
ruan July 3, 2024 5:24 am

im pretty sure Morning Diamonds is off her meds or something this is wild behavior

    XaXa July 3, 2024 6:05 am

    FrIve been reading her replies and comments for the past few minutes and I think she escaped the mental hospital

    Epsilon July 3, 2024 6:31 am

    They have to be shitposting
    There’s no way some person can be that serious with the random ass shit they be spitting and god awful opinion. And the ChatGPT thing

    They can’t be fr

    Salinya July 3, 2024 7:36 am

    There are two different accounts of Morning Diamonds, that's the thing. Mind you, this was just because of a argument (forgot to mention that they make alt accounts to stalk Morning Diamonds)

    One of them keeps saying the n word, the other one is trying to stop everyone to thinking it was the actual person

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me July 3, 2024 1:35 pm

    It is a cyberstalker that stolen the identity of the real [I love morning Diamonds aka me]
    There are four accounts that look the same that the targets know of.

    The real I Love morning diamonds has not responded In a few days. Their account was created October 2023.

    I am impersonating them but I am defending them.
    The other two accounts are cyberstalkers that stolen the identities of many people including I love morning diamonds aka me.

    They stolen the identity of their targets to say stupid things as if they were the target to get you to believe it is the real one saying it. They want you to hate or attack the real one with them pretending to be their targets.

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me July 3, 2024 1:54 pm

    Again, there are four accounts that the targets are aware of, which look the same:

    1. [ https://www.mangago.zone/home/people/3526299/home/] - The real account whose identity has been stolen. Account created in October 2023 and has not responded since June 29, 2024.

    2. [ https://www.mangago.zone/home/people/3699209/home/] - My account, which is impersonating the real user, but I am defending them.

    3. [ https://www.mangago.zone/home/people/3703695/home/] - The main cyberstalker who has stolen the identities of many people to say offensive things pretending to be their targets.

    [ https://www.mangago.zone/home/people/3690382/home/] - Another cyberstalker who stole the identity of the real user and is not very active. They have a different reason for their behavior.


    Both cyberstalkers have been bullying and attacking others. A few people stood up to them, trying to convey the truth of the story, which the cyberstalkers don’t like. They harm people and ignore their actions to blame others for their actions.

    We should strive for respectful and constructive discussions, not tolerate hostility and personal attacks.

    XaXa July 3, 2024 4:57 pm
    Again, there are four accounts that the targets are aware of, which look the same:1. [https://www.mangago.me/home/people/3526299/home/] - The real account whose identity has been stolen. Account created in Octo... I love Morning Diamonds aka me

    Dayum this is news I love to listen to

    BaileyBot July 4, 2024 1:34 am
    Dayum this is news I love to listen to XaXa

    Here's even more info. Morning Diamonds aka Predator of Jinx is a disgusting pedo who says that asking a minor for a pic is not bad because he didn't explicitly ask for nudes.


    I love Morning Diamonds aka me July 4, 2024 1:56 am
    Dayum this is news I love to listen to XaXa

    BaileyBot is their sock puppet. They used that account and one of the cyberstalkers to DM the sock puppet to claim that childish debunked nonsense over and over.

    The real one never DM the sock puppet. They are mad they are wrong that there is no rape in Jinx and doing all this for a stupid argument. How childish.

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me July 4, 2024 2:01 am

    Please don’t engage with sock puppet BaileyBot. Notice I am not responding to them. They are not the worth the effort or time.
    Also, BaileyBot is not describing her targets but themselves instead.

    Safety Sentinel July 4, 2024 2:33 am
    Dayum this is news I love to listen to XaXa

    Do you want some news? My friend gave you a list of 4 [I love morning diamonds aka me}
    At one time I pretended to be Baileybot. I stopped when they exposed themselves.

    Number 4 on that list pretended to be Baileybot too on that account.
    So in a thread in the past when Number 4 was pretending to be Baileybot. Number 3 comes in saying number 4 was the real Baileybot then Number 4 changed their name to what I changed it to before changing it to {I love Morning Diamonds aka me].

    # 3 has admitted to emailing Baileybot and has said they are "trolling" us. They have many accounts and have said they are trolling us on different sites. They can't admit they are cyberstalking us and lying about the debunked framed job on someone they hate because She was right. The real MD is a female. (At least the currently one)

    Everything Baileyboy says is just part of "troll" because they can't admit they were wrong. They are unwilling to admit to their mistakes and take responsibility for their actions. This is because they are too prideful or insecure to acknowledge they were wrong to where they are trying to frame one and stealing identities over something trivial. Instead of being smart and owning up to their actions, they double down and continue their harm and immature behavior. They are causing the harassment to continue when they have nothing but misinformation, gaslighting, and attacks. Admitting you are wrong and taking responsibility is a sign of maturity. This says more about them than it does about their targets.
    Everything Baileybot is saying is about number 3 on that list and we at one time thought Number 4 was Baileybot but we believe number 3 is Baileybot.

