what the fuck is wrong with this fandom

fenisme July 2, 2024 12:52 am

paskim has gotten a lot of hate and criticism because of the most recent chapters, (that haven't really even been officially translated in english) because of the flashbacks and the lack of skylar appearances. it has gotten so bad, that she even posted a thread on twitter where she said that people called her HOMOPHOBIC for it. and the worst of it all, people has been sending her death threats and sh pictures in her dms. are these people fucking out of their minds? harassing a real person because their fav character hasn't appeared in the story for a while? this has really gotten too far. paskim is an AMAZING author, she's always been nice to her community and she's created a true masterpiece with a great story and beautiful art. she doesn't deserve the harassment she's been getting. she's already been struggling with her health for a while and now people are stressing her out even more because they don't like the way PASKIM'S story is progressing. if u don't like it - just drop it. don't harass the author for the love of god.

    Woah July 2, 2024 12:08 am

    i absolutely HATEE people who do this omg.. like if ur gonna be that insensitive over a character not having "enough" screentime then go find something else to read. the recent chapters are CLEARLY about cirrus and the amount of chapters he has "taken up" arent even that many i honestly dont get people who send death threats to authors over this.

    DepressedMimi_ROO July 2, 2024 1:08 am

    Wow I had no idea this was happening like what the fuck is wrong with people?
    Thanks for letting us know

    Pvkooi July 2, 2024 8:47 am

    THANK U. im so sick of seeing paskim getting harassed over litc and ppl not liking it. half the time they don’t understand the true intentions behind specific parts of the series and js r quick to bitch and its getting hella frustrating. its so well written and detailed like i wish ppl saw that..