a wake up call

yaoisnorter July 1, 2024 10:58 am

people who keep complaining about how this is a shotacon manga or how it's turning into one but are still reading it, how does it feel to be the most hypocritical person alive? if you don't like it then don't read it. or else im gonna assume you're one of us.

and also to the people that are trying to apply this situation into real life, shut up. fiction is different from reality. a 17 y/o in real life shouldn't be with a freaking 12 y/o (IN REAL LIFE!!!). learn how to differentiate fiction from reality and develop some media literacy skills.

    GLORIOUSKINGKABRU July 1, 2024 11:02 am

    We're not the one defending that shit in real life, you should go look at your own community because i just had to explain to someone that their 12 year old sister was in fact groomed by a 17 and that it is not in fact normal. You're community is filled with pedophiles and you want us to believe y'all are normal? No normal person is okay with consuming this type of romanized pedophilic content

    yaoisnorter July 1, 2024 11:20 am
    We're not the one defending that shit in real life, you should go look at your own community because i just had to explain to someone that their 12 year old sister was in fact groomed by a 17 and that it is not... GLORIOUSKINGKABRU

    what tf are u doing here then? why are /you/ consuming this media? how did you even find this? stop being so hypocritical. and just because one person has a batshit pedo take doesn't mean all of us agree, as you can see with the second paragraph of my post. did you even read my whole comment? i dont want to alarm you, but real pedophiles can be seen everywhere. an anti can be a pedophile. someone who is holier than thou in the internet can be a pedophile. every community is not safe. every community can have those kind of people. blaming a whole community because of one person is insane.

    GLORIOUSKINGKABRU July 1, 2024 11:26 am
    what tf are u doing here then? why are /you/ consuming this media? how did you even find this? stop being so hypocritical. and just because one person has a batshit pedo take doesn't mean all of us agree, as y... yaoisnorter

    "what tf are u doing here then? why are /you/ consuming this media? how did you even find this?" Im hating, I'm not consuming this story, never even opened it the "shota" tag is telling me everything i need to know, it's on the front page when people comment.

    Yes all communities have pedophiles, no place is safe but community like shota/lolicons are specifically made for them, it's a safe space for them to consume drawn CP, it's a safe way for them to excuse their fantasies and live said fantasies, everything caters to specific people shota/Loli caters to pedophiles. Hope this helps

    Squalefs July 1, 2024 11:36 am
    We're not the one defending that shit in real life, you should go look at your own community because i just had to explain to someone that their 12 year old sister was in fact groomed by a 17 and that it is not... GLORIOUSKINGKABRU

    In fact, a lot of people consume dark media. And that's okay, it allows you to explore some themes you're curious or you might be interested in a healthier way and it doesn't hurt anybody.

    A thing most of y'all fail to understand here is that a healthy mind is able to differentiate between fiction and reality. It understands what's right and wrong, if you cannot separate the two then you are not fit enough to consume that type of media to begin with. Unhealthy minds is where they just let fiction affect your reality.

    So respectfully, if you can't stomach this content, you're free to just leave.

    GLORIOUSKINGKABRU July 1, 2024 11:42 am
    In fact, a lot of people consume dark media. And that's okay, it allows you to explore some themes you're curious or you might be interested in a healthier way and it doesn't hurt anybody. A thing most of y'all... Squalefs

    Dark media and romanticized dark media are two different things. This story doesn't explore how this type of "relationship" affects the child, it doesn't explore anything serious actually, it's just a way for the author pedo fantasies

    Squalefs July 1, 2024 11:48 am
    Dark media and romanticized dark media are two different things. This story doesn't explore how this type of "relationship" affects the child, it doesn't explore anything serious actually, it's just a way for t... GLORIOUSKINGKABRU

    Nothing wrong with romanticized dark media because guess what, they're not real. Fictional characters are basically objects, do what you want with them. Whether it's for educational purposes or a way to just draw, write etc. just for the hell of it doesn't matter because, again:

    They ain't real lmao but I'm not trying to force this on anybody, you're still free to click away.

    yaoisnorter July 1, 2024 11:56 am
    "what tf are u doing here then? why are /you/ consuming this media? how did you even find this?" Im hating, I'm not consuming this story, never even opened it the "shota" tag is telling me everything i need to ... GLORIOUSKINGKABRU

    there is no thing as drawn 'CP', and CP in it of itself is a dated term because children cannot consent, therefore they cannot make p0rn. it's called CSEM/CSAM, child sexual exploitation/abuse material and im telling you this as a victim of CSEM to educate you. a drawing is not a child, therefore it cannot consent nor is it a living human being. there are no fictional CSEM, it doesn't exist. these are lines on a page, sometimes words on a page. of course it's different than reality and real life, because then that's actually pedophilia.

    pedophiles are sick people, but that doesn't mean that all shotacon and lolicon spaces are for them especially when a huge part of the lolisho community are victims of CSEM and child abuse. attacking people/spaces just doesn't do anything good for all people involved especially when y'all are the ones in the place where you don't belong. a lot of victims can use this kind of media to come to terms with their trauma, including me. so i suggest if you plan on attacking people, make sure that it's an actual pedophile and not just a person enjoying a certain type of fictional media.

