i liked the story though it upsets me that they just... let the fact that he went intimate...

notthatgirl July 3, 2024 5:50 am

i liked the story though it upsets me that they just... let the fact that he went intimate with hu hyung. it felt like cheating and it felt like betrayal if the uke were to find out in the future it would greatly hurt him. as a reader i FEEL hurt.

    Magic August 24, 2024 2:52 am

    Ya the Ike would definitely be hurt by that especially because of what the seme said before too and the Ike knows that the seme was kinda attracted to hu before. Im kinda upset over how the seme doesn’t seem to really reciprocate the uke’s feeling. Maybe im thinking too much but idkk

    notthatgirl August 24, 2024 4:55 am

    nah bc i think what we need is to have more chapters that highlights on the seme's feelings instead. bc at this point it feels like idk like he doesn't have strong enough feelings. like he could just try it again with hu hyung...

    Sakuya--- August 31, 2024 7:32 am

    ikr? like WAS THAT EVEN NECESSARY? it could honestly go like "yo, u got incubus on u?" "yea, how'd u know" "i also got incubused before" "damn man, we same." and be done w it, but no, they went and gunmin is ready and cosidering it to fuck w him after he just shut coque out ik they weren't together, but i still feel betrayed for coque and as a reader. the next chapters felt icky after that chapter

    dumbass, but cultured dumbass September 5, 2024 9:38 am

    this was like nail in the coffin for me! like that made me like officially not like the story :/