
... February 25, 2017 8:51 pm

Even though I should be feeling sorry for Huihui I don't know why I think he is too manipulative and the kind that won't let Lan be happy if he himself isn't even though he knows Lan would cut out his heart for Huihui

    blackdia February 26, 2017 2:14 am

    See a psychiatrist. Find a damn good one. And an exorcist, too, might be helpful.
    But first, the psychiatrist.

    YAOOI February 26, 2017 2:41 pm
    See a psychiatrist. Find a damn good one. And an exorcist, too, might be helpful.But first, the psychiatrist. blackdia

    Wow, dude. VERY MATURE.
    Anon was just sharing what she/he thinks,
    no need to be offensive.

    And don't worry anon, I don't think he's like that.
    We haven't fully catch Hui Hui's part of the story,
    It's too soon to judge just yet. ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    ... February 26, 2017 9:10 pm
    Wow, dude. VERY MATURE. Anon was just sharing what she/he thinks, no need to be offensive. And don't worry anon, I don't think he's like that. We haven't fully catch Hui Hui's part of the story, It's too soon t... @YAOOI

    Thanks for backing me up! ^_^
    I am not really worried and even if Hui Hui really is how I think he is its kind of needed for surviving in his circumstances. Lan is too gentle. But the other character did say Lan doesn't know Hui Hui's real personality. Lets hope I am wrong!

    ... February 26, 2017 9:12 pm
    See a psychiatrist. Find a damn good one. And an exorcist, too, might be helpful.But first, the psychiatrist. blackdia

    Well there is the tragedy tag. Feel free to share your own twisted ideas on why its there then lets both go look for a psychiatrist!

    Anonymous February 26, 2017 9:16 pm
    Well there is the tragedy tag. Feel free to share your own twisted ideas on why its there then lets both go look for a psychiatrist! ...

    When it comes to the tragedy tag I would be wary of taking it seriously. There are manga on this website with happy endings that are tagged tragedy. I mean Disney level they live happily ever after endings and people jumped to conclusions and labeled it tragedy just because the beginning is bleak and unpleasant.

    ... February 26, 2017 9:32 pm
    When it comes to the tragedy tag I would be wary of taking it seriously. There are manga on this website with happy endings that are tagged tragedy. I mean Disney level they live happily ever after endings and ... @Anonymous

    It would be good if that is the case here. Where they both are right now is sad enough!

    Notatall March 2, 2017 8:45 am

    Oh, my thoughts exactly (about Hui Hui being manipulative). It's true Lan is too soft (that's why he ends up being hurt both emotionally and physically), that's why it's true when he admits he's on the edge. Hui Hui seems to be a smart and cunning boy who hates what's going on around him rather than gets used to it (like other boys/young men). I guess, this hate is the only thing the brothers share, but other than that they are completely different, nearly opposite (not like the opposites that complement each other, but more like opposites that won't ever overlap). And while Lan is about to break anytime soon, Hui Hui, on the other hand, seems to survive even f Lan is not around. And, yes, someone has mentioned that Hui Hui won't allow Lan to be happy unless he's happy himself, I also receive those vibes from him. But despite anything Hui Hui is by no means a less interesting character. I just hope Lan can be saved before he breaks down in this misery.

    Anonymous March 2, 2017 12:14 pm

    Huihui isn't being manipulative, he's a very young child being tortured and raped over and over, and he's scared shitless that his only family in the world is going to leave him behind. I want Lan to be happy too, but not by sacrificing his little brother, and leaving him behind like some unwanted puppy, while he goes off with his boyfriend. Lan is being a good big brother by staying and giving Huihui the little bit of happiness he can get in that horrible world. If Lan were to leave Huihui behind, he'd be just like their mother who dumped them at the brothel and left them without a care.

    ... March 2, 2017 3:11 pm
    Oh, my thoughts exactly (about Hui Hui being manipulative). It's true Lan is too soft (that's why he ends up being hurt both emotionally and physically), that's why it's true when he admits he's on the edge. Hu... @Notatall

    Oh I never said Hui Hui wasn't interesting. Waiting to see how the story progresses!
    Glad to see someone else agrees with me!

    ... March 2, 2017 3:14 pm
    Huihui isn't being manipulative, he's a very young child being tortured and raped over and over, and he's scared shitless that his only family in the world is going to leave him behind. I want Lan to be happy ... @Anonymous

    I understand your pov. Kind of even agree with it. But with Lan's personality I don't think he will leave Hui Hui behind. Just feel that if their positions were reversed then Lan would let Hui Hui go for his brothers happiness whereas Hui Hui will not.

