mangago is infested with antis T_T it's fiction, guys. it's not that serious. no sane pers...

castironbitch July 2, 2024 8:27 am

mangago is infested with antis T_T it's fiction, guys. it's not that serious. no sane person condones a relationship between a minor and an adult IRL, but these characters are just that, characters. they're not real.

    DUCKWORTH. July 2, 2024 8:32 am

    tipss July 2, 2024 8:34 am


    balmy17 July 14, 2024 2:40 pm

    The effects of anti Shota Oni is scattering everywhere. Lol

    goddess_nyx July 14, 2024 8:34 pm

    This is such a dumb argument. Obviously it's not real, that doesn't make the concept any less gross. If you're still able to enjoy the story, that's cool for you. But acting like ppl who don't want to read about and adult and a middle schooler together are taking things too seriously is just ridiculous.

    castironbitch July 14, 2024 8:47 pm
    This is such a dumb argument. Obviously it's not real, that doesn't make the concept any less gross. If you're still able to enjoy the story, that's cool for you. But acting like ppl who don't want to read abou... goddess_nyx

    obviously, you can dislike stories, but why do people need to say something is trash? just don't read it. it's offensive to the author and the fans of the works. pointless negativity.

    goddess_nyx July 14, 2024 8:58 pm
    obviously, you can dislike stories, but why do people need to say something is trash? just don't read it. it's offensive to the author and the fans of the works. pointless negativity. castironbitch

    People feel strongly about this topic, so they're going to react strongly. Saying "just don't read it" would be more valid if this plot was introduced in the first chapter. But when we're 4 volumes in, and people have been eagerly waiting for this character's story only for it to be something like this? They're gonna be disappointed and angry, and they're going to express that. If seeing negativity upsets you as a fan, you should keep reading and ignore the comments.

    GayHibiscus July 15, 2024 2:04 am

    Oh okay so you're okay with fiction that just happily portrays gassing minorities or something then, since it's just fiction?

    Fiction still has power, and this is attempting to normalise grooming.

    castironbitch July 15, 2024 11:24 am
    People feel strongly about this topic, so they're going to react strongly. Saying "just don't read it" would be more valid if this plot was introduced in the first chapter. But when we're 4 volumes in, and peop... goddess_nyx

    if you're interested in the main story, skip the parts you don't like, as a lot of people do. no one can force you to read stuff you don't like. you can express your disappointment, sure, but there's ways of doing so without being rude. people are way too sensitive nowadays, acting like everything is about them.

    GayHibiscus July 15, 2024 5:43 pm
    if you're interested in the main story, skip the parts you don't like, as a lot of people do. no one can force you to read stuff you don't like. you can express your disappointment, sure, but there's ways of do... castironbitch

    or we can criticise people who try to normalise grooming and the sexual exploitation of children! Hope that helps. <3

    July 15, 2024 6:06 pm

    OP it’s sad to see that a lot of people can’t distinguish art and reality. Like it’s okay if you like or don’t like something or some trope, but calling readers criminals for comics???????? Huh?????

    It’s like saying people who watch horror movies or listen to explicit music about drugs/murder/etc are also criminals. Like it makes no sense.

    If you don’t like something move on! Skip! Find something else! But you can’t control or police the preferences of others in MADE UP SHIT. Like draw your own comics ffs.