    Safety Sentinel July 4, 2024 3:51 am

    By the way, my other accounts are: The real ''Morning diamonds'' and the ''Morning diamonds'' pretending to be someone else defending myself. I hope with this confusion I can bury all of Bailey's screenshots of me asking for her pics. Ain't no grooming of mine will sabotage me. I am on my journey to find a new minor to harass and impersonate if they don't obey me.

    BaileyBot July 4, 2024 4:21 am

    Who is a real user and who is a sockpuppet? Let's see.

    I have been here since November, longer than when you claim your trolls started trolling you. This Morning Diamond was created in February to play with the trolls. Safety Sentinel was created in March pretending to be me in an attempt to discredit and silence me.

    I have comments in multiple places besides Jinx. MD and SS only comment on Jinx. I actually read on here. I talk about other manga and manhwa. MD and SS have not added anything to their reading lists for months now. In fact, SS only added the same manhwa I was reading in March to pretend they were me. Neither account are genuine readers.

    MD and SS exist only to defend the "real" MD. Both have claimed at one point to not know MD but somehow know intimate details about his life, how he thinks, and what he would say in certain situations. They know about every single user he has had conflict with and have intimate knowledge of MD's alts who don't exist anymore. MD and SS also consistently show up around the same timeframe.

    When the unusual way they all write was brought into question, they began to use Chatgpt to mask it. When pushed more about the striking similarities between how MD, SS, and their other alts write, they began to claim MD was inactive and his account had been handed over to a woman. Now they claim the account is being used by SIX different people. Which is more likely - that they are all one person or that six people were deranged enough to join one account to fight on Jinx?

    Who is the real user? Clearly it is not MD or SS. They are both sockpuppets trying to hide the disgusting actions of MD and forcing people to feed their superiority complex.

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me July 4, 2024 7:18 am

    The second safety is the cyber stalker showing how threaten they are. They try to make 10 or more people the same person to try to intimidate MD. They are all about control and trying to confuse others.

    That safety is the same person behind baileyBot and the 3rd [I love morning diamonds aka me] in my list.
    Same cyberstalker same overused statements. They are stuck on repeat as they can’t admit they are wrong and stealing identities of people they are threatened by to gaslight everyone about who they are impersonating.

    Why this seems exciting come back in a month, two months, or 5 months it will be the same thing on their side. They are trying to control others because they hate being wrong.

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me July 4, 2024 7:27 am

    Proof that the second safety stole the identity of the first safety. https://www.mangago.zone/home/mangatopic/16081643/

    What ever sock puppet Baileybot and the other cyberstalker are saying it is a lie to misrepresent and manipulate people to believe their propaganda.
    Don’t engage with them as they show how immature they are.

    「ナタリー」 July 4, 2024 8:09 pm

    PLEASE EXPLAIN THE LORE, i just went back to see if jinx has any new updates then i see whole paragraphs of random stories

    Safety Sentinel July 5, 2024 2:23 am
    PLEASE EXPLAIN THE LORE, i just went back to see if jinx has any new updates then i see whole paragraphs of random stories 「ナタリー」

    Morning diamonds has been defending rape for years. If he sees anyone saying that Jaekyung is a rapist, he'll go harass them with multi-para replies until I started trolling him. His harassment decreased but I still witnesses him impersonating and grooming minors admitting paedophilia is 13 and below. He also started using Chatgpt recently which is also a crime as bad as being a rape apologist, because his essays are impossible to read

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me July 5, 2024 3:45 am
    PLEASE EXPLAIN THE LORE, i just went back to see if jinx has any new updates then i see whole paragraphs of random stories 「ナタリー」

    Hey, this is an online community where we share and discuss stories.
    My friends and I share and try to help people understand facts. Someone felt triggered by this and falsely accused us of defending rape and other false accusations. They've been harassing us, twisting our words, and even impersonating us to make it look like we're the bad guys. We're just trying to talk about a story, but they're attacking and gaslighting us. They're twisting the truth and trying to discredit him. Not sure why they're doing this, but it seems like they're trying to silence the truth or manipulate the discussion to harm someone when they caused the issues and can’t take responsibility for their actions.