he went through, had suha doubled it down and went through worse. i really love suha and the people who care for him, if he had at least an a bit ounce of showing some guilt for what he did to suha then he COULD be redeemable. going through what you put your victims into is the best revenge for me so they would know how bad it feels to be on their shoes, but dohyeok on the other hand, despite going through all that he still never learned his lesson that’s why he got what he deserved

    HRAensn July 4, 2024 2:39 am
    you have a great argument here i have to agree, it is true that rape is not the answer to everything. but i think you should remember that there is a difference between consensual-non-consensual (though i know ... hisu

    No, it’s still rape BECAUSE JIWOON DID NOT KNOW ABOUT IT UNTIL LATER. What do you mean he never minded it? He didn’t tell his partner to have sex while he’s asleep, that’s just wrong. He literally cannot consent while asleep. There is no consensual non con unless they talked about it beforehand and Suha and Jiwoon never did.

    Just because Jiwoon is okay with it doesn’t mean it’s any less bad. Suha just got away with it cause that’s his partner and Jiwoon isn’t mentally well either.

    Nobody deserves rape. Siwoo isn’t any less of a rapist.

    HRAensn July 4, 2024 2:39 am
    you have a great argument here i have to agree, it is true that rape is not the answer to everything. but i think you should remember that there is a difference between consensual-non-consensual (though i know ... hisu

    And what chapter did Suha tell Jiwoon that he r worded him?

    HRAensn July 4, 2024 2:43 am
    and if i’m being honest, i actually felt bad and sympathized for him during his panic attack episodes after the incident. but just one mention of suha’s name, all of it disappeared because what he went thro... hisu

    Well Dohyeok was raised to be a certain type of dude so I can’t fault him for that but yeah I don’t condone it. Still don’t think he should’ve gotten gang raped…

    Obviously people won’t change overnight. That’s why revenge rape isn’t the solution, it may be satisfying to some fucked up ones but it isn’t the solution..

    People just hate him more cause he’s shittier in personality but overlook the rapes from other characters. I personally hate the friends more for influencing him and also his blue haired “friend” beating Suha, but Dohyeok stopped him.

    I’m not sure if I remembered right but Dohyeok never liked to lay his hands and even told his “friend” to stop that. He’s a strange character.

    Although it was rape too, Suha wasn’t drugged and kidnapped if I remember correctly (or was he?). Either ways neither is equal nor right.

    HRAensn July 4, 2024 2:50 am

    “did y’all collectively closed your eyes while reading the part where he treated siwoo like shit? ”

    No but I don’t really care for Siwoo considering he became the same as Dohyeok— a Rapist.
    I don’t have much sympathy for rapists regardless of their motives. Rape regardless of their intentions is NEVER RIGHT. Leave it to the victims, and others should stay out of it unless authorities.

    Also let’s not forget Siwoo drugged Dohyeok and nearly made him overdose (I don’t remember how many pills he made him swallow). So yeah I don’t feel too bad.

    Dohyeok even told him to leave him be and get out the hotel room. But Siwoo stayed and forced upon him. That’s on him. Threatening your rapists is actually what Suha should do, and Dohyeok did that to Siwoo.

    Cops are almost never involved so I’m not even gonna count on them haha. Dohyeok is a rapist, Suha is a rapist, Jiwoon is a rapist, and Siwoo is a rapist.

    HRAensn July 4, 2024 2:54 am

    Sorry for bunch of replies. I keep remembering what to add

    hisu July 4, 2024 3:04 am
    No, it’s still rape BECAUSE JIWOON DID NOT KNOW ABOUT IT UNTIL LATER. What do you mean he never minded it? He didn’t tell his partner to have sex while he’s asleep, that’s just wrong. He literally canno... HRAensn

    it’s chapter 53! while yes, regardless, rape is rape. but my point here it already happened. like i said earlier, the victims perspective is the most important issue. secondly, if the rapist themself is guilty about it and is admitting to his crime. i’m pretty sure i said i agree with you that rape is not the answer to everything?

    i’m gonna explain my point once again.

    siwoo is a rapist, suha is a rapist, dohyeok is a rapist.

    siwoo is out in the picture since we’re talking about suha and dohyeok.

    both are criminals that committed rape.

    what makes them redeemable?

    suha is admitting to his crime and is guilty about it.

    dohyeok on the other hand, is still willing to put other people on pedestal and is still not admitting that he did some psychological damages to suha.

    both are in the wrong. but did both of them try to make it right? do you see my point now?

