Maybe I'm illiterate or something I didn't understand any meaning of her letter to him.

Monokuma July 1, 2024 9:51 am

Maybe I'm illiterate or something I didn't understand any meaning of her letter to him.

    Beaniebby July 1, 2024 5:11 pm

    She was basically just saying that she understands her position and wouldn't dare to be greedy. Such as ask him to help her or spend his free time with her or anything around that matter. The conflict part is referring to if they were to continue to spend time together feelings might get involved and the whole purpose of her being there will be discarded. She is there for one purpose and one purpose only. She knows he wants to sleep with her but she not on that. So in a way she is saying I'm focused I know my place I will not cross any boundaries and she hopes he does the same.

    That's what interpreted I could be wrong tho.

    wonders July 1, 2024 8:11 pm
    She was basically just saying that she understands her position and wouldn't dare to be greedy. Such as ask him to help her or spend his free time with her or anything around that matter. The conflict part is r... Beaniebby

    Love your interpretation! Thanks for typing it out :))

    Monokuma July 1, 2024 11:27 pm
    She was basically just saying that she understands her position and wouldn't dare to be greedy. Such as ask him to help her or spend his free time with her or anything around that matter. The conflict part is r... Beaniebby

    Thank you ! I did get the vibe but I was lost on the arrangement of the letter. English is my 3rd language so it's even harder when they write it like this.