    ... March 2, 2017 3:16 pm
    Huihui isn't being manipulative, he's a very young child being tortured and raped over and over, and he's scared shitless that his only family in the world is going to leave him behind. I want Lan to be happy ... @Anonymous

    He knows that his brother cares for him and instead of being grateful or thankful he will take advantage of the love and care. But that's just how I feel. I could be wrong.

    Notatall March 2, 2017 7:34 pm
    Huihui isn't being manipulative, he's a very young child being tortured and raped over and over, and he's scared shitless that his only family in the world is going to leave him behind. I want Lan to be happy ... @Anonymous

    Well, perhaps it would be interesting for you to know that all little children are trying to be manipulative (and many succeed: very often a child's hysterical cry is a form of manipulation, and many parents don't know how to deal with it), it's how they learn their own and other people's boundaries, how they learn who submits to them and whom they should submit to etc, so there's nothing wrong with Hui Hui being manipulative. Hui Hui is definitely not stupid, he cannot be lured easily, he's firm with his views and is ready to fight for himself (even at other people's costs just like he just like he tripped another boy). Then again I personally don't give it a negative connotation. All Hui Hui wants is to be happy, he just hasn't defined what being happy is for himself or hasn't learnt that his own happiness does not necessarily mean another person's misfortune, he's a boy in a secluded environment, he's got much to discover. It's really interesting to watch this boy's development.

    Notatall March 2, 2017 7:40 pm
    He knows that his brother cares for him and instead of being grateful or thankful he will take advantage of the love and care. But that's just how I feel. I could be wrong. ...

    Well, the same feeling. Moreover, I've got a feeling that Hui Hui is not the only one who took advantage of Lan. And I also presume that, sadly enough, Hui Hui simply doesn't know what gratitude is or how to show it (I can hardly imagine anything of the kind in a brothel).

    Notatall March 2, 2017 7:52 pm
    I understand your pov. Kind of even agree with it. But with Lan's personality I don't think he will leave Hui Hui behind. Just feel that if their positions were reversed then Lan would let Hui Hui go for his br... ...

    Well, this is kind of what I fear. If Lan stays and breaks down or even dies on Hui Hui, his "sacrifice" would only put Hui Hui into the depth of despair and be actually useless. But if, on the other hand, he chooses to live/leave (not to gain prosperity, but to simply survive) he can 1) return later on and buy Hui Hui's debt; 2) give Hui Hui both scars and strength through the deepest anger; 3) at least protect the young prince from an obvious danger of being murdered. It's true that blood is thicker than water (especially in countries like China), but no matter how heartless it might sound, I don't think it means it should drown anyone for nothing (if someone drown for their blood, they or those related to them by blood should at least get something apart from their dead body from their death). Well, speaking about Lan and Hui Hui, it's wise if Lan leaves something behind him to Hui Hui (if the only thing Hui Hui gets is Lan's sick/insane/dead body it would be yet another burden for the boy).

    ... March 2, 2017 8:00 pm

    Let me clear something here. I do not hate Hui Hui. I have nothing personal against him.His cunning is a need for survival I understand that too.
    I just shared the vibe I got that he will deliberately bar Lan's possible happiness if it evercomes his way. Plus even Lan doesn't know Hui Hui's real personality.
    WhileI am at it I would add that I also have a feeling that it was Hui Hui who brought that pervert's attention back to Lan cause he heard Lan might leave. And no I am not ignoring the state he is in or the fact that the pervert is as sickening for Hui Hui as he is for Lan just that Lan being in the same situation wouldn't do the same to Hui Hui. Thats how i feel. I believe i am free to interpret each character how I really perceive them.

    ... March 2, 2017 8:22 pm
    Well, this is kind of what I fear. If Lan stays and breaks down or even dies on Hui Hui, his "sacrifice" would only put Hui Hui into the depth of despair and be actually useless. But if, on the other hand, he c... @Notatall

    True that. I don't see how he can save the prince by leaving with him though.

    Notatall March 3, 2017 8:05 am
    Let me clear something here. I do not hate Hui Hui. I have nothing personal against him.His cunning is a need for survival I understand that too. I just shared the vibe I got that he will deliberately bar Lan's... ...

