Fooooyn July 2, 2024 11:38 am

Personally, people can hate me for this opinion, but I do believe there is chemistry between the two. I also believe what Giselle is doing, will help both the mc and ml in a tremendous way. Basically let’s think about it, MC has been pinning over ML for a long time now, bur he never knew if ML was even into the same gender.

Key point: ofc you won’t wanna confess to them, no matter how close you two are, especially if they are the same gender as you. It wouldn’t make sense, not only would you have the chance of loosing a good friend, but who knows how they will react and if you lead trauma between you and the individual.

Secondly, i’m not even mad at the ML. Think about it, MC never confessed, he was the one who chose to stay quiet all these years, and its clear ML is so stupid and doesn’t realize he had feelings too. But if MC had said something to him, they probably would’ve been together already and we could skip the angst. Truly, the author just has a thing for angsty stories, like I could give you 5000 solutions to make this work.

Giselle, her way of taking the point to make MC confess was honestly so needed. When I was looking at the raws, it seems Giselle ended up telling ML that MC had a crush on him. ML got extremely angry with the fact MC didn’t tell him, near the end, we see that ML wanted to confirm if he was able to reciprocate his feelings too MC by kissing him. AND GUESS WHAT, THAT KISS WAS VERY PASSIONATE AND HE DID REALIZE HE HSD A CRUSH ON HIM TOO. YOU SEE, MC needed to say something even if he was scared and ML needed someone to push him into the realization.

I truly hate both MC and ML for their complexity in both relationships and feelings, but I can’t deny that as people, we are bound to do the same thing. Rn, you may be finding both behaviors disgusting, unbearable, annoying, but thats because we are looking at it as a perspective of a reader who knew what both were thinking. But had this been a real life problem, many of us Wouk’s do the same thing. Because of our fear, our blindness, our judgment.

Alright thats the end of my ted talk.

    Jayjay July 2, 2024 2:21 pm

    At the end of the day, Giselle is the victim, but we love her for being so logical and elegant. Plus she’s so gorgeous.