
... February 25, 2017 8:51 pm

Even though I should be feeling sorry for Huihui I don't know why I think he is too manipulative and the kind that won't let Lan be happy if he himself isn't even though he knows Lan would cut out his heart for Huihui

    Notatall March 4, 2017 2:00 pm
    No what I was trying to say is that he understands that Lan can't protect him hence his derisive attitute when telling that Lan couldn't kill him. But he will still reply on Lan's presence.I don't agree with th... ...

    Oh, I know Moritat, I'm reading it, too. (: Moritat is more of a mind game, but it's also well portrayed so I'm enjoying it as well. It's peculiar that lately I'm enjoying reading manhua and manhwa more often than manga, I could have never imagined that before. o_0

    Gray March 14, 2017 6:26 pm
    No what I was trying to say is that he understands that Lan can't protect him hence his derisive attitute when telling that Lan couldn't kill him. But he will still reply on Lan's presence.I don't agree with th... ...

    Can't miss what he never had....How horrible to be destined for a horrible life since birth. Not knowing of any kind of happiness. Children in Syria being born in airstrike, their only fears are bombs. If the boy dies now, the only thing he knows is the brothel while his brother at least has thoughts of his lover and the life he had before. With the way you talk about it, Hui Hui just seems to be a burden to Lan, and blood thicker than water BS(to the other person) Yeah blood shouldn't matter if you're talking about adults with another adult. But here you're talking about an older brother and a younger brother. You are the older one, obviously you have to take care of your younger brother. It's not like you're talking about an adult child talking to his adult mother then you can bring in blood shouldn't matter. But your own younger sibling? One who isn't of age yet? You want to leave because you think blood shouldn't be thicker than water? Seriously? You guys must be very fortunate if you can say of such stuff.

    I was 13 when I had to start working so that my little brother could get lunch money for my parents and that they wouldn't have to give me money. 15, when I had to pay for mine and my bro's allowances for books and food because my dad was hospitalised. It was horrible juggling both but I never once hated my brother because he was younger and I knew I was the older sister and I did it because I loved my younger brother. You think he wasn't a little shit sometimes? You think I didn't get beat up when something broke and I took the blame? Or when he stole money from my parents and I had to stop them from hitting him? Seriously, the way you talk about Hui Hui and I'm talking more for the person who replied you. That's horrible.

    I agree with the other comments, if Lan left his brother for his own happiness he is the same as his mother. And not knowing the mother's circumstance? Unless the mother actually fought to take the boys away, she is at fault.( And I'm talking to the other person who said that we do not know the mother's circumstance.) If you leave your child to such a situation, you are at fault. For first, birthing children you couldn't take care of and second for then leaving them at a brothel.

    Gray March 14, 2017 6:28 pm
    No what I was trying to say is that he understands that Lan can't protect him hence his derisive attitute when telling that Lan couldn't kill him. But he will still reply on Lan's presence.I don't agree with th... ...

    If he leaves without his brother, I truly hope he goes to hell. Especially since he knows WHERE he's leaving his younger brother at. It's funny you think he can have ANY form of happiness if he left Hui Hui. As though he would not get HAUNTED by the fact that he left his brother. That he won't KILL himself for leaving his brother to a place where he knows what happens.

    If you think he can leave and still be happy. Then he's probably a worse person than I thought he could be.

    Notatall March 18, 2017 3:11 am
    Can't miss what he never had....How horrible to be destined for a horrible life since birth. Not knowing of any kind of happiness. Children in Syria being born in airstrike, their only fears are bombs. If the b... Gray

    Thank you for sharing your experience, you've been though quite a lot. Hopefully, misfortunes will avoid you and your sibling.

    I've been through a lot, too (in parent-children aspect). The only thing is that I don't have a mindset that allows me to judge other people from my personal experience. Even the mother in the story. It's my personal experience, so the only one I can judge is myself. I don't think judging someone would do any good for either me or for the person I judge. I presume, the only right thing to do is sharing experience, like you did. Only when another person with similar (similar, but still different) circumstances sees an example of another person's experience, they might come to conclusions that make them wish to change.