    HRAensn July 4, 2024 3:10 am
    it’s chapter 53! while yes, regardless, rape is rape. but my point here it already happened. like i said earlier, the victims perspective is the most important issue. secondly, if the rapist themself is guilt... hisu

    Well both have different upbringing and I see your point now, thank you so much for clarifying. I thought you were trying to excuse Suha’s rapist action.

    I don’t think rapists can be redeemed because it’s a huge invasion of the human body…but since it’s fiction, sure I don’t mind it as much as I would in real life.

    I just disagreed about the consensual-non consent you said, that didn’t happen. Like you said there was no consent from Jiwoon, so nothing consensual non consent. It’s just rape by itself.

    Dohyeok is one of those people who grew up rich and arrogant as hell. Hopefully he grovels and changes, even 5% is a good start. If others can be redeemed, he sure as hell can. And maybe an apology to start off with. But I also want Siwoo to apologize at the very least. All rapists should apologize if they can’t be jailed.

    I doubt Dohyeok would change so fast. Maybe some years of atoning/self reflecting. Idk how the author will make their side story but I’m eagerly waiting just so I can finally say goodbye to this story.

    And because I’m a big fan of shitty bottoms (Dohyeok) aside from his cruel actions. Those arrogant bitch bottoms but then changes and regrets. Oh I love it.

    hisu July 4, 2024 3:19 am
    “did y’all collectively closed your eyes while reading the part where he treated siwoo like shit? ”No but I don’t really care for Siwoo considering he became the same as Dohyeok— a Rapist.I don’t ha... HRAensn

    i don’t particularly like dohyeok for siwoo, because i agree with you. they don’t work together since both are guilty. like you said “leave it to the victims”, while being a rapist yourself like dohyeok, that doesn’t erase the fact that he’s also a victim himself.

    but being a victim himself doesn’t undo what he did to suha and many of his other victims. i think you are glazing dohyeok’s situation more so i’ll remind you the thing he did to suha.

    -coerced him into sex
    -coerced into orgys
    -forced to top while being watched

    and that’s not all i probably forgot some but that is during while they’re still in a relationship.

    -tricked him into coming into a hotel basically blackmailing him by threatening to do something to suha’s friend if he didn’t come
    -let suha get sexually and physically assaulted as he only watched the things unravel and even sent the picture to jiwoon whom he knows is into suha
    -drugged jiwoon and sent some men to allegedly rape jiwoon
    -forced siwoo under his radar by threatening to put his workers in his group’s gang rape orgy.

    and that is still not all yet he’s already broken up with suha during all that

    hisu July 4, 2024 3:21 am
    i don’t particularly like dohyeok for siwoo, because i agree with you. they don’t work together since both are guilty. like you said “leave it to the victims”, while being a rapist yourself like dohyeok... hisu

    he’s a bad person who experienced what HIS victims experienced because of him and i think it’s deserving so he could at least change for the better but doesn’t seem to work on him making him unredeemable in my opinion.

    HRAensn July 4, 2024 3:27 am
    i don’t particularly like dohyeok for siwoo, because i agree with you. they don’t work together since both are guilty. like you said “leave it to the victims”, while being a rapist yourself like dohyeok... hisu

    I honestly don’t care about Dohyeok being raped too much nor with Suha or Jiwoon. BL has desensitized me too much. But I will not condone it either ways, I just don’t react much, it’s not a shock factor.

    I agree that being a victim doesn’t undo what he did. That’s why I’m saying Dohyeok should grovel and regret, I think he also deserves revenge but not raping his “friends” back of course, make them starve to death or something other than rape. Cause to me, if you’re a victim and then do revenge rape, you become the rapist too.

    I’m aware of what he did. I still don’t think he deserved revenge rape by Siwoo nor his “friends”. I’d be much more satisfied with the revenge had it been from Suha’s order or Jiwoon.

    If people want to bring up about rape, they should bring up all the characters (except side). Dohyeok is more intense due to his arrogant and immature upbringing, he also is competitive with Jiwoon so that just fueled him more.

    Again, I do not think what he got was a solution. Still became a rapist. Funny enough, Siwoo was innocent of crimes but then became a rapist. For Dohyeok, it’s a rapist to victim, but as you said, he can’t undo his pasts.