    GLORIOUSKINGKABRU July 1, 2024 12:02 pm
    there is no thing as drawn 'CP', and CP in it of itself is a dated term because children cannot consent, therefore they cannot make p0rn. it's called CSEM/CSAM, child sexual exploitation/abuse material and im t... yaoisnorter

    What are shota and loli? Children what do pedophiles like? Let's do the math

    yaoisnorter July 1, 2024 12:08 pm
    What are shota and loli? Children what do pedophiles like? Let's do the math GLORIOUSKINGKABRU

    shota is a japanese slang term for a cultural version of a more youthful or childlike male appearance. and loli are the term for the girl version. they're not even remotely just kids. but even if they are, IT'S STILL FICTIONAL it's still lines on a page. and your retort doesn't even make sense. a man and a woman have unprotected sex, what's gonna happen? children. what do pedophiles like? children? should we banish children out of this world? should we punish the man and the woman for having a child? what a shitty logic LMAO

    a pedophile will be a pedophile. you could be part of a kpop fandom and there will still be a pedophile. why not harass them instead of wasting your time with freaking mangas, fictional and NOT REAL mangas

    GLORIOUSKINGKABRU July 1, 2024 12:10 pm
    shota is a japanese slang term for a cultural version of a more youthful or childlike male appearance. and loli are the term for the girl version. they're not even remotely just kids. but even if they are, IT'S... yaoisnorter

    Now you're straight up lying shots and Loli have always been used to refer to adults that like children in Japan an example would be that one singer that is very obviously grooming one of her backpack dancers (whose a little boy) and she keeps calling herself a shotacons, lemme remember her stupid name

    GLORIOUSKINGKABRU July 1, 2024 12:11 pm
    shota is a japanese slang term for a cultural version of a more youthful or childlike male appearance. and loli are the term for the girl version. they're not even remotely just kids. but even if they are, IT'S... yaoisnorter

    This is the singer look into it https://youtu.be/yzC4hFK5P3g?si=J1wbVl70j-LlL3Ox

    GLORIOUSKINGKABRU July 1, 2024 12:24 pm
    shota is a japanese slang term for a cultural version of a more youthful or childlike male appearance. and loli are the term for the girl version. they're not even remotely just kids. but even if they are, IT'S... yaoisnorter


    yaoisnorter July 1, 2024 12:24 pm
    Now you're straight up lying shots and Loli have always been used to refer to adults that like children in Japan an example would be that one singer that is very obviously grooming one of her backpack dancers ... GLORIOUSKINGKABRU

    bruh we are currently talking about mangas. it's unfortunate that people like that exists but shota and loli are different from shotacon and lolicon therefore they have different meanings. i was not lying because that's literally the definition of shota, you can look it up. like i said pedophiles will be in any community. maybe harass them instead of me? because im tired of explaining things to you just for you to ignore it and focus on one little insignificant thing. all of the terms ive discussed with you are all backed up by the law (in regards of CSEM/CSAM) and the internet. of course language will be used differently by different people. though i hope you actually learn something like don't ever call CSEM "CP", bc that's just tone deaf and fictional media can't be CSEM/CSAM because none of it is real. good bye and i hope you have a nice day! i know you have the best interest at heart

    SIOPRO July 1, 2024 12:26 pm

    “I’m gonna assume you’re one of us you hypocrite and you definitely read this because I’m never wrooong fiction never defines reality!!!”

    Dumb fucks I’m not the same category as you and I have not read more than two chapters. WAKE UP CALL FOR YOU is that this shit isn’t supposed to be romanticised. Stop blaming us for opening y’all eyes.

    GLORIOUSKINGKABRU July 1, 2024 12:27 pm
    bruh we are currently talking about mangas. it's unfortunate that people like that exists but shota and loli are different from shotacon and lolicon therefore they have different meanings. i was not lying becau... yaoisnorter

    Loli comes from the book Lolita. The terms are pedophilic wherever you want to admit it or not. Shotacons and Lolicons ate just the targeted audience for shota and loli content pedo content for pedophiles

    yaoisnorter July 1, 2024 12:34 pm
    “I’m gonna assume you’re one of us you hypocrite and you definitely read this because I’m never wrooong fiction never defines reality!!!” Dumb fucks I’m not the same category as you and I have not r... SIOPRO

    if the shoe doesn't fit then don't fucking wear it. are you so dumb that you haven't thought about how maybe you weren't my target audience? or are you so narcissistic that you think every post under this god forsaken website is about you? if this doesn't apply to you then it's not for you because there are legit people who have been reading this and are in denial about it. stop embarrassing yourself

    yaoisnorter July 1, 2024 12:39 pm
    “I’m gonna assume you’re one of us you hypocrite and you definitely read this because I’m never wrooong fiction never defines reality!!!” Dumb fucks I’m not the same category as you and I have not r... SIOPRO

    "people who keep complaining about how this is a shotacon manga or how it's turning into one but are still reading it"

    key point - "BUT ARE STILL READING IT"

    you dumb fuck can't even read and comprehend properly. i hate stupid people

    SIOPRO July 1, 2024 2:29 pm
    if the shoe doesn't fit then don't fucking wear it. are you so dumb that you haven't thought about how maybe you weren't my target audience? or are you so narcissistic that you think every post under this god f... yaoisnorter

    LMFAOOO you’re so pissed you missed every point. Anyways, what are you trying to prove?

    SIOPRO July 1, 2024 2:31 pm
    "people who keep complaining about how this is a shotacon manga or how it's turning into one but are still reading it"key point - "BUT ARE STILL READING IT"you dumb fuck can't even read and comprehend properly.... yaoisnorter

    You can’t hate yourself honey I haven’t even mentioned that point. Oh my god you keep digging your grave such an easy opponent. So what’s the point? Have you accepted that you’re sick?

    SIOPRO July 1, 2024 2:32 pm
    if the shoe doesn't fit then don't fucking wear it. are you so dumb that you haven't thought about how maybe you weren't my target audience? or are you so narcissistic that you think every post under this god f... yaoisnorter

    Yes and then the shoes have blades inside. Fucker what are you saying??