    That's an interesting thought, it never occurred to me it could be actually Hui Hui behind the pervert's return to Lan. Hopefully, it will be explained in the oncoming chapters. By the way, I reread some chapters and found out another aspect: Hui Hui is actually conflicted between his care for Lan and care for himself: when Hui Hui talked to another boy, he openly admitted that Lan was too soft to even strangle Hui Hui to death in order to cover him from all the misery of being a young male prostitute. Yet at the same time, like any other child, Hui Hui feels guilty and thinks he might be at the core of all brother's misfortunes, which is also not true. He also admits that Lan might be better off without Hui Hui around. Then again he feels terrible when Lan gets whipped instead of him. And then again he desperately doesn't want Lan to leave with a noble. It seems like Lan for Hui Hui is on some kind of god-like pedestal at the moment, Hui Hui doesn't quite realize that Lan is a mortal being, moreover his powers are quite limited to as much as not tying the rope around Hui Hui too tight, the boy doesn't realize his brother can literally do nothing to truly protect him. Well, it seems Hui Hui will have to see the drastic reality soon enough. But if your point proves to be right, and it's really Hui Hui behind the pervert's return, then Lan needs to be saved not only from the brothel, but from his younger brother as well.

    ... March 3, 2017 8:42 am
    That's an interesting thought, it never occurred to me it could be actually Hui Hui behind the pervert's return to Lan. Hopefully, it will be explained in the oncoming chapters. By the way, I reread some chapte... @Notatall

    Now that you mention are right about the conflicted part. Though I don't think he puts his elder brother on a pedestal. More like, he looks down on him at certain times like saying Lan is too soft. I think he sees Lan as a pillar of support for himself. And I don't mean that in a bad sense because he probably does care for Lan in his own way and he does need him emotionally as much as the pillar because he believes he can still be an innocent child in front of Lan who would see him as innocent instead of piercing into the depths of lost innocence.
    Honestly I think I might even understand all of Hui Hui's actions ,cornered as he is, but its too sad for Lan because he also suffered the same. Perhaps more because he knows he can't protect his little brother from suffering the same way. Plus with his face disfigured he probably has to go through alot of bullying as well.

    Notatall March 3, 2017 10:33 am
    Now that you mention are right about the conflicted part. Though I don't think he puts his elder brother on a pedestal. More like, he looks down on him at certain times like saying Lan is too soft. I t... ...

    I guess calling Lan Hui Hui's emotional pillar is pretty the same as me saying Hui Hui puts Lan on a godlike pedestal (meaning he is capable of nearly anything including of properly protecting Hui Hui which isn't true. And accepting the truth to Hui Hui might be almost as hurtful as disappointment in a god). Yeah, Hui Hui definitely needs that kind of emotional support, and so far Lan is the only source of it. And probably you're right saying that Hui Hui prefers to look innocent in front of Lan (like he asked another guy to prepare him for the client instead of asking Lan, then he started provoking the guy, and it was not the first and only time Hui Hui tried to provoke someone).

    Oh, and yeah, it tears my heart reading other comments stating that Lan would be just the same as their mother if he leaves Hui Hui in the brothel (we don't know the mother's circumstances, by the way, but to young children her actions will always be equal to betrayal regardless of ciscumstances). It's not like Lan comes from a cosy homely environment and just tries to ditch a ballast for his own comfort, he's only trying to survive at his limits (you're absolutely right saying that Lan once also was a boy who suffered the same as Hui Hui, same as all other boys in the brothel. The only difference is Hui Hui doesn't remember what a family/home/mother is, and Lan does. He still remember the way their mother acted when abandoning there, and this scar makes him suffer even more than his right eye. He also feared when they almost took Hui Hui from him. Then he suffered again when he lost his eye and his status even in that kind of society). So yeah, Lan went through the same (or even worse taking into consideration how obsessed everyone once was with his looks).

    Oh boy, this manhua is really diverse.

    ... March 3, 2017 3:46 pm

    No what I was trying to say is that he understands that Lan can't protect him hence his derisive attitute when telling that Lan couldn't kill him. But he will still reply on Lan's presence.
    I don't agree with thise comments either. They kinda made me sad instead. I feel that Lan is probably the most tragic character here. Like you said he knew a normal life atleast and then he suffered like this. For Hui Hui he may understand his situation is not the norm even long for a normal life but he can't miss what he never had and yes the betrayal! That was the worst! He has to sell himself and also take acre of his little brother knowing the brother will suffer the same as him.

    Lol ture. The author really knows how to get our head spinning. Btw if you like conjecture try Moritat. Been following that since chapter 2 was out. And i still don't know who is right and who is wrong in that webtoon!