Dropped at Ch2

CuriousGumWad July 2, 2024 7:11 am

I'm tired of this racist fetishizing orientalist stereotyping bullshit plus pure innocent white snow savior innocent virgin FL who gives her virginity to ML.

Cover made me think it was just some sexy werewolf shit or cool black haired ML this is weird "beastly race" (not using a real race because that would be racist but we're definitely talking about THAT race *wink**wink)

    Nemesis July 10, 2024 6:12 am
    Like no offense but the story throws in a lot of fetishism towards black and brown ppl as well as racism, it could be written so much better and defending it shows your nasty character Shannon

    how am I nasty? This persona that you're trying to create like you're an upright person just because you're seeing issues that other people don't see. You can't even assume that these people don't have any qualms of what colorism, fetishization, xenophobia because maybe they are uneducated. Get of your high horse, you sound like a hypocrite and it feels like you're trying to prove something. Funny this is, you're in mangago, where literally reading and posting here is illegal and you're acting high and mighty talking about fetishization when there's none. People like me are subjected with so much fetishization that you'd know from the get go that it's not because of my personality but because of my race and that we're seen as submissive women. You're assuming that this is fetishization because white people in a westen set empire are calling people from other places that doesn't have the same belief system as them as barbarians and that's it. Do you somehow want them to react like they would kiss the path they walk on? Isn't that itself fetishization? The manhwa is literally just portraying how white people react to people who are different from them? Like what part exactly was the fetishization? That they have their own culture that somewhat similar to Indian culture even you know that it's a collective culture that came from different religions and beliefs that you can't even pin point which is which? He has a big dick? they have sex a lot? Or is it the dates? Literally y'all don't know what literary prospective means and it always have to be your way and you call me nasty? You're not even aware but you're as close minded as those racist and xenophobes and acting like those white saviors you despise. Let people be.

    Nemesis July 10, 2024 6:16 am
    No one even said you were white ? And if you were here to enjoy your story you'd ignore the comments and keep it pushing tf. And also I wasn't imposing. If you had actually used critical thinking skills, you'd ... Shannon

    I do use my critical thinking, if you actually used your head you would know that I replied because I enjoy the manhwa. You would know that I am not with you with what you said. You're trying to be smart or you're much better than anyone here because you're culturally sensitive or what not. You just truly sound like an insufferable person, like to be honest. Anyway, I'm done with this conversation. Get off your high horse tho.

    Shannon July 10, 2024 6:16 am
    I don't find this trashy at all? Idk why y'all are trying to impose what you like, I'm just here to enjoy my story and no I am not white and I am South East Asian. Nemesis

    Like the main concern of the og post was "oh this manhwa shows a couple stereotypes n fetishy bullshit, and it'd be better if it wasn't there so I'm dropping it." And then you came in to try say "ERM ACTUALLLYY

    Shannon July 10, 2024 6:18 am
    I don't find this trashy at all? Idk why y'all are trying to impose what you like, I'm just here to enjoy my story and no I am not white and I am South East Asian. Nemesis

    Like the main concern of the og post was "oh this manhwa shows a couple stereotypes n fetishy bullshit, and it'd be better if it wasn't there so I'm dropping it." And then you came in to try say "ERM ACTUALLLYY

    Shannon July 10, 2024 6:19 am
    Like the main concern of the og post was "oh this manhwa shows a couple stereotypes n fetishy bullshit, and it'd be better if it wasn't there so I'm dropping it." And then you came in to try say "ERM ACTUALLLYY... Shannon

    and you got mad at a legitimate concern and then proceeded to try say "well fetishism is XYZ!" The author literally has stuff in the dialogue referring to the characters as beastly n shit like that, chapter one, a piece of dialogue says and I quote

    'Kurkan. Most people in the continent despise them. Calling them 'barbarians' or 'beasts'. In fact, a Kurkan's temperament is closer to an animal than that of a humans. Unruly. Impulsive. Dangerous beasts that follow their instincts."

