Dropped at Ch2

CuriousGumWad July 2, 2024 7:11 am

I'm tired of this racist fetishizing orientalist stereotyping bullshit plus pure innocent white snow savior innocent virgin FL who gives her virginity to ML.

Cover made me think it was just some sexy werewolf shit or cool black haired ML this is weird "beastly race" (not using a real race because that would be racist but we're definitely talking about THAT race *wink**wink)

    qhah July 2, 2024 8:07 am

    but just imagine if u just shut up its a hella good story u yapper take u and ur yappiness somewhere else

    yeonwoo July 4, 2024 3:58 am
    but just imagine if u just shut up its a hella good story u yapper take u and ur yappiness somewhere else qhah

    i like this.

    CuriousGumWad July 4, 2024 7:19 am
    but just imagine if u just shut up its a hella good story u yapper take u and ur yappiness somewhere else qhah

    This is literally porn

    loopy July 5, 2024 5:06 am
    This is literally porn CuriousGumWad

    there's so much more to it curiousgumTWAT literally so much depth and u only noticed the 4 sex scenes are u twating my dick right now ! pervert :}

    CuriousGumWad July 5, 2024 8:59 am
    there's so much more to it curiousgumTWAT literally so much depth and u only noticed the 4 sex scenes are u twating my dick right now ! pervert :} loopy

    Ah yes big strong beastly dark skinned man saves innocent pale white snow virgin princess noble girl from her evil family that has no depth other than "we're evil and hate her" OH and lets not forget about her evil gross old man fiance with a gold tooth who's also evil because *checks notes* he's old, rich and has a gold tooth and yuck why would our leading lady wanna fuck him when she could be railed by a handsome jacked barbaric king of a foreign country. What's that? he's nice to her and respects her and why is that? Why has he taken interest in her? Oh it's because they've had sex and she gave him her virginity and he finds her good in bed even though she's a virgin and now he can't even think about sleeping with another woman.

    How deep and complex of a story! You're right I was wrong this isn't just porn (even though most reviews and comments are of readers saying how hot the sex scenes are)

    loopy July 6, 2024 9:10 am
    Ah yes big strong beastly dark skinned man saves innocent pale white snow virgin princess noble girl from her evil family that has no depth other than "we're evil and hate her" OH and lets not forget about her ... CuriousGumWad

    I ain't reading all of that yapper ( ̄- ̄)

    loopy July 6, 2024 9:14 am
    Ah yes big strong beastly dark skinned man saves innocent pale white snow virgin princess noble girl from her evil family that has no depth other than "we're evil and hate her" OH and lets not forget about her ... CuriousGumWad

    all jokes tho I got a wee bit defensive cus I like the story ur very wordy which makes u better than me hehe ( ̄▽ ̄ )*wink**wink

    Shannon July 10, 2024 5:40 am


    Shannon July 10, 2024 5:41 am
    but just imagine if u just shut up its a hella good story u yapper take u and ur yappiness somewhere else qhah

    You really upset at how someone called attention to some fetishy shit, shows where your priorities lie

    Shannon July 10, 2024 5:46 am
    I ain't reading all of that yapper ( ̄- ̄) loopy

    If you want to see yapping look through your reviews. And it's so interesting to see the lack of intersectionality with you. You get mad at homophobia and you critiqued it but the second someone critiques racism and fetishism you get angry at them. Maybe you should sit this out as you really only defend smth when you like it. You find it easy to get over discrimination based on race rather than sexuality and that's like the most fake thing I've seen here. Maybe try reading on intersectionality, it will help you when it comes to you picking and choosing what to defend or call out. And I'm saying this as a black queer person

    Shannon July 10, 2024 5:49 am
    If you want to see yapping look through your reviews. And it's so interesting to see the lack of intersectionality with you. You get mad at homophobia and you critiqued it but the second someone critiques racis... Shannon

    Just realized I was talking abt the wrong person so let's actually talk about you. You have no life, no friends, no interests, nothing. You're not even a fan abt this and as soon as you see someone criticize smth you don't see as a problem you run to defend it like you have nothing better to do with your life. I look at your account and wish when your mother was pregnant she used a hanger and scooped your ass right out.

    Nemesis July 10, 2024 5:49 am

    how is she a white savior when he's literally the one saving her

    Shannon July 10, 2024 5:51 am

    Anyways poster of this comment didn't deserve these ppl disrespecting them. I hope this manhwa stops uploading and the enjoyers submit a job application instead of staying in the basement of their mother's house, eating nothing but chips all day and shitting where they sleep

    Shannon July 10, 2024 5:52 am
    how is she a white savior when he's literally the one saving her Nemesis

    Pls stfu bro

    Shannon July 10, 2024 5:54 am
    how is she a white savior when he's literally the one saving her Nemesis

    Like no offense but the story throws in a lot of fetishism towards black and brown ppl as well as racism, it could be written so much better and defending it shows your nasty character

    Nemesis July 10, 2024 5:55 am
    Ah yes big strong beastly dark skinned man saves innocent pale white snow virgin princess noble girl from her evil family that has no depth other than "we're evil and hate her" OH and lets not forget about her ... CuriousGumWad

    girl so what? So what if it's not complex? We're not here to make a book report about How to Kill a Mocking Bird, we're here to read a story for enjoyment. How is this fetishizing? Like do white people have a weird fetish to be saved by a south asian man be swept away by her horrible family? Isn't fetishization especially when it comes to race literally about their race. She didn't like him because he's south asian she likes him aside from the sex due to the conflicting emotions he makes her feel and is that bad? Like as a SouthEast Asian person and someone who is dark skinned, I do not understand why you're trying to make an issue out of nothing especially that is fictional and a world that is solely fiction. Like I don't get it at all.

    Shannon July 10, 2024 5:55 am
    how is she a white savior when he's literally the one saving her Nemesis

    If you want better recs with darkskin male leads, I can always give you some, you don't have to torture yourself with this trash

    Shannon July 10, 2024 5:57 am
    girl so what? So what if it's not complex? We're not here to make a book report about How to Kill a Mocking Bird, we're here to read a story for enjoyment. How is this fetishizing? Like do white people have a w... Nemesis

    The main fetishism points comes from how the darkskin characters are described like things like "beastly" and the random mixing of cultures that shows author has no idea what they're writing or drawing. Also people are allowed to critique something about racist and weird elements, despite it "only being fiction" and if you don't get it, then you don't have to reply, tf

    Nemesis July 10, 2024 6:02 am
    If you want better recs with darkskin male leads, I can always give you some, you don't have to torture yourself with this trash Shannon

    I don't find this trashy at all? Idk why y'all are trying to impose what you like, I'm just here to enjoy my story and no I am not white and I am South East Asian.

    Shannon July 10, 2024 6:05 am
    I don't find this trashy at all? Idk why y'all are trying to impose what you like, I'm just here to enjoy my story and no I am not white and I am South East Asian. Nemesis

    No one even said you were white ? And if you were here to enjoy your story you'd ignore the comments and keep it pushing tf. And also I wasn't imposing. If you had actually used critical thinking skills, you'd see I said and I quote, "if you want". I didn't say I'd force you to read my recs. And yes it's trash, you might not think so, but it's genuinely an ass manhwa and the cultural aspects could be written better.