    As for Hui Hui, I guess I didn't draw the line of my thought clear enough. My ultimate wish for the boys is for them to escape the brothel, clear their names from a slave registry and leave peacefully as free citizens. I might be blind, but I just don't see how they can do that remaining in brothel together. They live in a secluded world, so in order to find a solution, they need to think outside the box. If they can't find solution on their own, I don't see anything blameable in seeking for a solution outside or from other people. What Lan (as the elder brother) can do now is: 1) to find a nobleman who can become a patron who will erase their names from the slave registry and eventually buy Hui Hui out (or Lan can start earning money on his own, once a free citizen, and buy Hui Hui out afterwards himself). Of course, theoretically Hui Hui can also find a wealthy patron and buy Lan out, but at the time being the boy is too inexperienced to handle that. And one more thing: theoretically Hui Hui can also find a patron, but it doesn't mean such a patron will ever appear in the future; 2) Lan can escape, find a gang of robbers or murderers, join them and set them on the brothel in order to destroy it and free Hui Hui and lead their lives as criminals. What else can Lan do being a slave? I would appreciate it if someone told me, because nothing comes to mind. Social roles are restricting Lan's actions pretty much, unfortunately, he doesn't leave in a vacuum so there will always be other people who are willing to judge involved. Well, of course there is always another option: to break social role system. But even for that Lan must possess something (e. g. enormous physical strength and leadership qualities that will allow him to lead a revolution, or be a cunning genius who can benefit from any mindgame). I might be blind, but I just don't see anything of the kind. Lan is your ordinary boy (well, not quite ordinary, he was considered astonishingly beautiful until he got that scar), his powers are limited, and his spirit is nearly broken (how starving he was for human warmth, how he was begging Yong to share his warmth with him), what he can do now it grab that chance and use it. Of course, there is no guarantee Lan won't die somewhere in the middle or Hui Hui can hang on for so long, but I don't see why Lan should let the opportunity slip just because of that. He might die for Hui Hui (and once Lan is dead, his struggle is over), but he also might live for Hui Hui. As I have already mentioned, my ultimate wish is for the boys to flee from the brothel and lead a normal and peaceful life. Escape is not much of an option, because as another boy mentioned, the owners will be looking for them. Even if the owners don't find them, the brothers will have to always hide and lie about their identities, always on alert and in fear of being caught and punished. There is another thing to be kept in mind: time. Have you seen elderly prostitutes in the brothel? I might be blind, but I haven't. What happens to the boys who reach a certain age and stop selling? Brothel is not a charity home, they don't keep anyone who can't work there. So what happens to the boys? Are they disposed of (e. g. killed)? Are they sold to other households in order to keep on their slavery labour? How much time exactly does Lan have on his hands before it happens to him as well? He might not have the time and luxury to wait until Hui Hui grows up and become ready for actions, Hui Hui might never be ready, Hui Hui might never even grow up (as everyone knows, at that time the sex was unprotected, and no one knew what type of disease they could catch or when). All the more reason for not letting the opportunity slide, to my mind. As I'm sure I have already mentioned, my ultimate wish for the boys is to flee from the brothel and live as free citizens no matter what their future choices will be. If Lan needs to leave Hui Hui in the brothel in order: 1) to survive + 2) to erase their names from slave registry and become free citizens + 3) to become independent and preferably wealthy enough to buy Hui Hui out on his own - then, I say, be it so. Even if Lan's fate lead him away from his ultimate goal eventually, I don't see why he should not leave for the better. I also don't see what either of the brothers can gain from them sticking together until they rot both mentally and physically without putting up a fight (have I underlined that the boys are slaves and according to social roles of that time, they are not allowed to even deal with their own life? Like, when they are disposed of, they might be sold to different households in different parts of the country or even abroad). I just cannot share philosophy that romanticises Utopian sentiments that lead to no development/evolution, sorry for being not a romantic person. Staying in the brothel together just because 'blood is thicker than water' without an attempt to look at a bigger picture is a path of the least resistance from my point of view (let's at least remember my question about fate of grown up/elderly prostitutes), I don't see how it helps to solve anything let alone the entire problem. I might be blind though and not see something obvious. Oh, and one more thing I thought of. Try to imagine: cleaning dirt with dirty water and cleaning dirt with pure water - which works better? Lan staying with Hui Hui the way he is is like cleaning dirt with dirty water with Lan being dirty water (not because he is a prostitute, but because of the feelings that overwhelm him right now, because of the inner conflict that escalates as each day passes) and dirt being the secluded world of under-aged male prostitution. What I mean is Lan is broken, and there is not much a broken person can carry safely both for the broken person and for the things they carry. That is why I firmly believe Lan m_u_s_t leave with Yong if Yong gives him an opportunity, sorry for being so straight-forward.

    Gray March 20, 2017 5:12 pm
    Thank you for sharing your experience, you've been though quite a lot. Hopefully, misfortunes will avoid you and your sibling.I've been through a lot, too (in parent-children aspect). The only thing is that I d... @Notatall

    What you said was that blood thicker than water means nothing. And I was replying that that is untrue. You were then saying how Lan should leave Hui Hui behind. All this talk in your second para is opposite to what you have already commented multiple times. You are contradicting yourself. You basically made Hui Hui to be some kind of devil child that should be left alone just because he is desperate for his brother to stay with him(isn't it weird how a child might be desperate enough to be with someone familiar even if they might live their life out as prostitutes? How horrible.) And that Lan should leave Hui Hui behind for HIS good not THEIR good. So I'm sorry if I don't take your second para seriously.