    This is a dangerous stereotype that stems back to when Europeans were colonizing south asia and even after the ottoman empire fell and Britain and France started taking up countries. They described the peoples as these terms to justify and dehumanize the native peoples. This is the exact same rhetoric the author used when describing the race that shows a mix of swansa cultures, which is extremely nasty.

    Shannon July 10, 2024 6:20 am
    how am I nasty? This persona that you're trying to create like you're an upright person just because you're seeing issues that other people don't see. You can't even assume that these people don't have any qual... Nemesis

    Ooh I got the hoes mad

    Shannon July 10, 2024 6:21 am
    I do use my critical thinking, if you actually used your head you would know that I replied because I enjoy the manhwa. You would know that I am not with you with what you said. You're trying to be smart or you... Nemesis

    Id rather be insufferable and culturally sensitive than an annoying bitch who gets mad when someone calls out some racism in their face manhwa . Bye bitch, id stay on my high horse any time of day period

    CuriousGumWad July 10, 2024 8:00 am
    girl so what? So what if it's not complex? We're not here to make a book report about How to Kill a Mocking Bird, we're here to read a story for enjoyment. How is this fetishizing? Like do white people have a w... Nemesis

    It's fetishization because his main attractive points other than his build and anime boy face is that he's dark skinned, beastly/animalistic (think of the implications in regards to foreign cultures) and very traditionally masculine. The story wants to say him, his race and culture are barbaric but either doesn't want to delve deeper into the culture and nuances of said practices and beliefs or it wants the aesthetics and surface level features of the culture and make them "not barbaric" while having the leading lady play a "beauty and the beast"/"white savior" role where she finds out they aren't barbaric and she's the "special one" who just happens to see he isn't some foreign dark skinned animal. The foreign race is seen as an attractive feature where it is attractive that he is of a different race because that means he is more animalistic, masculine, barbaric or "new/different"(this take would be fine but I doubt the story would delve into the culture and beliefs of other countries because if he was from a more arab background he would be more civilized and religious with no sex before marriage and he would have a harem as harems were not only a sex thing but a way to forge bonds with other factions and countries). It's "I would like the surface level cool and sexy shit without all the baggage work and understanding, I would like hot foreign man but I would like the cool and hot foreign stuff but I don't want any of the barbaric shit unless it's the hot barbaric sex". It's similar to the "lotus flower" trope in western television where the attractiveness of the woman comes from the percieved domination a man can have with a submissive asian woman not because of the rich culture or person she might be but because of the control he might have over her. Think if the genders were reversed in either scenario/perception and it becomes clear why there's an issue. Finding any one particular race attractive always warrants a side eye especially if it's not your own race because if its your own race then it probably means your family wants you to stay in the same wheelhouse and culture.

    It's not about the character and her wants and views but the writers intentions with writing such a scenario. Why did it have to be a foreign brown man? Why not a white man from a European country because Europe has had lots of interactions with one another from Spain to Italy to France to Denmark. The only answer is it's a fetish and the reason I say it's a fetish is because everything related to his attractiveness uses his race as an excuse like why is he good at fighting? Because he's brown and barbaric. Why is he so good in bed? Because he's brown and barbaric. Why is he nice to her and respects women? Because uh.... He wouldn't be an attractive love interest otherwise, even though it might contradict his culture and viewpoint. The story can't decide whether he's barbaric or civilized (noble savage-esq) because an attractive love interest is civilized but he's "foreign, war hungry and barbaric". I wouldn't be upset if the culture was explored or heck even a fantasy culture and race was created and explored but this "foreign culture" was not created nor researched with care because it is so surface level and shallow with it's depiction because it's not even trying to be well put together and thought out. It wants the aesthetic of "hot foreign chivalrous guy" not because it wishes to understand him but because it wants the token foreigner hot guy.

    Tldr the story finds him hot and foreign in a shallow way as it doesn't want the indepth culture of him as most of these "hot foreign" guy stories do.