    That’s why I do hope he grovels. He sincerely apologized and feels somewhat of remorse. I don’t mind him and Siwoo ending up together, but I wouldn’t want him to be with the other if he doesn’t change.

    hisu July 4, 2024 3:32 am
    Well both have different upbringing and I see your point now, thank you so much for clarifying. I thought you were trying to excuse Suha’s rapist action. I don’t think rapists can be redeemed because it’s... HRAensn

    thank you for clarifying too! i worded it wrong but thank you for seeing and understanding my point. and you saying that you like dohyeok made you defending him make so much sense now

    but to each their own!

    all of the characters in this manhwa are all morally grey except for suha in my opinion. he is the only character capable of accepting his mistakes and apologizing. i’ve been reading for years now so i’ve known how to like characters from their actions, rape is a common trope in the yaoi community apparently so i’ve found my way to nitpick what to like and not to like, including the shitty characters.

    while i myself likes some questionable characters, dohyeok could never be one of them since he doesn’t have any ounce of guilt for what he did to suha and suha’s the reason why i love this series that’s probably why i hate dohyeok so much. no one deserves to go through what suha did, despite their relationship already being over dohyeok continued to haunt him so i can never really like him.

    he truly got what he deserved in my opinion. my point will continue to stand unless the author actually somewhat makes dohyeok redeemable, and when that happens i think we can all finally rest peacefully.

    HRAensn July 4, 2024 3:33 am
    he’s a bad person who experienced what HIS victims experienced because of him and i think it’s deserving so he could at least change for the better but doesn’t seem to work on him making him unredeemable ... hisu

    I don’t think raping your rapist is gonna make them nicer

    HRAensn July 4, 2024 3:39 am
    thank you for clarifying too! i worded it wrong but thank you for seeing and understanding my point. and you saying that you like dohyeok made you defending him make so much sense now but to each their own! all... hisu

    I don’t like Dohyeok, I like personalities like his (but not to the rape part) where the bottoms are arrogant and stuck up and bossy/kind of cruel, but then they regret and grovel, getting karma in some form.

    I don’t think I ever justified his actions, so I did not defend him in any way. Did I explain? Yes. I think Dohyeok is just too prideful for his own good to admit his wrongdoings.

    I doubt the author will make him “redeemable”. Like I said, rapists are never redeemable, but since it’s fiction, sure to some extent.

    I wouldn’t have minded the rape revenge as much if it was actually ordered by Suha, the victim. But those friends are literally the ones who hurt Suha, and influenced Dohyeok’s actions (including drug), so I detest those “friends” more.

    In fact I didn’t mind Siwoo raping Dohyeok as much as I did with his “friends”.

    I’m a big fan of morally gray characters. As for Suha, yes I can say he’s more of the better ones aside from some actions, he’s good in personality too.

    HRAensn July 4, 2024 3:41 am
    he’s a bad person who experienced what HIS victims experienced because of him and i think it’s deserving so he could at least change for the better but doesn’t seem to work on him making him unredeemable ... hisu

    Also I don’t think he’ll regret right away or maybe he did, but I haven’t seen much of his thoughts or whole POV to judge fully. Hopefully in his side story that’s coming, we will see his thoughts more and if he ever feels remorse.

    Then he’d be somewhat redeemable for some but for me, I can never redeem him, I detest rapists , the most I can do is explain it but never condone it.

    hisu July 4, 2024 3:43 am
    I honestly don’t care about Dohyeok being raped too much nor with Suha or Jiwoon. BL has desensitized me too much. But I will not condone it either ways, I just don’t react much, it’s not a shock factor. ... HRAensn

    thank you so much for discussing your opinion with me! i completely understand your point and agrees with you— well at least partly.

    i think you’re right that if someone needs a revenge it should be from the victim themselves and rape is not the answer to everything.

    though knowing suha, i’m pretty sure he would NEVER do something like that he’d rather not associate himself with the likes of dohyeok.

    while i do agree with you, my point still stands! one thing is better than nothing. i would much prefer the storyline the author went for rather than dohyeok not facing the consequences of his actions. him being sent of to the states, siwoo rejecting him, and being left alone all by himself. he truly got what he deserves for me. if he’s not willing to change he is better of alone.

    again, thank you for expressing your opinions! while i do in fact hate him, despite all the things he’s done he’s still a victim xp

    HRAensn July 4, 2024 3:49 am
    thank you so much for discussing your opinion with me! i completely understand your point and agrees with you— well at least partly. i think you’re right that if someone needs a revenge it should be from th... hisu

    Of course, your opinion is as valid as any opinions. I personally felt nauseated by that gang rape so I don’t feel satisfied with it or anything. Even if it’s revenge from Suha, it doesn’t have to be rape, it can be anything else. I don’t think Suha is that innocent or a saint, no I think what I’m trying to say is that Suha isn’t incapable of hurting another.

    So I do wish he would’ve been the one to do it, but as you said, he wouldn’t want to associate with Dohyeok. So I wonder how Dohyeok’s apology is gonna go. That’s if he even chooses to apologize.

    One can be a victim and a rapist so there’s that.

    Thank you to you as well for being polite.