i’m so lost and i haven’t read this in months someone refresh my brain lord

Syn.chronic July 2, 2024 9:11 am

i’m so lost and i haven’t read this in months someone refresh my brain lord

    CH30NS4 July 2, 2024 2:53 pm

    Fl’s mother, lets call her Mama Lilith, made Fl the ruler of the void by force despite giving her the choice not to. Now, fl’s the new ruler of the void, successor of Mama Lilith.

    Becoming the ruler made Fl a great demon like Ml resulting in her contract with Ml to be broken (bcs gd x gd cant be in a contract-based relationship). And apparently, they’re archenemies as per demonic instincts too.

    It was explained that demons dont exactly feel any emotions for each other and they simply just respect each other’s boundaries as fellow demons, but its especially hard for Ml x Fl as they’re archenemies. Fl’s doing her best to regain & repair her relationship with Ml in the recent chapters.

    Theres also this issue where the Vatican/Church people summoned Raphael, an archangel when they already previously made a pact with Behemoth, an archdemon. They haven’t talked about it much so I cant provide much context about it other than the fact that they think the Vatican is planning to wage a war towards the Iterana Empire.

    Anyway so far thats that, i say try reading from chapter 40 to get a gist of everything. Anything before chapter 40 is simply the intro part of the plot that includes introduction of characters, family revenge arc, & ofc the romance arc between Fl x Ml.