Nothing in this manga is as gross as some of the comments below. Disgusting.

Shirane February 25, 2017 2:22 pm

Nothing in this manga is as gross as some of the comments below.

    kurosaki February 25, 2017 2:29 pm


    Chikara February 25, 2017 2:37 pm

    I'm so agree. I think the psychology in this comic is very interesting and i really wanted bum will be save, so sad he turns to be a psycho too. But omg people are so creepy in the comments O_O. She was a bitch but she doesn't deserve it WTF. Killing stalking's readers are more scary than the story. I'm so shocked

    Anoni Grrl February 25, 2017 2:47 pm

    Not everyone likes gallows humor or related reactions when discussing dark fiction, but some do. Some people make statements that seem cold or gross just to stake the sting out of what they saw. It's a way some people enjoy fiction--especially horror.

    It's just fiction, so relax.

    Shirane February 25, 2017 6:54 pm
    Not everyone likes gallows humor or related reactions when discussing dark fiction, but some do. Some people make statements that seem cold or gross just to stake the sting out of what they saw. It's a way some... Anoni Grrl

    Ironically, I've been almost waiting for that kind of reply...

    So, here's my answer:
    Yeah, the manga is fiction. Totally agree with you there.

    Whereas the comments are not.
    These are real cheers for killing, from real people.

    And I will never keep my mouth shut with that kind of comments.
    I think I have the right to espress my feelings with those comments as much as concerned commentators have the right to post smileys with heartshaped eyes.
    Did you tell them to relax as well?

    kurosaki February 25, 2017 7:02 pm
    Ironically, I've been almost waiting for that kind of reply...So, here's my answer:Yeah, the manga is fiction. Totally agree with you there.Whereas the comments are not. These are real cheers for killing, from ... Shirane

    Damn your comment is amazing . I agree with you.

    Chikara February 25, 2017 7:09 pm
    Ironically, I've been almost waiting for that kind of reply...So, here's my answer:Yeah, the manga is fiction. Totally agree with you there.Whereas the comments are not. These are real cheers for killing, from ... Shirane

    Totally agree (● ̄(エ) ̄●)

    Anoni Grrl February 25, 2017 7:25 pm
    Ironically, I've been almost waiting for that kind of reply...So, here's my answer:Yeah, the manga is fiction. Totally agree with you there.Whereas the comments are not. These are real cheers for killing, from ... Shirane

    They are real comments by real people *about fiction*. They are expressing ideas *about a story*. You have a right to express your feelings, but you are expressing judgement of real people based on how they enjoy or interpret fiction--it is different.

    Shirane February 25, 2017 8:29 pm

    I just said, that some comments are disgusting. Not the people who posted them. Please be so kind to differentiate between that.

    Come on, Grrl, you're just arguing for the sake of arguing, why make them your case?
    There's not a single good argument in your reply.
    So what if I express judgement? Who are you to judge me, then?
    It doesn't change the way I feel about some of the comments. On the contrary.
    And I just don't accept your attempt of oppression.

    A K I R A February 26, 2017 5:44 pm

    I was re-read Sora o Daite Oyasumi and remembered you, and I come to say Hiii + love your profile description

    Anoni Grrl February 26, 2017 5:52 pm
    I just said, that some comments are disgusting. Not the people who posted them. Please be so kind to differentiate between that.Come on, Grrl, you're just arguing for the sake of arguing, why make them your cas... Shirane

    I am not judging you, and I am not trying to change how you feel. What I am trying to get across is that there is a difference between cheering "killing" and cheering *fictional* killing. This difference is important to me, and asserting it is not a form of oppression.

    Shirane February 26, 2017 6:11 pm
    I was re-read Sora o Daite Oyasumi and remembered you, and I come to say Hiii + love your profile description A K I R A

    Heyyyyyy, nice to hear from you again :D
    Thanks to you I also re-read Sora o Daite Oyasumi on the spot and it still hurts like hell...
    Thank you a lot!

    Shirane February 26, 2017 7:07 pm
    I am not judging you, and I am not trying to change how you feel. What I am trying to get across is that there is a difference between cheering "killing" and cheering *fictional* killing. This difference is imp... Anoni Grrl

    Well, I feel judged and very unpleasantly lectured by your comment. Telling me to relax is the epitome of trying to tell me how I should feel. Right?
    Maybe just accept that I express my opinion here, in general, about some random comments, in a general column just existing for people to express their opinions.
    I'm not personally telling any of the writers of these comments how they should behave, I don't even say, they're wrong. I'm merely stating my opinion.
    You, on the other hand, get personal on a basis that doesn't even exist. Namely, that I'm interested in what's important to you. Or interested in your opinion at all. But I'm not. You're not even original. Or just.
    So I would like to end this conversation here, because I visit this side for my enjoyment and not to be annoyed. Thank you.