    Old prostitutes get left out to beg for food, killing actually takes manpower and labour to do so rather than simply leaving them out to beg for food. This is my opinion but it is more feasible than simply killing them and it actually happens irl. Like I said, you stated multiple times Lan should leave for his own happiness and like I said, Lan would not be able to do that. And if he does, then he MUST be a worse person than I thought.

    It's easy for YOU to talk about people and feelings as though it doesn't help unless it benefits them, but people can live their lies in destitute and still at least be happy with the family they have. What is beneficial to YOU is not the same for others. People kill themselves from the guilt they have, leads lives full of regret If Hui Hui was left behind and something happened to him, Lan has no chance of happiness. It's easy to say how one situation might benefit from the other if you do not take into account the people involved. Lan may not be better if he goes away or be able to think of a plan when all he does is worry about Hui Hui, feel guilty about leaving Hui Hui and doing the EXACT thing that Hui Hui is afraid that he'll do. You want to talk about beneficial situation but you are only talking in YOUR own perspective if you were in Lan's shoes but not as Lan himself. So it's not right for you to dictate which is more beneficial for someone else.

    Notatall March 28, 2017 9:43 am
    What you said was that blood thicker than water means nothing. And I was replying that that is untrue. You were then saying how Lan should leave Hui Hui behind. All this talk in your second para is opposite to ... Gray

    Well, I see a slight difference between explaining my point of view using my own experience (no matter how mighty it might sound, it's the only measurement I've got. My arms will never be longer than they are, I can only embrace that much. Not the common knowledge or staff like that, but my very own experience whether it gives me food for thought or, on the contrary, narrows my point of view) and criticizing someone else's point of view due to my own judgement. I've tried to explain myself (don't see striking contradictions, by the way. And I don't see Hui Hui as a monster, never called him one. But I feel this boy can be dangerous, be it good or bad for others - we'll have time to see. He's got a spirit, he's ready to push his limits and test others, and can turn out to be a fierce fighter both literally and figuratively), but I'm not going to criticize you. I did underline that everything I wrote, I wrote from my own perception, glad you noticed. Have a nice time reading, hopefully this manhua won't upset or hurt you, neither will it brake your hopes.

    Notatall March 28, 2017 11:58 am
    What you said was that blood thicker than water means nothing. And I was replying that that is untrue. You were then saying how Lan should leave Hui Hui behind. All this talk in your second para is opposite to ... Gray

    Ugh, it's bugging me how arrogant this very "I won't criticize you" sounds. I should've put it another way instead, like "I'm stopping here now". So foolish about me, sorry about that.

    shortie~ March 30, 2017 8:21 am

    Huihui is frickin raped over and over for Lan too dude

    ... March 30, 2017 3:55 pm
    Oh, I know Moritat, I'm reading it, too. (: Moritat is more of a mind game, but it's also well portrayed so I'm enjoying it as well. It's peculiar that lately I'm enjoying reading manhua and manhwa more often t... @Notatall

    Me too!!!
    I think it has to do with the fact that manhua and manhwas are bringing in new plots. Mangas have gotten typical. All genre have become very predictable.

    ... March 30, 2017 4:20 pm

    Ok wow. Sorry but it is starting to get amusing how personally everyone is taking my comment and apparently I am the o e that needs to see the psychiatrist.
    Too all the Hui Hui sympathizers:
    1. Never said anything like it's alright for Hui Hui to be where he is.
    2. Nor called him a monster. Just manipulative. Just the fact that his brother doesn't know his real personality proves I was right.
    So basically its okay for you guys if Hui Hui is protected, always has a shadow to take the heat even if it means that Lan is seared by protecting him.
    There can't be a right or wrong answer in this scenario. If either of them try to be happy they both have the right. For those saying big brother should protect. Please keep in mind Lan is already protecting as much as he can for as long as he could and was suffering himself while trying to protect. A person can only endure so much.

    Yes I still believe Hiu Hiu could deliberately stop Lan from achieving happiness whereas I believe in reversed situation Lan would be happy for his brother
    Yes I could be wrong about him
    And no I will not change my mind unless the Manhua shows so
    Yes i am open to sound arguments if you have any.
    But please keep judgemental snaps to youself. Nor will I reply to quips made in anger just because u didn't like my comment.