**slight spoiler** (very opinionated)

no. July 3, 2024 8:46 am

To summarize, i loved season one and couldn’t finish season 2 (i fucking love this too so this hurt)

OK so I’ve finished season one and decided to drop season two. Don’t get me wrong it’s really fucking good at the beginning, like I couldn’t even put it down. but season two just felt so dragged and unnecessary. They could’ve just ended it after season one where they had that big fight and it feels like everything’s coming to a close. And maybe even give a couple side stories of like what happened afterwards. but THEY DIDNT. not only that, but they added a bunch of new characters (which i don’t usually hate) but it got to the point where it felt like the story was lost and unnecessarily dragged on. SO imo it’s just not fun to read anymore. I feel like I get more out of dropping it at season 1, than finishing it and thinking, wow that was a waste of time. Ugh and this really kills me cuz i was genuinely so into this and it sucks that i have to stop reading so early when i know there’s more to it. But i feel like season 2 ruins the book for me and i don’t want to think less of it than i do now Im just gonna tell myself they all catch 422 and everyone’s with their respected partner with a happy ending. YAYYY