    CuriousGumWad July 10, 2024 8:12 am
    how am I nasty? This persona that you're trying to create like you're an upright person just because you're seeing issues that other people don't see. You can't even assume that these people don't have any qual... Nemesis

    The main issue is that the story sees him as a hot dude but still sees him as lesser than and more "savage". So while it still frames him as attractive and desirable it also frames him as beastly and animalistic like he's not a person but some lesser neanderthal-like being. Which is very YIKES. "He's hot but like he's still brown guys he might be a "king" but he's still just a brown king". I'm not singling this story out for doing this it is just part of a bigger problem in manhwa, manhua, manga and asian media in general in portraying Arab and black cultures. Sometimes stories get foreign culture right because the author and has done research and put care into making a character and their home culture feel fleshed out and part of them but generally we get stuff like this which is just "Sexy brown man king steal white pale virgin demure princess"

    Shannon July 10, 2024 8:15 am
    The main issue is that the story sees him as a hot dude but still sees him as lesser than and more "savage". So while it still frames him as attractive and desirable it also frames him as beastly and animalisti... CuriousGumWad

    Ate them up I fear

    CuriousGumWad July 10, 2024 9:43 am
    how is she a white savior when he's literally the one saving her Nemesis

    When I put in "savior" I didn't mean white savior I meant that usually in these kinds of stories(tan foreign ML X innocent virgin pale FL) she's either an angel saint of a woman or she isn't racist against his race and actually shows understanding to his culture making her an "angel" in the framing of the story and sometimes side/supporting characters like the foreign hand maids for example.

    CuriousGumWad July 10, 2024 9:50 am
    The main issue is that the story sees him as a hot dude but still sees him as lesser than and more "savage". So while it still frames him as attractive and desirable it also frames him as beastly and animalisti... CuriousGumWad

    You can say it's not blatant but similarly to how you assumed "Shannon" was insinuating you were white that is how the story is treating and describing the ML in the first two chapters. (this was just for clarification)

    loopy July 10, 2024 10:16 pm
    Just realized I was talking abt the wrong person so let's actually talk about you. You have no life, no friends, no interests, nothing. You're not even a fan abt this and as soon as you see someone criticize sm... Shannon

    do u all talk so damn much this is what is being posted on this platform if u dont like it go read a webtoon u go on a website with all kinds of smut (smut usually has fetishes) and u bitch likes its a surprise like stop being so damn political and go somewhere u wont me so triggered hhahahhahahah u thought u ate that shit up huh my fweelings awer so hwurt ╥﹏╥

    Shannon July 11, 2024 6:09 am
    do u all talk so damn much this is what is being posted on this platform if u dont like it go read a webtoon u go on a website with all kinds of smut (smut usually has fetishes) and u bitch likes its a surprise... loopy

    You're the one who got mad when the commenter had a concern . How about you actually attempt to have a bath cause people genuinely don't want to be near you because of the green funk you emit whenever you are in the vicinity. If you don't like a comment then don't respond and maybe try not being a waste of air that everyone wishes your unintelligent, vacuous, uncouth, obnoxious, should have been aborted ass was never around, much less considered a fleeting dream! Hope this helps you get a life and maybe you can try the act of getting a job so you're actually worth something to the world

    Shannon July 11, 2024 6:22 am
    do u all talk so damn much this is what is being posted on this platform if u dont like it go read a webtoon u go on a website with all kinds of smut (smut usually has fetishes) and u bitch likes its a surprise... loopy

    Also, I recommend you picking up The Oxford English Dictionary or at least Grammarly because I genuinely had a stroke trying to read this mess

    Swagnae July 12, 2024 7:09 am
    but just imagine if u just shut up its a hella good story u yapper take u and ur yappiness somewhere else qhah

    No actually, the Japanese/koreans have this weird idea about exotic people being a certain way (e.g primitive and hypersexual); while the whites and light skinned are pure and shit. Crazy how pointing that out makes ya'll hysterical